Hivos Southeast Asia Job Vacancy: Final External Evaluator - Civil Society and Governance Program in Timor - Leste

Hivos has been supporting civil society initiatives in Timor Leste since the late 1990s. Its activities include support for local NGOs active on human rights, good governance, gender issues, microfinance and agriculture, including civil society strengthening, and food security and agriculture programs. Hivos is registered as an International NGO with the Government of Timor Leste, and its programs in Timor Leste are managed by its Regional Office Southeast Asia in Jakarta, through its local program office in Dili.

In March 2014, as a result of discussions with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Jakarta, Hivos SEA got approval to manage a grant support to La’o Hamutuk including regular monitoring under the Civil Society and Governance Program in Timor Leste.  The goal of the program is decision makers give more consideration to the public interest, listening to citizens’ views in policy-making and legislative processes, which will benefit everyone by allocating public resources more equitably, wisely and sustainably. While the specific objectives of the program divided into five thematic areas: Sustainable livelihoods. Stronger Land Network and Sustainable Agriculture network which engage in policy and legislative processes. Preventing corruption. Increased understanding and stronger capacity of civil society and state institutions to prevent corruption, especially in relation to Timor Leste’s rentier economy. Sustainable economy. More institutions and decision makers understand that Timor-Leste cannot rely on petroleum resources for the long term, and needs to adopt sustainable and equitable economic and budgetary policies which respond to gender and economic and social justice. Maritime boundary rights. Increased public awareness in Timor Leste and Australia regarding to Timor Leste’s right to a maritime boundary with Australia. More rational development strategy. Decisions and discussions around the proposed multi-billion dollar Tasi Mane petroleum infrastructure project (Supply Base, refinery, highway and LNG Plant) give more weight to facts, realities and probable social, economic and environmental impacts.

In September 2014, the Royal Norwegian Embassy also agreed to support a woman empowerment project “Survivor” in Timor-Leste. The project is developed by Hivos SEA in collaboration with Fokupers and ACbit. It focuses on empowering Timorese Survivors of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) during the Conflict and Post Conflict periods. Since the project is still in line and strengthen the Civil Society and Governance Program in Timor-Leste therefore the Survivor Project become one of main project components within the program.
This program will end in October 2016, therefore it is important for Hivos, Fokupers, Acbit and Lao Hamutuk to have final evaluation to record project results, lesson learn, good practices and challenges after a two-year implementation period towards realizing its goal.

The final evaluation has the following objectives:

The general objective: To evaluate the whole performance of Civil Society and Good Governance Program based on standard evaluation criteria, such as its overall effectiveness and efficiency, its relevance and appropriateness re current context, impacts (the changes at personal, relational, structural and cultural), and sustainability of the interventions during these 2 years’ project. It includes to study the external factors that might contribute or impede the program.

Specific Objectives:
  • Gathering information from beneficiaries on the impact of the activities that have been done on the outcomes of the project objectives during 2 years’ project as per the result indicators.
  • Gathering information from staff Fokupers, Acbit, Lao Hamutuk and Hivos deals with the problems and difficulties encountered during the implementation of the project which include the management structure.
  • Identify and provide recommendations to Fokupers, Acbit, Lao Hamutuk and Hivos based on the findings of the evaluation, achievements, lessons learned, gaps and challenges from for the future project so that it can learn from the lesson and learned.
Hivos expect the evaluation will be conducted using participatory methods in which the participants will not only provide the necessary data, but also provide an opportunity for participants to learn from the process. Analysis of the findings made ​​and presented by relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. Methods of data collection should be quantitatively and qualitatively so that it can be used to perform the analysis in the report.

Consultant Qualification
Consultants are required in this external evaluation is a consultant who has experience in evaluation, have an experience about the work of CSOs and women's issues, especially gender-based violence.  Expected consultants have sufficient knowledge about the context in Timor - Leste. Consultants can be a team or individual. The consultant should be able to speak Tetum or Indonesian and English well. The report is expected from the evaluation process is in English and Tetum/Indonesia.

Scope of services
To get the expected results of this evaluation process will include the following:

Need assessment through interviews and studying the relevant document.
Partner will provide the following documents:
  • Proposal
  • Work plan
  • Mid-term Evaluation Report
  • Need assessment report
  • Reports from partner
  • Publication material
Results of interviews and the reviews of these documents will become the basic of the evaluation. The methodology and tools used in the entire process must be describes in the final report.

Meeting to gather the information from Project Officer and Project Coordinator of Hivos to get a view about the life of the project and others information that needed.

Meeting to gather information with each of the partner organizations and the organizations’ board.
  • The consultant will meet with the management team and PO of each partners. To do an interview about the life of the project and collect information about the project that has been done during these 2 years.
  • The consultant will meet with the board of each partners. To find out the views of the board about the projects that have been carried out during the project.
Meeting to gather information from Government/related Ministries about the contribution of the project to the Nation.

Meeting with beneficiaries in 5 Municipalities
  • The consultant will meet directly with some of the beneficiaries of each partner in the 5 Municipalities. This is to determine the extent to which the beneficiaries benefit from the work of each partner through this project.
  • Consultants help provide advice on the strengths and weaknesses of the organization in term of their services.
Presentation of the results
The consultants will hold a presentation to HIVOS staff, La’o Hamutuk, Fokupers and Acbit in Timor Leste at the end of the mission to get some final feedbacks. The draft results in writing are to be submitted within one week after the field visits are finished.  The discussions at the presentation will be included in the report.

The consultants will submit a draft report in English with the following format:
  • Executive summary (with English translation, one page)
  • Introduction (one page)
  • Objectives and approach of the Evaluation (3 pages)
  • Evaluation’s results (15 pages)
  • Conclusions and Recommendations (2 pages)
  • Photos
  • Annexes
Total length is a minimum of 20 to a maximum of 25 pages (sections 1-5) plus photos and annexes

The period of entire process is end of October 2016.
  • 12 days to collects data in 5 Municipal
  • 4 days to meeting with partner and Presentation
  • 10 days to writing the report
The final report must be submitted later than 21st November 2016.

Like to apply?
Interested candidates may submit applications via For hardcopy document to Hivos’s office Timor-Leste in Rua de Hamonia no.3, Bairro Formosa, Dili, Timor-Leste, at the latest on 28th September 2016.  The proposal shall be accompanied by:

Technical proposal
  • CV of each person in the team
  • The methodology that will be used and the schedule of activities.
Financial proposal
  • Details budget for professional fees and other needs. The fund available for this activity are MAX USD 12,000 (twelve thousand dollars America) that will be managed independently by consultants.  Financial reports will also be attached as an attachment of final report.
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
