ISEAN Hivos Job Vacancies: Executive Director - Malaysian, Indonesian, Timor Leste & Philipines

  • EoI Number: IHP2016-008
  • Issuance Date: 17.10.2016
ISEAN Executive Director (ED)under the “Strengthening community systems to reduce vulnerability to and impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Insular Southeast Asia”.


The Islands of Southeast Asia Network on Male and Transgender Sexual Health (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly implemented the ISEAN Hivos Program supported by Global Fund Round 10. This program has the main goal of reducing the risks, vulnerability and impact of HIV and AIDS on the lives of MSM and transgender people in Island Southeast Asian Nations. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSMs and TGs in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Timor Leste. Hivos, as the Principal Recipient of the grant under the ISEAN-Hivos Program Global Fund Round 10 anticipates its dxtension period of implementation from October, 2016 to December, 2017.

In this regard, ISEAN is seeking applications for ISEAN Executive Director (ED) that will be based in Jakarta Indonesia or work remotely and report to the network’s office in Jakarta, Indonesia.

As the ISEAN Executive Director (ED), you will be working in close collaboration with the ISEAN Regional Board members, other secretariat staff and partners. You will be responsible for following activities:
  • Direct and Manage the ISEAN Secretariat, who can decides and is accountable for the operations of the secretariat;
  • Coordinate the management and implementation of the ISEAN program or activities assigned to ISEAN under all funds including work planning, reporting, data & knowledge management, media & communication, supervision, training, budgetary and financial management;
  • Provide leadership in the development, negotiation and finalization of contracts and project documents, which includes in active role in finding out funding opportunities and securing the funds;
  • Approve procurement of goods and/or services with a value up to the amount specified in Chapter VI: Procurement of Goods and Services, after reviewing procurement requests with the ISEAN Secretariat and PMU team;
  • Monitor and evaluate program implementation, results and outcomes, to determine progress towards achieving the stated goals and objectives;
  • Review, revise and develop fiscal and administrative policies for the project, and ensure that these policies are applied in daily practice;
  • Ensure quality periodic technical and financial reporting on all aspects of the project in line with funders’ requirements;
  • Ensure the timely submission of all work plans, budgets, reports and disbursement requests to funders;
  • With the FO, arrange for the implementation of the external audit of the financial statements of the Secretariat, and ensure that the audit reports are sent to the PR and other funders;
  • With all officers, ensure that technical and management assistance is provided where necessary for the Board, Country Networks, PR, SRs and other implementing partners, in accordance with the work plan; 
  • Coordinate communications between the funders and the ISEAN Board, through the correct channel; effectively coordinate and collaborate with all key stakeholders, national mechanisms and other partners in the sub-region and the region, including the CCMs, National AIDS program and TWGs, national AIDS council/commission and national NGO networks, throughout the project life to ensure that the program is aligned with and contributes to national program strategies and priorities;
  • Attend and represent the Secretariat and the ISEAN-Hivos Program where necessary at national and international meetings, events, and trainings;
  • Provide lead coordination for regional activities under ISEAN;
  • Develop reports, manuals, guidelines and other documentary requirements under the Program;
  • Coordinate ISEAN activities with partners;
  • Provide regular reports to the ISEAN Board, monthly and quarterly either via email or a quarterly virtual meeting update; and
  • Assist in other tasks of the ISEAN, as required.
  • A citizen or permanent resident of one of the ISEAN countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines or Timor Leste.
  • Education: A formal diploma or university degree, or similar competency, in business administration, social science or law. Sound knowledge about sexual health and HIV preferred. Demonstrated high proficiency in English (reading writing and speaking).
  • Solid understanding of good governance and finance
  • Track record delivering excellent results and assuming leadership roles
  • Success record in roles requiring execution of multiple tasks while responding to multiple priorities
  • Proven ability to work with efficiency, flexibility and good humour
  • Demonstrated ability to build and maintainrelationships with a wide array of people, junior and senior, for-profit and non-profit and from diverse backgrounds
  • Operates with excellence in mind in all matters with the confidence to defend / debate ideas without ego
  • Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills are essential
  • Passionate about ISEAN’s vision, mission and goal
  • Ability to exercise tact and diplomacy in organisational settings, especially in a non-hierarchical setting
  • Transparent, direct with substance
  • Self-starter, self-disciplined, park, imagination, creativity
  • Remain focused in the face of pressure, delivers against timelines, not intimidated by tasks/time limitations
  • Several years of work experience in a multinational or regional context requiring complex coordination with multiple stakeholders.
  • Proven record in private and public sectors, preferably in the field of human health.
  • Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English. Knowledge of Tagalog, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Malaysia, Tetum, Chinese and Tamil highly desirable.
Preparing Your Application:
If you think you have the passion, skills and qualifications for this position and would like to join ISEAN Team,please prepare your application by addressing each point listed in section Qualifications/Requirements in the above position description/brief. You are required to state how your skills, knowledge, experience and qualifications relate to the position. It is recommended that you address each criteria separately in point form. You should use statements with examples that clearly demonstrate your competency in a particular area.

In addition, the candidate will also have to write a concept note for funding related to HIV prevention among Gay, MSM and Transgender People, and other Key Affected Populations of no more than 1,500 words for a budget of USD 250,000.00. The concept note can be for anything from a regional meeting, to operational research - but needs to look at the perspective of ISEAN as a sub-regional community network.

Applicants who fail to demonstrate that they meet the requirements and failure to submit the concept note will not be invited to attend an interview.The completeness and relevance of your application will determine whether or not you are called for an interview. Where a large number of applicants meet the essential and desirable requirements, only those applicants who most strongly meet the requirements will be selected for interview.

Interested applicants are invited to submit a cover letter (Title: ISEAN ED) accompanied by full resume stating details of educational qualifications and working experience and the required concept note, before 23.10.2016 to:

ISEAN encourages those who are under the age of 35 and identity as either gay, men who have sex with men, transgender or PLHIV to apply.
