ILO is looking for a suitable candidate for an international consultant as follows:
Title: International consultant on social protection and formalization of the informal economy
Project title: Extending social security coverage in ASEAN
Contract type: Consultancy on an intermittent basis
Duration of contract: From October 2016 to February 2017 (on a part time basis)
Organization unit: Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Project title: Extending social security coverage in ASEAN
Contract type: Consultancy on an intermittent basis
Duration of contract: From October 2016 to February 2017 (on a part time basis)
Organization unit: Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Type: Home-based with travels to Hanoi, Viet Nam; Jakarta, Indonesia; and Bangkok, Thailand.
Application Deadline (midnight Bangkok time): 30 September 2016
Starting date: 10 October 2016
Application Deadline (midnight Bangkok time): 30 September 2016
Starting date: 10 October 2016
Terms of reference for a consultant on social protection to assess social security gaps in a specific economic sector of Viet Nam and Indonesia
Background and objectives of the consultancyThe ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific is looking for a consultant with expertise on social security and formalization of the informal economy.
The consultancy is part of a regional research aimed at providing policy recommendations for improving social security coverage. The consultant will work closely with the Chief Technical Advisor of the Regional project on promoting and building social protection in Asia, funded by the Government of Japan (hereafter ILO/Japan ESSA project), and the Senior Social Security Specialist of the Decent Work Team in Bangkok, and participate as an expert in the Committee of Experts leading the regional research.
The national assessment of social security gaps in a specific economic sector of Viet Nam and Indonesia intends to analyse the drivers and factors for social security deficits in one specific sector/industry of the economy for bringing recommendations replicable to other economic sectors. The analysis considers different areas for improvement: policy and legislation; compliance and monitoring mechanisms; administration and procedures; and awareness on the social security benefits.
specifically, with the support of a national consultant, the international
consultant will:
- Review Viet Nam economic and social trends, labour market indicators, and social protection situation, in view of identifying one or two relevant sector(s) for conducting the assessment of employment relationships and social security gaps throughout the supply chain, and providing recommendations for improving social security coverage;
- Assure excellent quality of the evaluation: this job may include but is not limited to (i) developing and applying relevant evaluation/assessment tools; (ii) consulting with all key stakeholders to identify priority issues and relevant solutions to achieve all evident-based findings throughout the assessment course; and iii) ensuring feasibility and applicability of the recommendations;
- Conduct a number of meeting with related stakeholders including:
- In Viet Nam: Social Insurance Department (SID) and Bureau of Employment (BOE) of MoLISA, Viet Nam Social Security, Viet Nam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL), Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and Viet Nam Cooperative Alliance (VCA), women’ associations, employer and worker
- In Indonesia: The Industrial Relations and Social Security Department and the Labour Inspection Department of Ministry of the Ministry of Manpower, BPJS-Employment, BPJS-Health, APINDO, workers’ associations, representatives of the informal economy, women associations, workers and employers;
- Conduct field visits to two provinces representing different economic regions in Vietnam and in Indonesia
- Map social security deficits across the different status in employment in the specific sector(s) (permanent contracts, short-term and temporary contracts, daily workers, home-based and self-employed workers, among other types), identify and analysis the reasons for no compliance to social security laws and drivers of informality;
- Discuss with stakeholders policy recommendations, solutions and innovative measures to improve registration and contribution to the social security scheme in the specific sector(s), in light of international labour standards and relevant country experiences;
- Discuss with stakeholders possible replication and adaptation of those recommendations and measures to other sectors of the economy.
consultancy is planned tentatively from October 2016 to February 2017.
The consultancy is
home-based. The international consultant is expected to travel to Viet Nam and
to Indonesia for a fact-finding mission for a duration of approximatively two
weeks in each country.
The consultant might be
invited to contribute to the experts’ meeting expected to take place in Bangkok
around February 2017. The travel will then be combined with a
dissemination workshop in Viet Nam and Indonesia.
Expected outputs
and remuneration
consultancy outputs will be presented into two separate reports, one for
Indonesia and one for Viet Nam. Concept, methodology and tools for the
assessment may be common to the two countries, in view of comparing findings
and solutions for each country.
consultant will be paid upon delivery of products at the satisfaction of the
ILO. The list of expected products are:
- Output 1: Analysis of economic, labour and social trends, assessment of legal framework, and social protection challenges and opportunities in Viet Nam and Indonesia, in view of identifying an economic sector with large deficit on social security;
- Output 2: All tools and work plan, methodology and tools for conducting the supply chain assessment to identify drivers and gaps of social security throughout the different employment relationships, referring to ILO’s existing material;
- Output 3: Two national reports of the fact finding mission in each country that will include a mapping of actors and relationships of specific sector/supply chain, analysis of social security deficits and drivers, a review of legal, institutional and administrative impediments to the extension of social protection in this sector, and key findings, typology of solutions and preliminary recommendations for extending social security coverage, in line with international labour standards;
- Output 4: Two final technical reports of the assessment of social security deficits in a specific sector and possible solutions, one report for Viet Nam and one report for Indonesia.
work is estimated at 60 to 70 working days, on an intermittent basis from
September to February 2017, depending on the experience of the candidate.
The consultancy fees can range
between US$24,000 and US$30,000, depending on the experience and qualifications
of the candidate. In addition, the ILO will cover the costs of travelling
following ILO administrative and financial rules.
The candidate should have:
- At least 5 years of experience on social protection policies and implementation in developing economies where informal employment is largely present;
- At least 2 years of experience working in South-East Asia; experience in Viet Nam and Indonesia would be an asset;
- Excellent drafting skills in English- sample of publications will be asked;
- Experiences in preparing technical reports;
- Ability to facilitate discussion and interviews, listen to and combine views of different stakeholders.
submit your application letter with CV in English, no later than 26 September
Contact: Celine Peyron Bista, Chief
Technical Advisor of the ILO/Japan ESSA project
Address: ILO Regional Office for Asia and
the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand
Telephone: +66 2 288 1740