EoI Number: IHP2016-002
ISEAN Advocacy and Resource Mobilisation Officer (ARMO)under the “Strengthening community systems to reduce vulnerability to and impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Insular Southeast Asia”.
The Islands of Southeast Asia Network on Male and Transgender Sexual Health (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly implemented the ISEAN Hivos Program supported by Global Fund Round 10. This program has the main goal of reducing the risks, vulnerability and impact of HIV and AIDS on the lives of MSM and transgender people in Island Southeast Asian Nations. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSMs and TGs in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Timor Leste. Hivos, as the Principal Recipient of the grant under the ISEAN-Hivos Program Global Fund Round 10 anticipates its dxtension period of implementation from October, 2016 to December, 2017.
In this regard, ISEAN is seeking applications for ISEAN Advocacy and Resource Mobilisation Officer (ARMO) that will be based in Jakarta Indonesia or work remotely and report to the network’s office in Jakarta, Indonesia.
As the ISEAN Advocacy and Resource Mobilisation Officer (ARMO), you will be working under the direct supervision of the ISEAN Executive Director (ED) and in close collaboration with the ISEAN Regional Board members, other secretariat staff and partners.
You will be responsible for following activities:
- Contribute to the development and implementation of work plans and budgets;
- Support the ED in the implementation of his/her duties on advocacy and resource mobilisation programs;
- Carry out field visits and participate in program monitoring and evaluations in line with work plans;
- Research MSM and Transgender People issues by identifying policies, existing synergies and potential gaps, and by obtaining information on policies and procedures of other organizations, prepare policy papers, recommendations, reports and studies on MSM and Transgender People related issues, and assist in the preparation of other documents with an emphasis on government policies and procedures;
- Provide guidance for Country Networks and SRs on program implementation and reporting; andwork closely with other networks to develop coordinated advocacy and public campaigns on ISEAN’s priority themes and countries, and contribute to documenting and disseminating project-related best practices and lessons learnt.
- Provide support in organising regional and national coordination meetings, including liaising with participants on events, meeting, training and workshops, advise and support the development of partnership collaboration with UN agencies and other stakeholders and where appropriate, and in consultation with ISEAN management, enhance ISEAN’s leadership status in different government forums, i.e., related to MSM and Transgender issues based on the Visions, Missions and Goals of ISEAN;
- With AO, create and maintain internal systems, including contact lists, diaries of upcoming events and opportunities and other databases;
- With guidance from ED, and in collaboration with other internal and external implementation partners, develop a specific fundraising approach for ISEAN with the donor community under his/her responsibility (traditional or non-traditional donors) and provide advice and support to RPM and relevant staff in the implementation of this strategy including help gathering information on donor policies and priorities, and subsequently: updatedonor profiles on the internal system; assist in replying to questions from PR andnational networks about donors; participate in drafting donor specific strategy papers; provide inputs forregular reports on technical cooperation and assist in the preparation of briefings for ISEAN Board;
- Establish and broaden relations with traditional or non-traditional donors and financial partners and analyze information on their funding priorities and trends; advise ISEAN interagency partners on methods to develop bankable projects; explore possible sources of funding, and coordinate strategic programme development opportunities with relevant ISEAN stakeholders and assist in developing and maintaining contacts with donor agencies as appropriate,covering a specific set of donors to be agreed upon.
- Develop ISEAN's resource mobilization capacity through establishing a sound, methodological, coordinated and long-term approach to resource mobilization that will include research and analyze donor call for funding applications including expressions of interest and requests for proposals;
- Organize fundraising activities, such as donor briefings and presentations or joint donor events with the country networks in cooperation with relevant internal stakeholders;
- Monitor the provision of transparent, high-quality targeted reports for donors as agreed in the respective agreements;
- Consistently monitor systematic, regular and transparent reporting on all fundraising activities and results related to the donor community under his/her responsibilityand assist in the preparation of reports that show the results achieved by the ISEAN and ISEAN-Hivos Program and its valueadded;
- Help preparing and participate in internal/external meetings, including Annual ReviewMeetings with multi-bilateral donors, thematic meetings and resource mobilization events,Governing Body committees, programming meetings and missions;and
- Assist in other tasks of the ISEAN, as required.

- A citizen or permanent resident of one of the ISEAN countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines or Timor Leste.
- Education: A formal diploma or university degree, or similar competency, in communications, media, linguistics, information technology, development studies or English studies would be considered helpful. Sound knowledge about sexual health and HIV preferred.
- Several years of work experience in a multinational or regional context requiring complex coordination with multiple stakeholders.
- Proven record of mobilizing resources in private and public sectors, preferably in the field of human health.
- Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English. Knowledge of Tagalog, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Malaysia, Tetum, Chinese and Tamil highly desirable.
Interested applicants are invited to submit a cover letter (Title: ISEAN ARMO) accompanied by full resume stating details of educational qualifications and working experience, before 23.10.2016 to:
ISEAN encourages those who are under the age of 35 and identity as either gay, men who have sex with men, transgender or PLHIV to apply.