SNV Netherlands Job Consultant: Junior Study Of Ecotourism Potential In The Province of Aceh

Term of Reference
Study of ecotourism potential in the Province of Aceh
Junior Consultant

SNV Netherlands Development Organization SNV is a not-for-profit international development organisation. Founded in the Netherlands in 1965, we have built a long-term, local presence in 39 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors works with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organisations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services - empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.

Support to Aceh's Climate Change Response Project
SNV, in collaboration with GIZ and AHT, is working on an EU funded project of Support to Aceh's Climate Change Response. The overall project objective is: "Aceh achieves its climate change response objectives in the LULUCF (Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry) sector through low carbon, resource efficiency, biodiversity and livelihoods optimal development planning and implementation". Activities are focused on building the capacity of the Government of Aceh (GoA) in its effort towards low-carbon/low-emission economic development. The project promotes sharing of lessons learned among other provinces, with experience on REDD+ and climate change mitigation strategies. At central level the project supports capacity building within the Directorate General of Climate Change Control (DGCC) at the MOEF as well as its "deconcentrated" regional office (Balai PPI) in Palembang, covering the whole of Sumatra, among other provinces, with experience on REDD+ and climate change mitigation strategies.

In the context of achieving its third result in promoting new investments and economic development initiatives compatible with low-carbon, biodiversity and livelihood concerns the project will look into the tourism sector of the region and the ways tourism in Aceh already supports or could be able to support Indonesian's climate change response and environmental vision and goals of Aceh.

While it is true that certain forms of tourism have a deep ecological footprint contributing to resource depletion, disrupting social conditions and the alienation of local cultures, it is a widely shared view that tourism can play an important role in supporting economic, social and ecological goals in a responsible and sustainable way. Similarly, tourism can serve as an economic alternative for local populations with positive effects on existing biodiversity and support achievement of low-carbon goals.

Scope of works
To implement the project, SNV is recruiting for the position of Junior Consultant to conduct the advisory services that will carry out the following activities and deliver the below services and products to the senior consultant and the team:
  • Support consultations with the project partners 
  • Support screening of available documents and media information about stakeholders, policies, products, markets etc.
  • Conduct field assessments and evaluation of main ecotourism destinations and locations within the region
  • Interview and discuss with main stakeholders within the region including public administrations, private ecotourism industry representatives and other stakeholders
  • Document and analyse the results
  • Provide agreed inputs to draft report
  • Support communication of the results among project partners and formulation of recommendations
Together with the senior consultant, the junior consultant is expected to submit a report covering:
  • The general state of affairs of the ecotourism sector including stakeholders, policies, products and services (past and present) and its competitiveness, market segments and competitors, 
  • Development potentials for competitive ecotourism products including promising product development scenarios and connecting these to target FMUs,
  • Specific recommendations for project partners connected to implementation of the REDD+ strategies
  • Proposal for follow up measures in the context of SICCR-TAC (mainstreaming, partnership promotion, policy/strategy development etc.).
The consultant's assignment will commence after 1st October 2016, and ends before 15th December 2016, with a maximum number of up to 50 (fifty) working days. Junior Consultant will have 10 days for preparation/reading documents and list of questionnaires (home based), 30 working days in Aceh and 10 working days in Jakarta.

The consultant will directly report to the Project Team Leader

Candidate profile
  • University degree in one of the following fields: ecotourism, natural resources management, forestry or any other related areas. 
  • Indonesian national
  • At least 5 years of research experience in tourism development, natural resource management or forestry.
  • Excellent research, interviewing and data analysis skills.
  • In-depth understanding on ecotourism development and Indonesian forestry sector is preferred.
  • Experienced in communicating with government actors both at national and sub-national level.
  • Willingness to travel to Aceh to meet and interview the project partners and beneficiaries.
  • Good command of English language.
How to apply?
Please send application letter directly addressing the candidate profile and CV (in English) to by 28 September 2016 at the latest with subject: "JC-Ecotourism"
