FAO Job Consultant to Conduct the Value Chain Study On the Processed Marine Product - Lombok Island, Indonesian

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is looking for the individual candidate for the post of " National Consultant to conduct the value chain study on the processed marine product (boiled fish and/or smoked fish) in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, Indonesia  ". The post is open for Indonesian National only. Please refer to the below Term of Reference for the post.

If you are interested, please send your application together with CV by email to: FAO-ID@fao.org at the latest by 9 January 2017. Women are strongly encouraged to apply for this position. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Job Title: National consultant to conduct the value chain study on the processed marine product (boiled fish and/or smoked fish) in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, Indonesia

Division/Department: AFS/RAP

Programme/Project Number: GCP/RAS/296/JPN

Location: Home-based (with visit to prospective project sites in Lombok island and also to Mataram for organizing a national workshop as required)

Expected Start Date of Assignment: 20 January 2017

Duration: 40 days (WAE) in 4 months from January 20 to May 20

Reports to: Project Coordinator - Assistant FAOR (Programme)

The FAO regional project “Development of effective and inclusive food value chains in ASEAN Member States (GCP/RAS/296/JPN)” was launched in September 2016 as a three-year regional project funded by the Government of Japan (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries). The project aims to make a significant contribution to the food and livelihood security of smallholders by integrating them into food value chains that link them to new market opportunities with its two phases of activities. The activities of Phase 1 include the value chain study to assess the specific value chain and smallholders groups. During Phase 2, the project is expected to make some actual interventions at piloting project site to overcome the obstacle which is identified by the value chain study.

As a result of coordination between Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia and FAO, the value chain of processed marine products (boiled and/or smoked fish) in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province in Indonesia have been selected as target vale chain for this project. Thus, the relevant value chain study shall be conducted with targeting those products in the province. The study is expected to identify 1) The visible and potential obstacles; 2) the possible interventions to overcome the said obstacles; and 3) potential markets for the processed marine products.

Under the operational supervision of the FAO Representative in Indonesia,  the technical supervision of Project Coordinator at FAO-RAP who is the direct responsible for this project and supervision of Assistant FAO Representative (programme) , the consultant will:

  • Assess the marine product value chains/smallholders groups in the specified location* by conducting a value chain study including baseline and assessment survey;
  • Compile the results of assessment in interim Study Report (in English);
  • Produce the recommendations for selection of interventions at the specified project site;
  • Coordinate and facilitate one day national workshop in Mataram with 20-30 local participants from the relevant stakeholders of project such as government officials and smallholders group etc, to share the study results and recommendations; and
  • Obtain the responses/feedbacks from the national workshop to be incorporated in the final Study Report.
  • Prepare the draft project proposal for the piloting project during Phase 2 of the project.

*Boiled fish in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province (East Lombok and Central Lombok District) and/or smoked fish in Nusa Tenggara Barat province (East Lombok and North Lombok District) will be the target product (s) of the study.

In doing so, the consultant will undertake the following activities specifically:

  • Develop and finalize the framework including methodology and criteria for the value chain study which includes baseline and assessment survey in consultation with Project Coordinator.
  • Conduct the survey including on-site visits for examining the specified prospective value chains and meeting smallholders groups in order to assess the current status, identify the obstacles and the potential markets, and also recommend the necessary and feasible interventions which shall be made in Phase 2 of the Project.
  • Compile obtained information and results of survey in the form of interim Study Report in English.
  • Coordinate before, during and after national workshop to address logistical and technical needs for organizing the national workshop.
  • Facilitate the workshop program and gather the feedbacks from participants to be incorporated in the final Study Report.
  • Prepare the draft project proposal including work plan for the piloting project during Phase 2 of the project based on findings of the study.

Education: Advanced university degree in agricultural or fisheries economics, marine product processing technology and/or related area.

  • 5 years of experience and demonstrated understanding in value chain development.
  • Solid understanding of the socio-economic conditions of food producers and processors in Indonesia and region.
  • Strong analytical skills, including small scale business planning and financial modeling.
  • Proven donor-funded project experience, demonstrating detail orientation, proactive attention to outcomes and expectations, and the ability to understand and effectively use information and data.
  • Experience in completing food value chain analysis or feasibility studies for food value chain development.
  • Experience writing study reports in English.
Languages: Fluency in written and spoken English and Bahasa Indonesia


Expected Outputs:

  • Submission of recommending study framework including methodology and criteria for the study which includes baseline and assessment survey to Project Coordinator;
    • by January 31, 2017
  • Finalization of study framework for the study incorporating the feedbacks from Project Coordinator;
    • by February 6, 2017
  • Implementation and completion of survey and relevant data collection;
    • February 7 – March 6, 2017
  • Compilation and submission of draft interim Study Report and recommendation to Project Coordinator;
    • by March 24, 2017
  • Submission of the first draft project proposal for the piloting project
    • by March 31, 2017
  • Updating interim Study Report and recommendation for sharing at the Workshop;
    • by April 7, 2017
  • Coordinating and finalization the logistical and technical  arrangement of national workshop including agenda development;
    • May 2017
  • Implementation of national workshop;
    • May 2017
  • Submission of final Study Report which includes the feedbacks/results of national workshop; and
    • by May 20, 2017
  • Submission of the final draft project proposal for the piloting project
    • by May 20, 2017
