Gender Situation Analysis: Indonesia and India
Terms of Reference
Consultancy: Indonesia and India Gender Situation Analysis Consultancy
Consultancy reporting lines: Director, Gender Strategy
Contract: 2.5 months, up to 40 days
About Girl Effect:
Girl Effect is a creative social business determined to positively impact the lives of adolescent girls and break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. We work at the cutting edge of the international development and media sectors, and have built a culture that is entrepreneurial and fast-paced.
We are a unique organisation, bringing together a diverse group of people from the private and not-for-profit sectors with expertise in media brands, international development, digital, evidence, gender, programme implementation and more.
Girl Effect began as a movement to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty, by unleashing the full potential of adolescent girls. Championed by the NIKE Foundation in collaboration with multiple partners, we set out to get the world to stop seeing girls as part of a global poverty problem and to see them instead as co-creators of new solutions. We created a movement and helped put girls at the centre of the agenda; the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals focus on girls like never before.
In September 2015, Girl Effect became an independent new organisation focused on driving measurable change in girls' lives, with continued support from the NIKE Foundation and multiple partners. With a new CEO from the global creative industry and an ambitious strategy, Girl Effect is pioneering a brand platform approach to social norm change for adolescent girls living in poverty. By creating a new normal for girls, the intergenerational cycle of poverty can be disrupted.
Our mission? We exist to create a new normal with and for girls.
What We Do:
We build mass media brands, with mobile interactivity and networks, that engage girls and key influencers in their lives to effect social norm change; breaking down barriers that prevent girls from accessing the services and support they need to progress. By doing this, we enable girls to have a voice in determining their future.
It’s a fresh approach to development, but one that is gaining ground and is supported by investors and collaborators from every sector.
Based in London, we have powerful brand platforms in Ethiopia and Rwanda, and ambitious plans to launch new brand platforms in Malawi, Nigeria, Indonesia and India by 2017. In partnership with Facebook, we also have a mobile platform, Girl Effect Mobile, live in over 40 countries in 24 languages.
Context of the Consultancy:
Girl Effect will be launching operations in Indonesia and India by 2017. In order to inform country strategy, including setting country change objectives for our products, Girl Effect is commissioning a gender analysis of the country landscape for India and Indonesia. The gender analysis will be a desk review, drawing upon existing quantitative and qualitative data and key informant interviews.
This piece of work will provide a snapshot of gender dynamics in the country, to generate a general understanding of the situation of girls and the institutions, people, norms that influence her. This work will inform the thematic focus of Girl Effect’s work in the country, including decisions on targeting (age, etc), country change objectives and regional focus.
Girl Effect will be commissioning a second phase of this work, a deep-dive qualitative piece on the lives of girls understanding themes of agency. This desk review will inform the design of this second piece of work by identifying key themes for further exploration and gaps in the existing knowledge base.
Girl Effect has developed a Theory of Change that outlines pathways to girls empowerment, see Annex 1 for further details.
Research Questions:
Understanding the girl (aged 10-19):
- What types of vulnerabilities impact the lives of girls?
- How is adolescence understood for girls and boys? What signals entry into adolescence? How do girls experience different stages of adolescence (early, middle, late)?
- What are girls’ experiences in relation to Girl Effect’s impact areas (health, safety, education, economic empowerment)?
- What are the drivers, barriers and enablers in relation to these impact areas? How is this different/the same for boys? How is this different/the same for different groups of girls and boys?
- What are the key programmes, institutions, supply-side services, stakeholders influencing the lives of girls in relation to these impact areas and girls’ empowerment more generally?
- What are girls’ experiences of agency (in relation to value, voice, connections)? How does this interact with the impact areas (health, education, safety, economic empowerment)? How is this different/the same for boys? How is this different/the same for different groups of girls and boys?

- What are the underlying gender norms and roles influencing the above (in relation to value, voice, connections and Girl Effect’s impact areas of health, education, safety, economic empowerment)? Are girls and boys valued differently? How so? What are the social expectations placed on girls and boys?
- What are the risks to girls and boys when challenging traditional gender norms?
- What resources do girls have access to(?) compared to boys? Who controls these resources?
- What are dominant understandings of masculinities?
- Who are the key influencers in the lives of girls? Who are the gatekeepers/powerbrokers in the lives of girls?
- How is the relationship between boys and girls? Girls and parents/gatekeepers/powerbrokers?
- Who challenges gender inequality and how? How do boys, men and women perpetuate inequitable and equitable gender norms?
