Consultancy for Child Protection for Child Verification System (CVS) Process
Consultancy for Child Protection for Child Verification System (CVS) Process
This ToR is to outline the
responsibilities of
a consultant
in ensuring an effective integration of child protection in upcoming child verification
ChildFund Indonesia
ChildFund is an International NGO that has been operating in Indonesia since 1973. It
has its National Office in South Jakarta
2 zonal offices. The first zonal office is located in Jakarta, whilst the
second zonal office is located in Kupang, Eastern Indonesia. The program is approximately 5 m$ per year. Most of these
funds come primarily from child sponsorship and grants. Engaging with communities, local
and national Government and ministries in the sector of Child Protection,
Education, Health, Emergency Response, Disaster Risk Reduction, Food Security,
Economic Development, Gender Mainstreaming, ChildFund Indonesia directly assists 36,225 registered children
through the sponsorship program. To date, ChildFund has program in 8 provinces, 32
districts and 173 villages in Indonesia, with 432,615 children and families have benefited
from this program.
ChildFund Indonesia works in
partnership with community based organizations throughout Indonesia to support
children and youth who are
Excluded and Vulnerable (DEV) so that they can improve their lives and become young adults, parents and
leaders who will bring lasting and positive change in their communities. More
specifically, ChildFund Indonesia supports these children in their different life stages towards becoming:
- Healthy and Secured Infants – Lifestage 1 (LS 1)
- Educated and Confident Children – Lifestage 2 (LS 2)
- Skilled
and Involved Youth – Lifestage 3 (LS 3)
ChildFund Indonesia also works to promote societies whose
individuals and institutions participate in valuing, protecting, and advancing
the worth and rights of children.
Verification System (CVS) Process
CVS is an annual process required by ChildFund
International (HQ) as a part of our accountability to the program and to the
sponsors. This year, CVS will take place in Quarter 2 (October-December 2016). The process
this year requires 3 new Child Protection questions to be included in the
questions asked by enumerators . A guidance document has been developed to
support ChildFund national offices prepare for this and to implement
This will take place in 3 phases :
- Phase 1 : Preparation : October
- Phase 2 : Implementation : November
- Phase 3 :
Upload and analysis : December
ChildFund has developed
a plan for 3 phases and there is a specific guidance on how this process
should be done.
Support team of ChildFund Indonesia in familiarization child protection
component in the new CVS process.
Preparation phase : October
- Manage the child protection component of CVS initiative.
- Train ChildFund staff to use the guidance.
- Train 16 local partners and their child protection focal points in the CVS process.
- Support the training of enumerators on CP questions.
- Developing reporting protocol for the cases of violence against children, exploitation, abuse or neglect.
- Developing referral mechanisms guidance.
phase : November
- Oversight of the local partners child protection focal points during the implementation – for advice and support.
- Support the data analysis of the Child protection responses gathered by enumerators.
- Debrief on process with ChildFund Indonesia designated team.
Key documents
- CVS : what it and how it works
- Child protection in ChildFund
- Childfund International guidance document on incorporating 3 child protection questions into next CVS process in Nov.
Phase 1:
- Reporting protocol for the cases of violence against children, exploitation, abuse or neglect.
- Referral mechanisms guidance.
- ChildFund designated staff, 16 local partners and their child protection focal points are trained in child protection component in the CVS process.
Phase 2:
- Documentation of child protecdtion in CVS implementation.
Phase 3:
- Report on data analysis of child protection responses gathered by enumerators.
- Report and recommendations on how to improve the process.
Consultant will
be required to perform the services from national office ChildFund Indonesia in
Jakarta and approximately 8 provinces of ChildFund working areas (Sumatera
Selatan, Lampung, Bogor/Jawa Barat, DKI Jakarta, Banten, Jawa Tengah, DI
Yogyakarta & NTT).
During the performance of the consultancy services, the consultant will
report to the National Director of ChildFund Indonesia, but will work closely
with Zonal Managers, Sponsor & Relations Manager & M&E Specialist.
From October
3 to December 31, 2016, but does not exceed a total of 45 days. Any extension
shall be mutually agreed priorly.
Please submit your application to apane@childfund.org before 30 September 2016.