KEHATI Job Vacancy: Small Scale Infrastructure Specialist - Indonesian

The Community-Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) Grant Program objective is to support initiatives and investments that improve natural resource management at the community or landscape level while also enhancing household and small business productivity and local economic development. Starting from socialization process of CBNRM grant program managed together by GPM and MCA-Indonesia and final evaluation of proposals submitted by eligible applicants, and presently the project is reviewing the feasibility studies (FS) and the detailed engineering designs (DED) of those proponents who proposed projects with significant infrastructure development component.

GPM - KEHATI manages 17 grantees which have small-scale infrastructure projects.  Those grantees develop about 70 FS and DED documents regarding the establishment of:

  • Processing factories for agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, and plantation produces
  • Shelters and other necessary building to support animal husbandry, such as warehouses, cattle pen, and livestock fodders.
  • Irrigation, canal, water reservoir and pipe.
  • Homestay, information center, educational facility, and other ecotourism buildings
One of 26 grantees have submitted a draft of the document within the Second Quarter of CBNRM grant program (October – December 2016) and will need to be reviewed by GPM (KEHATI) soon. The rest of FS and DED documents will be submitted by grantees in early January 2017 (The Third Quarter).

The objective of this assignment is to critically review the FS and DED documents of the above mentioned projects to verify the accuracy of data, the substance of the study, and the trustworthiness of the conclusions as presented in the documents as a base to recommend the MCA-Indonesia on the appropriateness to proceed with the projects and continue to provide the grants for the projects proponents.

Scope of Work
The Scope of Work includes:

  • Develop a proposed Criteria and Indicator as well as procedures to review and evaluate FS dan DED documents of small-scale infrastructure projects.
  • Conduct critical review on the FS and DED documents submitted by the grantees.
  • Identify any issues of concern requiring the attention of the grantees and MCA-Indonesia, and where appropriate recommend necessary corrections and/or improvements in the FS and DED.
  • Assess the Operation and Maintenance cost and recommend whether the cost and kind of equipment that would need to be replaced in outlying years should be front loaded into the amended costing system or budget;
  • Write brief report and summarize the results of the document review to answer the above issues and make recommendation whether MCA-Indonesia should proceed with the Grant.
  • Present and discuss the consultant’s findings of the document study to representatives of KEHATI, and MCA-Indonesia.
Minimum Requirements and Preferred Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in Civil Engineering or other related fields studying small-scale infrastructure for agricultural and forest products processing industry;
  • Experience in conducting or knowledgeable in economic, social, and environmental assessments related to small scale processing schemes and socio-cultural issues in agricultural and forestry;
  • Knowledgeable about government regulations and requirements related to small scale industries;
  • Knowledgeable and/or experienced in preparing the feasibility studies and detailed engineering designs for small scale industries is an advantage;
  • General familiarity with the landscapes and related natural resources management issues and small scale infrastructure project in Kalimantan and Sumatera;
  • Holding a KTA (keterangan tenaga ahli/relevant expertise certificates), and;
  • Available and wiliness to work under pressure and tight schedule.
Timeframe/Level of Effort:
The estimation of the Level of Effort (LoE) for this assignment will be 2 person-month of 2 experts, comprising of 30 days for the documents study for project proponents and related background research, 3 days for report writing, and one day for presentation and discussions with MCA-Indonesia, and 10 working-day for field visits. 

Please kindly send your application and resume to

This vacant will remain open until this position is filled.