- What the in-depth qualitative research should cover and which areas need a deeper dive
- Initial recommendations for country change objectives, targeting and regional focus
- The gender analysis will be based on a comprehensive desk review, including key informant interviews. The review will include qualitative as well as quantitative data (e.g. from DHS).
Key Deliverables:
- Inception meeting with Girl Effect to discuss and agree the detailed methodology for the research
- Inception report reviewed and agreed with Girl Effect
- Draft report on the research findings for Girl Effect review and feedback, for each country
- A summary brief (in PowerPoint) containing highlights from the research, for each country
- Final report (one for each country), including a 4-page executive summary, no longer than 40 pages. The report will include recommendations on key areas that Girl Effect should investigate further in future qualitative research and initial recommendations for priority areas for country change objectives.
- Dashboard/database of key findings that can be updated on a regular basis by Girl Effect staff as new research emerges.
- Dissemination meeting to Girl Effect staff
- Dissemination meeting during onboarding of qualitative research partner
Consultancy oversight:
The consultancy will be overseen by the Director, Gender Strategy who is based in Girl Effect’s London office.
Required skills and experience:
- A Master’s Degree or equivalent in international development, sociology, political science, gender
- Deep understanding of and experience working in India and Indonesia
- Strong background in gender analysis and social norms
- Strong written and oral communication skills in English required, including report development, writing and editing
How to apply:
- A proposed methodology to meet the research objectives
- A preliminary work plan (reflecting your own availability)
- Budget detailing consultancy days
- Examples of similar work
Submissions to be emailed to Katherine Nichol ( with “Indonesia and India Gender Analysis” in the subject line of the e-mail, on or before 15 November. Proposals may be reviewed on a rolling basis.
Annex 1:
Girl Effect’s Theory of Change
Our Theory of Change provides a map of how we think change happens and our objective to shape a 'new normal’ and ultimately a new reality for girls. This new reality is a world in which girls have agency², are healthy, safe, economically secure and educated (our impact). We know that girls’ agency (understood as value, voice and connections) is central to girls having access to and control over these assets. To achieve this impact, Girl Effect understands the need for changes to happen at different levels – for girls themselves, for adolescent boys, for girls’ families, communities and the wider environment.
As a first step, this means reframing the way girls are seen, how their needs are understood and how girls are valued across these different levels, supported by robust research and learning. This reframing is a process to positively change awareness, beliefs and attitudes and ultimately behaviours, both for girls themselves and those around them (intermediate outcomes). This will help shape a ‘new normal’ in which girls are able to take action on issues important to them, both individually and collectively through their social networks (outcomes) with other girls and with wider youth networks.
- The importance of an enabling environment. To enable girls to take action in their own lives we are cautious not to expect girls to do this alone, but recognise that alongside the step of girls becoming confident, informed and connected, with self esteem, aspirations, skills and voice, we need to influence adolescent boys, families
- and communities in order to shift discriminatory gender norms. Engagement with girls’ wider communities helps to create an environment where those in power are more likely to value and understand the issues important to girls and
- support their meaningful participation in society. These changes will be reinforced by girls becoming more visible and active in the public eye through a more positive portrayal of girls in popular culture – both directly through our branded products and through others engaging with these products. This will be enabled by our efforts in partnership
- with others to increase girls’ access to media and technology, and will be further amplified by decision makers who increasingly support girls to play a greater role in society.
- The importance of working with strategic partners. We recognise that whilst we reach boys, family members and the wider community through our brand presence, content and networks, our brands are primarily focused on girls – and
- increasingly youth - and the changes we aim to achieve for them. As such, we believe it is essential to work with progressive partners who can leverage our brands, content and products in order to achieve long-lasting outcomes for girls through engagement with adolescent boys, girls’ families and communities. We also recognise the
- importance of these partners in mobilising girls to engage with decision makers to advocate for their needs and rights and see value in influencing media organisations to portray girls more positively. This way of working allows us to adapt
- our brands and content to achieve the maximum possible impact to create a multiplier effect across societies and generations.
Key assumptions underpinning our work:
- An integrated and multi-sectoral approach to change, with multiple activity strands that address the demand and supply side of reframing the value of girls and create a ‘new normal’ for girls, is the most effective way to achieve positive impact on complex issues affecting them.
- Branded media platforms are capable of shifting discriminatory individual and collective attitudes and gender norms and contribute to behaviour change.
- Brands add value to individual interventions, amplify their impact and have the potential to quickly reach a critical mass.
These three assumptions inform our organisational learning framework.