Integrated Crop Management Advisors, CABI Malaysia (3 year initial contract)
CABI is a not-for-profit development-led organization supported by a solid scientific research base and a world class publishing service. Our mission is to improve people's lives worldwide by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment. Our work increases food security and protects biodiversity.
Purpose of the role:
- Assist implementation of one or more Integrated Crop Management (ICM) projects at CABI Malaysia;
- Provide specialist advice on ICM as a sustainable agricultural approach, to farmers, governmental and non-governmental agricultural bodies and agricultural businesses in manufacturing, marketing and services;
- Support development of effective ICM implementation programmes in collaboration with project partners with a view to supporting local economic development, sustainable resource management, increased food & nutrition security, market access and improved livelihoods;
- Conduct capacity building and knowledge transfer in various countries to support the implementation of economically and environmentally viable ICM approaches at different levels (farm, advisory services, policy, research and education).

Full details of the role including what we are looking for in an ideal candidate and how to apply are available from our website at HERE under Integrated Crop Management Advisors, CABI Malaysia.
Closing date for the receipt of applications is 15 November 2016.