Position No: 123
Position Title: Economic Officer
Department: Policy and Strategy Department (DPS)
Closing Date for applications: 18 October 2016
Appointment Type: fixed-term, renewable
Organizational Context and Impact of Results
- Under the guidance and supervision of the Heads, Policy and Strategy Department, the Economic Officer DPS (i) carries out economic analysis of Bank projects; (ii) provides economic input to research projects; (iii) participates in preparation of key institutional reports and strategies; (iv) builds, maintains and updates relevant databases, (iii) assists with preparation of visual and other inputs for presentations and publications in which BSTDB is involved, and (iv) provides other support as needed for information sharing, knowledge exchange, preparation of institutional events and related activities.
- The key results have an impact on the operations of the Bank and on upgrading and expanding the analytical and research work on the economy of the region of the Bank’s operations, promoting the Bank’s objectives to promote economic development and regional cooperation.
Key Responsibilities:
- Carries out economic appraisal of Bank operations with regard to the acceptability of the proposed operation for lending (or investment), and in particular to assist the assessment of: (i) consistence of the proposed operation with the country strategy priorities, business plan objectives and budget targets; (ii) the viability of the operation (i.e. enhanced economic benefits and their equitable distribution with regard to current and projected revenues given the economic conditions and business environment); and (iii) the development and cooperation impact of operations on Member Countries’ economies and on the Black Sea Region;
- Provides economic and financial inputs for research projects of the Bank;
- Carries out economic data research, collection, and regular updating of key information in electronic databases within BSTDB;
- Creates, uses and maintains computer based economic and financial models;
- Drafts papers, speeches, presentations and other documents, including preparation of graphs and other visuals based on guidance from the Heads, DPS;
- Provides input, as needed, for events and conferences organized by BSTDB, or involving BSTDB participation;
- Organizes calls for papers by BSTDB and/or forums to attract researchers and research work with respect to the Black Sea Region;
- Carries out other support activities consistent with the goal to help BSTDB establish itself as an information portal/ node in the Black Sea Region.

Minimum requirements:
- First-level university degree in economics or finance, or in a related field with coursework in these areas.
- Language Skills: Excellent knowledge (read/write/speak) of and drafting skills in English.
- Computer Skills: Excellent computer skills with demonstrated expertise in Excel and Powerpoint.
- Minimum 5 years of relevant working experience, including drafting of working papers, economic analyses etc
Desirable education/qualifications/knowledge/skills:
- Master’s degree in the above.
- Knowledge of the economic and social development issues in the countries of the Bank’s operations.
- Good working knowledge of one or more of the BSEC countries’ languages.
- Working experience in the region of the BSTDB’s operations, especially in an international development context.
- Track record of involvement in published articles/papers on economic and social development issues in the countries of the Bank’s operations.