World Neighbors Southeast Asia: Request for local Partner Audit - Indonesian & Timor Leste


World Neighbors is an international development, non-governmental, non-profit agency (INGO), working in eastern Indonesia and Timor-Leste, which works through local partners to inspire people and strengthen communities to find lasting solutions to hunger, poverty and disease, and promote a healthy environment.

World Neighbors currently implements two USAID-funded projects, one from USAID/OFDA covering seven (7) districts in Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) and Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) in Indonesia, and one from USAID/Timor-Leste covering the Oecusse enclave.

World Neighbors is seeking a registered, qualified audit firm,preferably with relevant not-for-profit sector expertise, to conduct audit services for the fiscal year 1 July 2015 through 30 June 2016 for our seven (7) local NGO partners in NTT and NTB and three (3) local NGO partners in Oecusse.

For detailed information on the audit’s objective, scope, methodology, proposal requirements, timeframe, and how to apply, please send an email with “Request for Local Partner Audit ToR” in the title bar to

The deadline for full applications in response to the ToR is 18 November 2016.
