Mercy Corps Indonesia has been the ACCCRN implementing partner in Indonesia since 2009. ACCCRN has contributed to Indonesian climate change adaptation efforts in urban contexts, with a particular focus on poor and otherwise vulnerable communities. The program has worked intensively with two pilot cities, Bandar Lampung and Semarang, to insert Urban Climate Change Resilience (UCCR) into municipal development planning processes. Through this work, ACCCRN has engaged additional six cities from Cirebon, Blitar, Pekalongan, Probolinggo, Tarakan, and Palembang that have demonstrated specific commitments towards the replication of ACCCRN. In addition, as a result of collaboration with APEKSI, more cities are exposed to the knowledge of climate resilience planning.
Through ACCCRN, Mercy Corps Indonesia and partners have built extensive local capacity through the establishment of a City Team in each pilot city consisting of government, academic and civil society partners. Each has been guided in development of a Vulnerability Assessment (VA), City Resilience Strategy (CRS), and support for proposal development and execution of CCA intervention projects. Although capacity building requires time and intensive guidance, results have been evidenced since 2011 by increasing government funds allocated to CCA.
Work consists primarily of stakeholder engagement, program and project development, capacity building, and mainstreaming climate change into sectors both inside and outside the government system. There has been close collaboration with many local stakeholders exerting significant influence in city development such as the municipal level departments covering development planning, environmental management, universities, private sector, and NGOs.
ACCCRN in Indonesia has been running since 2009 and the project implementation will finish in December 2016. This long and extensive journey of ACCCRN has shown many evidences of success stories in building climate change resilience in Indonesia. In order to capture the process, there is a need to create a program profile in form of a book as an effective means of communication. Therefore, Mercy Corps Indonesia requires a book maker to produce a book that could showcase ACCCRN works in Indonesia.
The objectives of hiring book maker are:
- To capture the process of ACCCRN implementation in Indonesia as a reference for other similar Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) program in the future
- To share for publication purposes, in local, province or national events that is relevant, to be used widely by Mercy Corps and APEKSI, or ACCCRN Regional Network.
Pursuant to this contract, book maker will:
- Provide skills and expertise needed to create book of ACCCRN process.
- Compile materials of ACCCRN process provided by ACCCRN program.
- Draft the book in Bahasa Indonesia and English – including the writing and copy-editing.
- Able to create a good quality design of book that could attract interest.
Expected Results:
Good quality book of ACCCRN Indonesia process that could give impact to broader network in understanding the results of ACCCRN Program and its impact in climate change adaptation. This book will consist of:
- Brief explanation on what ACCCRN is as a program from the Rockefeller Foundation;
- Focus of ACCCRN in building urban climate change resilience (UCCR);
- Brief explanation on how ACCCRN is working in Indonesia from 2009 to 2016
- Climate change adaptation (CCA) institutionalization in national level – achievement and challenges of working in national level
- Building UCCR in city level – achievement and challenges of working in city level
- CCA projects under ACCCRN program – ACCCRN city profile and project summary in each city
- Stories from Beneficiaries – some stories from beneficiaries that share his/her experience on CCA project
Expected Deliverables:
The period for book of ACCCRN Indonesia process is until – 16 December 2016.
The deliverables of this work will include one book that is ready to print (less than 100 pages including pictures, made bilingually in Bahasa Indonesia and English, and in line with Mercy Corps Indonesia design’s provision)
Reports to:
ACCCRN City Government Partnership Coordinator
Work directly with:
ACCCRN Communication Officer
Mercy Corps Indonesia Creative Communication Officer
Please send your portfolio and CV to before 15 November 2016.