Consultancy: Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Accreditation – Thailand
The HIV epidemic in Thailand has been rapidly declining since 1992 with an almost 50% reduction in new cases since 2005. AIDS related deaths have been steadily decreasing since 2001, with a sharp decline from 2006 following the scale up of Anti-Retroviral Treatment (ART). Similarly, in the last five years there has been a further decline in TB estimated mortality, prevalence and incidence. Thailand has also made significant progress in managing HIV-TB program activities, specifically on HIV counselling and testing (HCT) among TB patients.
Stop TB and AIDS through RTTTR (STAR) is a program supported by the Global Fund (GF), operating innovative and focused approaches to facilitate the transition to domestically funded disease responses. Raks Thai Foundation (RTF) is the principal civil society recipient (PR) under STAR Program. Under the following grant, PR Raks Thai focuses on programs provided by civil society and direct implementation with Key Populations (KPs) under the HIV component and on Intensified Case Finding (ICF) for migrants.
The program focuses on the 38 highest HIV and TB diseased provinces in Thailand, aiming at reducing transmission, morbidity and mortality while supporting a mix of prevention and treatment interventions targeted at the key affected and underserved populations.
The program is based on the national RRTTR (Reach-Recruit-Test-Treat-Retain) approach, aiming at optimizing network approaches and delivery models for increasing the uptake of the service.
Target Group/Beneficiaries under STAR are:
- Migrants Workers (HIV and TB) -People Who Inject Drugs (HIV and TB) -Sex Partners (HIV) -Male and Female Sex Workers (HIV) -Men who have Sex with Men (HIV) -Prisoners (HIV and TB) -Elderly (TB)
- The debate over Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) accreditation arises in the context of transitioning from Global Fund (GF) support to domestic funding and the additional PEPFAR Incentive Funding (PIF) announced for the next three years. In view of the next funding streams and considering a progressive decline of external donors funding, CSOs will play a major role in the future response to HIV, TB, Malaria.
- Like public sector institutions, CSOs require sound leadership and management and well-functioning organizational structures and systems to deliver services effectively and efficiently. In the same way, accreditation is needed for CSOs to provide high-quality outreach, support and clinical service. It is in this framework, that accreditation for Civil Society Organizations in Thailand has become a priority issue.

Generally speaking, accreditation can be defined as a certification of competence in a specified subject or areas of expertise, and of the integrity of the organization in question awarded by a duly recognized and respected accrediting organization/entity. In the specific context, accreditation granted to civil society organizations includes two aspects:
Organizational Accreditation: a set of operational and management standards in line with international standards required from private sector, public institutions and international bodies. Financial, operational, and ethical codes of conduct are standards that make CSOs more effective in management and programmatic performance. By providing quality services CSOs can win trust from private and public donors thus becoming financial independent. Organizational Accreditation foresees a model of good governance with continuous monitoring of areas such as:
- Governance
- Finance
- Communication
- Gender
- Management Practice and Human Resources
- Program management and M&E
- Public Policy
Modalities of this consultancy
This consultancy will focus on the first type of accreditation, i.e. Organizational Accreditation. It will be divided in two parts with separate objectives and deliverables. The consultant taking up part 1 can also apply for part 2. However, for part 2 some local expertise is required. Thus, an international consultant will be supported by Thai experts.
General Objective
- The main objective is to identify and study CSOs accreditation systems already present in other countries and use good practices identified to write guidelines for the accreditation institutional set-up in Thailand
- Objective 1: A paper describing CSOs accreditation systems/models and good practices already in place is produced;
- Objective 2: Written guidelines are developed to support Raks Thai in setting up accreditation in Thailand
- A paper describing already existing CSOs accreditation models/systems is produced. Using the study as a starting point written guidelines are provided in support of accreditation set-up in Thailand.
Description and Profile:
The consultant will conduct a study on accreditation systems/models already present in countries agreed upon with Raks Thai. The study will be conducted independently.
However, consultation with Raks Thai director and senior staff responsible for accreditation is foreseen. Taking the study as a starting point, the consultant will develop written guidelines to support Raks Thai in setting up accreditation in Thailand. More details on implementation will be shared in due time.
Although both approach and methodology will be discussed with Raks Thai staff, the consultant is expected to follow some key steps:
- Research: examples of civil society accreditation systems/good practices already in place are identified and studied. The study will be the starting point for a comparative analysis with Thai context;
- A desk review: Raks Thai staff will provide access to relevant internal documents and papers. The consultant is expected to research on relevant laws, policies and practices to assess the country situation analysis in relation to accreditation;
- Meeting with RTF director and responsible staff members in view of presenting an outline of results. The consultant might ask for further consultation with stakeholders, if needed;
- The paper and guidelines delivered are discussed with Raks Thai for a smooth implementation.
- A paper describing good models of accreditation already implemented in countries outside Thailand;
- A series of written guidelines to set up CSOs accreditation in Thailand.
- Start Date: December 2016
- End date: January 2016
- Tentative duration: 30 days
- At least 10 years of experience including experience in civil society organizations (preferably in the health sector), public/private organizations management/governance;
- Knowledge of/experience in CSO accreditation models/standards (preferable);
- Excellent understanding of public policies, governmental bodies and institutions;
- Excellent skills in gaining trust and building relationships with involved parties and actors.
- Analytical capacity and demonstrated ability to process analyze and synthesize complex information from different environments;
- Ability to combining information from various sources, including business, finance, development and human rights;
- Proven ability to support the development of high quality material.
- Advanced level of English;
- Thai preferable especially, for the second part of the evaluation;
- Excellent technical knowledge in the areas of law, policy and governance;
The consultant is expected to use their own facilities and make use of their own equipment. Working space and meeting room with internet access will be arranged at the Raks Thai Foundation premise. If needed, Raks Thai Foundation will facilitate interviews and meetings with staff members and stakeholders.
The consultant is expected to discuss the tentative timetable provide by Raks Thai and details of the methodology proposed to support this process. The consultant is requested to submit his/her own plan which also includes details of the schedule (days assigned to each task), team members involved and proposed fee for the period covered by consultancies.
How to apply:
Interested candidates are invited to submit their detailed CV to Ms Daniela Scalise: and Ms Saowaluk Moornsarn: Please, cc Mrs Thongphit Pinyosinwat:, by no later than 5 December 2016.