IUCN Asia Job Vacancy: Mangroves for the Future National Coordinator - Bangkok, Thailand

Organisation: IUCN
Location: Asia Regional Office, Bangkok, Thailand
Deadline for Application: 06 Oct 2016
Expected Start Date at Job Post: 20 Oct 2016

Launched in December 2006, Mangroves for the Future (MFF) is a multi-agency, multi-country initiative for the long-term conservation and sustainable management of coastal ecosystems. MFF covers countries in South and Southeast Asia and the Western Indian Ocean, with special focus on Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Pakistan, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Viet Nam. The initiative involves collaboration between multiple partners, including government agencies, NGOs and CBOs, research institutes and universities, UN agencies and other multilateral bodies. MFF provides a platform, which brings together the efforts of different countries, sectors and agencies under a common goal.

Now in its third Phase (2014-2018), MFF’s outcome is strengthening the resilience of the ecosystem dependent coastal communities considering conservation, restoration and sustainable management of coastal ecosystems as key natural infrastructure which supports human well-being and security. MFF Phase 3 has three output objectives covering knowledge-sharing, strengthening empowerment and enhancing governance to help coastal communities to use coastal resources sustainably and build resilience to the growing threats from climate change and natural disasters.

The implementation of MFF’s action plan and overall progress towards achieving its objectives is overseen by a multi-stakeholder body, the Regional Steering Committee (RSC) co-chaired by IUCN and UNDP, with representatives from MFF’s member country governments, the civil society and MFF's institutional partners.

The mandate for coordinating and overseeing MFF’s in-country activities lies with a National Coordinating Body (NCB) in each member country, and works alongside existing national frameworks for managing coastal areas.

Major Responsibilities
  • Coordinate and support the implementation of MFF at the national level, to ensure that it operates smoothly and delivers its planned outputs effectively and efficiently and act as national focal point for MFF communications and be responsible for all MFF national communication products;
  • Liaise between the MFF Secretariat and the National Coordinating Body in Thailand;
  • Provide support to the MFF Thailand National Coordinating Body (NCB) and in particular provide strategic advise to NCB in relation to policy influence and MLE activities; engaging in regular interaction with MFF partners in Thailand; overseeing the coordination, learning, monitoring and evaluation, to assist the country focal points to submit their progress reports to the Regional Secretariat in a timely fashion; and facilitating the provision of technical assistance to the MFF initiative and its projects and partners in Thailand.
Specific Duties:
  • Implementation and Management of MFF programme strategies, which include:
    • Promote, guide and oversee the operation of MFF at the national level
    • Liaising between the MFF Secretariat and the NCB to ensure that the Secretariat’s guidance, including the decisions of the Regional Steering Committee is effectively conveyed to the National Coordinating Body and vice versa.
    • Plan contract and direct the work of national consultants recruited to assist MFF Thailand
    • Supporting project proposal development for funding project under the MFF framework.
    • Coordinate national MFF actions to ensure smooth operation of the initiative;
  • Support to the MFF Thailand National Coordinating Body (NCB) and liaison with NCB members;
    • Provide strategic advise to NCB in relation to policy influence and MLE activities.
    • Assist NCB in preparing and implementing the annual work-plan and updating of NSAP, as required, for MFF in Thailand
    • Ensure administrative and technical support is provided to the MFF Thailand NCB in a timely manner consistent with the NSAP and Annual Workplans.
    • Function as the nodal point for NCB Members and keep them informed of MFF progress at both national and regional levels as advised by the MFF Regional Secretariat
    • Ensure effective organization, operation, and reporting of NCB meetings and that the agreed actions are followed up;
    • Undertaking monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the MFF work-plan.
  • Provide leadership to the implementation of the MFF Projects in Thailand, including:
    • Provide advise to NCB in relation to the strategic implementation of the MFF Grant Facilities 
    • Support implementation of MFF Medium, Large and Regional projects under the guidance of the MFF Secretariat and NCB; liaise with Grantees and function as their focal point; prepare project and donor reporting, as required
    • Conduct technical and financial monitoring and evaluation of MFF projects and other MFF supported activities; identify operational and financial problems, develop solutions and take any other necessary actions to ensure technical success and efficient use of MFF funds;
    • Assist MFF Secretariat in ML&E activities organised by the MFF Secretariat and the NCB to be undertaken;
    • Provide leadership in collating, documenting and sharing of lessons from the large and regional projects;
  • MFF Communication - Provide support to effectively deliver the overall MFF communications objectives at national level as laid out in the MFF Regional Communications Strategy and Visual Identity and Branding Guidelines:
    • Function as the MFF Communications Focal Point in Thailand and liaise frequently with NCB members, MFF project managers and other stakeholders;
    • Ensure the delivery of MFF communications products (NCB progress, web-stories, images, e-newsletter, etc.);
    • Develop and implement an MFF National Communications Strategy and Action Plan;
    • Ensure that Visual Identity and Branding guidelines are adhered to and ensure that MFF partners and donors are appropriately acknowledged on MFF products;
    • Integrate communications effectively into the MFF MLE Framework.
  • Other duties
    • Provide periodic reports on NCB activities, implementation of the work-plan and the progress of MFF Grant projects, as required by the NCB and MFF Secretariat; 
    • Carry out any other duties germane to the MFF Initiative that you may be called upon to perform from time to time by your line managers.

  • Master's degree or higher in Natural Resource Management, Coastal Zone Management, Fisheries, Aquaculture or in a related field
  • At least 7 years experience in a similar position, preferably with an International Organization, International NGO or similar, with at least 5 years of experience in planning, implementation , monitoring and reporting on projects.
  • Excellent project management skills and the ability to meet and deliver to deadlines, as well as experience in project financial and resource management
  • Demonstrated skills and experience in fundraising
  • High level of computer Literacy (Standard software, Internet, E-Mail, etc.)
  • Excellent command of written and spoken English and Thai is essential
  • Proven ability to work effectively with diverse multicultural and multidisciplinary teams
  • Proven ability to cope with varied workloads, tight deadlines, and flexible working hours
  • Experience in managing and maintaining websites an advantage
  • Experience in producing communication products, i.e., project newsletter, fact-sheet, brochure, leaflet, etc. for programme and project communications, an advantage
Applicants are requested to apply online through the HR Management System, by opening the vacancy announcement and pressing the "Apply" button.

Applicants will be asked to create an account and submit their profile information. Applications will not be accepted after the closing date. The vacancy closes at midnight, Swiss time (GMT+1 / GMT+2 during Daylight Saving Time, DST).

About IUCN
IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges.

IUCN works on biodiversity, energy, human livelihoods and greening the world economy by supporting scientific research, managing field projects all over the world, and bringing governments, NGOs, the UN and companies together to develop policy, laws and best practice.

IUCN is the world’s oldest and largest global environmental organization, with more than 1,200 government and NGO members and almost 11,000 volunteer experts in some 160 countries. IUCN’s work is supported by over 1,000 staff in 45 offices and hundreds of partners in public, NGO and private sectors around the world.
