UNOPS Job Vacancy: Human Resources Specialist - Yangon, Myanmar

Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Head of Support Services, the Human Resources (HR) Specialist is to provide operational and strategic support to MMOH senior management and programs including best practices adopted locally as well as practices recommended at the corporate level, establishment and provision of transactional support to projects/funds for an office with more than 400 personnel, management of recruitment on a large scale projects/funds. S/He provides advice to the senior management on the transparent implementation of HR strategies, effective delivery of HR services and management of the HR Unit in the Operational Hub, ensuring high quality, accuracy and consistency of work. He/she assesses client needs, interprets and applies HR policies, rules and regulations, establishes internal procedures and provides solutions to a wide spectrum of complex HR issues. The HR Specialist promotes a collaborative, client-oriented approach consistent with UNOPS rules and regulations and contributes to the maintenance of high staff morale. The HR Specialist will supervise and lead HR support personnel, and will work in close collaboration with the programmes and project teams in MMOH and with UNOPS HQ ensuring successful performance of the following key functions:

Functional Responsibilities

Summary of Key Functions:

Implementation of HR strategies and policies

Effective HR management

Staff performance management and career development

Facilitation and promotion of knowledge building and knowledge sharing
  • Ensures implementation of HR strategies and policies focusing on achievement of the following results: 
    • Full compliance of HR activities with UN rules and regulations, UNOPS policies, procedures and strategies; effective implementation of the internal control, proper design and functioning of the HR management system. 
    • Continuous analysis of corporate HR strategy and policies, assessing the impact of changes and making recommendations on their implementation in the Operational Hub. Continuous research of the matters related to conditions of service, salaries, allowances and other HR policy matters. 
    • Advice to senior management on HR new practices and their implementation (succession planning, career development and transition), strategic recruitment, advice on contract modalities, learning plan and performance evaluation) and on best practices for staff retention and their commitment to the organization.
    • Operational Hub HR business processes mapping and elaboration/establishment of internal Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in HR management, control of the workflows in the HR Unit. 
    • Development of procedures and practices that contribute to enhanced and improved HR management. 
  • Ensures effective human resources management focusing on achievement of the following results:
    • Management of transparent and competitive recruitment and selection processes including updated job descriptions, proper job classification, vacancy announcement, screening of candidates, organization and chairing of interview panels, making recommendations on recruitment.
    • Development and maintenance of data base of job applications.
    • Advice on Personnel competencies; career /skills development and training needs through the PRA/PER
    • Advice to project managers on transparent and competitive process for project recruitment, adequate TOR describing terms of payment based on results, standard matrix of recruitment processes and request for contracts. Continuous monitoring of the entire UNOPS project recruitment process.
    • Full compliance of the guidelines of the Appointment and Selection Panel.
    • Advice to hiring mangers on contracts guidelines and compliance. Monitoring and tracking of all transactions related to positions, recruitment, HR data, benefits, earnings/deductions, retroactivity, recoveries, adjustments and separations through OneUNOPS.
    • Management of the International staff entitlements and position funding delegated to the HR Unit.
    • Close communication with local Government institutions to solve international personnel-related issues. 
    • Close communication with IPAS HR and GSSC focal points pertaining to the correct administration of staff member entitlements and benefits. 
  • Ensures proper personnel performance management and career development focusing on achievement of the following results:
    • Enhance MMOH organizational culture and platform for personnel development and build a conducive work environment where the personnel is motivated to enhance their skills
    • Design and implement personnel development strategy that integrate succession planning process
    • Elaborate, facilitate and implement the protocol for performance appraisal process
    • Develop and conduct training on performance management across MMOH;
    • Ensure that same standards are applied across the entire office with a non-discriminatory approach;
    • Conduct analysis of staff performance across the office
    • Implementation of effective systems for the performance evaluation, including training to supervisor for an effective use of the tool leading to career development. Advice on work plan, monitoring and performance team evaluation.
    • Effective learning management including establishment of the office Learning plan and individual learning plans in collaboration with the Senior Management and supervisors.
    • Effective counseling to personnel on career advancement, development needs, learning possibilities. 
  • Ensures facilitation and promotion of knowledge building and knowledge sharing, focusing on achievement of the following results:
    • Organization of training for the operations/ projects staff on HR-related topics,
    • Ensure capacity building and knowledge sharing of MMOH HR personnel to ensure high performance of the unit,
    • Establish and develop a tracking system in order to capture lessons learnt to enhance quality and compliance of HR services delivery,
    • Survey and identify new learning opportunities to enhance the continuous professionalization of personnel;.
    • Design and implementation of training for operations/ programme personnel on HR issues
    • Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.
    • Synthesis of lessons learnt and best practices in administration.
Closing Date: 27 September 2016
