Programme Manager (male/female) for our programme in the Philippines
Davao with frequent duty trips to our other project sites in Central Mindanao
(Cotabato) and North East Mindanao (Butuan) as well as to Manila and to
Forum Civil Peace Service (forumZFD) The Forum Civil Peace Service is an umbrella organisation providing
training and project support in Germany and abroad and advocates with
its members renunciation of violence- based policy, the strengthening of
civilian resources in the state and society and democratic
participation of all social, ethnic and religious groups. Currently the
forumZFD is working with more than 80 employees at locations in Germany,
the Middle East, the Western Balkans, on the Philippines and Cambodia.
The office in Cologne has about 30 employees, who help shape the project
work in Germany and abroad, the work of the Academy of Conflict
Transformation as well as undertaking public relations, lobbying and
training activities.
Your duties
On Mindanao in the Philippines, various conflict areas overlap: The
major one is the conflict between the rebel group Moro Islamic
Liberation Front (MILF) and the Philippine Government, but conflicts
over resources and decades of communist rebellion have shaped the
conditions on Mindanao as well.
Together with its partners from local civil society, government institutions and the media, the forumZFD
is fostering mutual understanding and strengthening communication
structures as well as negotiation processes between the conflicting
parties. At the same time, it is building capacities for peace work and
promoting networks between these parties.
Aided by local key actors, the forumZFD aims at contributing to
a constructive dialogue between the representatives of very different
interests and agendas in the Philippines. Pivotal to this commitment is
support for the peace process between the MILF and the Philippine
Government as well as the transformation of resource conflicts.
As manager of the forumZFD’s programme in the Philippines
you will report to the Department Projects and Programmes. You will be
responsible for the implementation as well as the financial viability
and the ongoing conceptual development of this programme. The financial
management, project-related public relations activities and other duties
will be carried out in close cooperation with the operational
departments of the forumZFD.
In detail, your tasks and duties will include:
- Managing and guiding the current projects of the forumZFD at various locations with at present 15 staff members (personnel guidance and development, financial management, programme planning);
- Further development of the programme in the Philippines within the framework determined by the relevant strategic markers;
- Acquisition of financial means – together with cooperation partners, if feasible;
- Safeguarding the quality of the programme’s operational processes in line with the internal standards of the forumZFD und supporting the impact-oriented implementation of the various programme components;
- Operational management of the programme office in Davao: administration, financial management, personnel guidance, technical requirements;
- Support for the political work and public relations activities of the forumZFD on location and in Germany;
- External representation of the forumZFD’s programme.
Your Profile
- Vocational qualifications and/or a university degree (social sciences, political sciences, ethnology or related studies);
- Several years’ experience in development cooperation and/or in conflict management (e.g. Civil Peace Service) in crisis regions; desirable is a profound knowledge of the political situation in the Philippines and work experience in South East Asia;
- Qualifications as an expert advisor in the methods of non-violent conflict transformation;
- Profound management and advisory experience in the areas of personnel guidance, project planning, administration and financial controlling in a complex social environment;
- High social competencies, flexibility and ability to work in a team;
- High competency for communication coupled with a profound awareness of structures and different roles in the cooperation with partner organisations and local partners, given the inter-cultural context;
- Suitability for assignments in tropical areas and strong ability to work under physical and psychological pressure;
- High command of verbal and written English (the official project language);
- High confidence in using IT tools (experience with Open Source, if possible) and online-based working platforms.
We offer
We offer you an exciting and responsible task in a dedicated, growing
organisation with remuneration based on the development worker law
(EhfG) incl. comprehensive social security and financial reintegration
assistance upon return. Participation in training and continuing
education courses, among others at the Academy for Conflict
Transformation in the forumZFD, project-based preparation, part-time coaching and if necessary participation in a language course.
In your position, you will be part of the department
for projects and programmes. You will bring in your ideas and skills to
the teamworking surroundings between department manager, the project
coordinations and staff members in different countries and further
departments of our organisation.
Start of your assignment from 1st December 2016 / 1st February 2017 at the latest, including the preparation period in Germany and the induction phase on location. The
contract will be drawn up for at least two or, optionally, three years
with the further option of an extension.
How to apply: Please send your application with pertinent documents in German or English (motivation letter, CV and references, preferably as a PDF document) by 1st November 2016 to application@forumZFD.de
Interviews for this position will take place on 9th November 2016 in Cologne. For any queries or further information, you may contact Mr. Reuter (reuter@forumZFD.de)