FHI 360 Job Vacancy: Office Assistant - Jakarta, Indonesian

The USAID-funded project, Linkages Across the Continuum of HIV Services for Key Populations Affected by HIV (LINKAGES), under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) program is implemented by FHI 360 in partnership with Pact, IntraHealth International and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and conducts a range of activities to reduce HIV transmission among key populations (KP) — sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgender persons and people who inject drugs — and improve their enrollment and retention in care and treatment across the HIV cascade. LINKAGES will accelerate the ability of governments, key population leaders, organizations working with key populations, and private-sector providers to plan and implement services that reduce HIV transmission among key populations and their sexual partners and extend the lives of those already living with HIV.

The key elements of the FHI 360-led team’s strategic and technical approach are: 
  • Identifying key populations and locales and comprehensively assessing risk,
  • Diagnosing “leaks” and revealing access barriers within the HIV services cascade,
  • Scaling up “what works” while innovating to ensure the most strategic use of resources and access to newly emerging technologies,
  • Addressing structural barriers and transforming local KP organizations,
  • Ensuring interventions are sustainable over the long term, and
  • Supporting the mainstreaming of human rights, gender and competency and capacity development.

  • The Office Assistant is responsible for daily office operational activities to ensure the cleanliness and functional of office area.
  • The position will be based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Indonesian nationals are encouraged to apply.
  • Present to the office earlier for opening and latest to leave the office for closing.
    Hadir ke kantor lebih awal untuk membuka kantor dan pulang lebih lambat untuk menutup kantor.
  • Prepare drinking water for all staffs every morning and tidy up in the evening.
    Menyiapkan minuman bagi staff setiap pagi, dan membersihkan minuman setiap sore.
  • Responsible for the daily cleaning of office premises. Clean and maintain all office equipments.
    Bertanggung jawab setiap hari atas kebersihan seluruh ruangan kantor. Memelihara dan membersihkan semua peralatan kantor.
  • Responsible and ensure that meeting rooms are ready for use at any time and ensure the neat and cleanness of the pantry area. Ensure guests are served and provide general services by staff such as order food, etc.
    Bertanggung jawab atas ruangan-ruangan rapat agar selalu siap pakai, serta bertanggung jawab atas kebersihan dan kerapihan dapur/pantry. Memastikan bahwa tamu-tamu ditawarkan dan dibuatkan minuman, serta membantu staff bila diperlukan seperti membelikan makanan, dan lain-lain.
  • Organize and maintain photocopy, binding services, etc for staffs and consultants.
    Melakukan fotokopi, penjilidan, dan lain-lain untuk staff dan konsultan.
  • Organize and maintain stocks of all required office supplies, including tracking inventory and purchase office supplies as requested.
    Melakukan penyimpanan kebutuhan office supplies, termasuk membuat inventarisnya dan melakukan pembelian office supplies sesuai petunjuk.
  • Responsible for general maintenance around the office, undertaking minor repairs as required.
    Bertanggung jawab dalam tugas perawatan dan pemeliharaan kantor, termasuk melakukan perbaikan kecil bila diperlukan.
  • Deliver/pick up important mail to/from the Embassy, post office and FHI 360 partner’s office in the absence of the Messenger and run other official errands.
    Mengantar/mengambil dokumen penting ke/dari Kedutaan, kantor pos dan kantor mitra FHI 360 bila Messenger berhalangan.
  • Answer the phone and take messages in the absence of Receptionist.
    Mengangkat telepon dan mencatat pesan bila Resepsionis berhalangan.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.
    Melakukan tugas lainnya sesuai permintaan.
  • This position is a temporary position for 3 months period.
    Posisi ini adalah posisi sementara untuk masa 3 bulan.

Interested Applicant please submit your CV to hr.indonesia@fhi360.org at the latest by 6 January 2017 COB.
