Job Vacancy Local Researcher(s) for the “Get Up Speak Out” Programme Performance Study - Baseline, Indonesian

Terms of Reference
Local Researcher(s) for the “Get Up Speak Out”
Programme Performance Study - Baseline

The “Get Up Speak Out” Program
From 2016, the “Get Up Speak Out” (GUSO) consortium, led by Rutgers working with Choice, Dance4Life, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), Simavi and STOP AIDS NOW! implement a programme in the following countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Pakistan and Uganda.
The GUSO programme builds on successes and experience from the Access, Services and Knowledge (ASK) and Unite for Body Rights (UFBR) programs. GUSO addresses the multitude of factors and actors influencing young people’s SRHR using a multi-component approach. The partners in each of the seven country GUSO alliances will link (i) provision of sexuality education and information, (ii) provision of quality, youth-friendly SRH services and (iii) building support for youth SRHR, by addressing socio-cultural and political barriers in terms of practices, norms and policies.
GUSO Programme in Indonesia
The GUSO programme in Indonesia is implemented in five cities: Lampung, DKI Jakarta, Semarang, Bali and Kupang. Nevertheless, this study will only be conducted one intervention area, which will be agreed and discussed together between the national alliance and the external consultant.
The GUSO Alliance in Indonesia is looking for local researcher(s)
The Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) has been contracted to perform a performance study in the 5 countries. KIT as subcontractor will be responsible for the design (survey) of the quantitative baseline, midline and end-line performance studies in relation to the selected joined indicators for outcome area 3, 4 and 5b. KIT will take responsibility for all quantitative data analysis and for producing the quantitative baseline, midline and end-line performance reports for these 5 countries.
The GUSO National Programme Coordinator (NPC) will be responsible for organizing and conducting the actual quantitative data collection in the field using the quantitative survey designed by KIT, the tablets of KIT and with online training and support from KIT.
The survey will be conducted in one selected intervention area targeting youth that have already been involved in or received services from the GUSO program. So the target group can be selected from existing targeted beneficiaries of the programme and does not need to be a random sample in the programme area. The research has the aim to test the underlying assumptions of the national theory of change. Furthermore, the research will measure the performance of the programme on young people’s SRHR, and identify factors that could contribute to optimization of the GUSO intervention strategies.
For the data collection work, the NPC is looking for local researcher(s) (per country) who can lead the data collection process in-country. The researcher will work in close collaboration with the NPC and the in-country GUSO alliance. KIT staff, in close collaboration with the NPC, will be involved in the design and tool development, providing the online training, data analysis and report writing for the survey.
Selected consultant(s) will be responsible in developing a reasonable budget and timeline, translating the questionnaire into Bahasa Indonesia, adapting the questionnaire into Indonesian context, conducting the data collection and basic data management of the survey. The consultant(s) will also be responsible in developing qualitative instruments (interview and FGD), conducting qualitative data collection, and analysing the qualitative data. Moreover, the consultant(s) is also required to report to GUSO NPC at Rutgers WPF Indonesia office and KIT as lead research organization.
Objective of the study
  • Evaluate (progress towards) programme outcomes and the long-term objective of the GUSO programme in the selected intervention area.
  • To understand what processes have led to these results, including enabling factors and barriers.
Time investment
GUSO intends to start the baseline research in November 2016. The researcher should collect the data as soon as possible, but no later than the first week of January 2017, so that baseline reports can be ready by 31 January 2017. Approximately 40-45 days over the period November 2016 – January 2017.
Tangible outputs
  • Inception Report – Analysis of existing situation and plan of work for the assignment; no later than one week after the commencement of the consultancy.
  • Progress Report – Short description of progress (technical and financial) including problems encountered; planned activities for the coming period accompanied by an invoice and the expenditure verification report; no later than 1 week after the end of each implementation period. Cleaned data set of the survey will be part of this report.
  • Qualitative study report  Analysis of qualitative data; no later than 1 week before the end of the implementation period. The reports shall be written in Bahasa Indonesia.
  • Final Report – Short description of achievements including problems encountered; no later than 2 weeks before the end of the implementation period. The reports shall be written in both English and Bahasa Indonesia.
Tasks to be performed by local researcher(s)
  • Prepare a detailed work plan that includes a thorough and tight time frame, and budget for the research
  • Translate the questionnaire into Bahasa Indonesian and adapt it into Indonesian context
  • Select, organize and supervise an appropriate team of young research assistants that will conduct a survey among young girls and boys
  • Clean the data set, conduct basic data management (provide data labels, value labels in English, and grouping qualitative answers) of the survey data
  • Develop the qualitative instruments (interview and FGD)
  • Conducting qualitative data collection
  • Analysing the qualitative data
  • Write inception, progress and final report of the study 
A quantitative survey will be conducted targeting young people in the selected intervention area where the programme’s TOC is implemented at base, mid and end-line. Questions investigating the indicators to be measured will be asked as part of this study, which can be seen as a programme performance evaluation. The questions will include issues about girls’ and boys’ knowledge on SRHR, their level of access to SRHR information and services, whether they find the information and services beneficial and appropriate or not, contraception access and use, referral systems and the level of support received from relevant stakeholders.
The exact respondents and the sample size will depend on the GUSO programme and target group per area and will be discussed with country alliances and partners. With regard to the respondents of the survey, we aim to target girls and boys between 10 and 24, who are primary beneficiaries of the programme. The identification and recruitment of participants will be conducted in cooperation with staff of implementing (partner) organizations. The sample size will depend upon the size of the programme in the areas of implementation. Based on the information from the Terms of Reference and the available programme documents, we propose to have a sample size that is suitable for the purpose of a programme performance evaluation using a base, mid and end-line, which implies that conclusions can be drawn regarding effect of specific interventions in the programme areas over the course of four years. The sample size in every school/community will be determined together by KIT, NPC and the consultant(s).
Data will be collected in a youth friendly manner, suitable to the context. The young people will be interviewed by young research assistants who will have undergone an online training on the programme performance evaluation; and appropriate ways of data collection. Interviews will take place one-on-one in safe environments, either at the schools or community. For quality assurance purposes, tablets will be used for data collection.
The qualitative component to the survey, using interviews and FGD with relevant stakeholders (teachers, headmaster, and representatives of school committee and policy makers) will also be conducted. This interviews and FGD will bring added value by incorporating individual and community views, ensuring inclusivity and understanding of the issues prevailing from the survey. It will also provide insight into possible mechanism leading to good program performance.
Profile requirements of the local researcher(s)
  • Minimum Master Degree in relevant field
  • Interest in health programming, including SRHR.
  • Willingness and interest to work with (other) young people, earlier experience with this is an asset (for example: former peer educators).
  • Good interpersonal skills and open attitude.
  • Ability to work with tablets and appropriate administrative skills.
  • Ability to work concisely and structured following the KIT data collection guidelines as will be distributed during the online workshop.
  • Availability to attend online workshop.
  • Gender balance: we probably need more female than male data collectors.
How to apply
Interested applicants are invited to send:
  • A short expression of interest (max 5 pages) clearly specifying understanding of the assignment, steps in the research, limitations, innovative suggestions as well as suitability and availability.
  • Portfolio indicating previous research experiences in qualitative and/or quantitative research on social issues and a list of researches conducted, stating published in which national and/or international journals.
  • Samples of previous research reports.
Interested consultant(s), or organizations can submit their application by e-mail to:, indicating the title of this assignment (NPC for GUSO)
Application deadline will close at 5.00 pm (Jakarta time), Wednesday, 30 November 2016.
Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
The project will be awarded to candidate whose proposal shows the soundest methodology and efficiency in using resources.
