To provide leadership in the development, implementation and evaluation of EL1 Project in all covered areas. Ensures that all programs and initiatives of the project will have a big impact on the spirituality of children that will lead them to strong Christian discipleship. Develop and integrates initiatives that nurture the children spiritually in all World Vision’s area programs that will contribute to the flourishing of children, their families and communities so that they are equip for sustained transformational development.
- Responsible in creating programs and initiatives that will ensure the spiritual nurture of children in WV vision areas covered by the project.
- Responsible for the planning, monitoring and evaluation of EL1 Project for the whole duration of project life.
- Provide technical expertise on the integration of Spiritual nurture of children in programs.
- Demonstrate Christ-centered lifestyle that inspires passion and set high standard of personal integrity/maturity.

- Ensures that the project will be managed properly that will bring larger impact on the spiritual nurture of children in WV covered areas.
- Identifies partners that will help WV in journeying together in implementing the project. Developed strong partnership with community partners, schools, religious leaders and other stake holders.
- Initiates new initiatives that will bring success to the project in a very creative way.
- Monitors El1 Project and provides analysis on operational management of the project.
- Ensures the smooth implementation of the project/program.
- Ensures that Christ-centered Commitment is a foundational mandate of every aspect of EL1-SNC WVUS Project.
The following competency may be acquired through a combination of personal commitment, formal schooling, education, prior experience:
EDUCATION: A graduate of Bachelor’s Degree and or Diploma Course in Theology or Christian Education and/or equivalent experience in handling organized Christian Education programs.
EXPERIENCE: At least 2 years experience in handling projects or Christian education programs.
EXPERTISE: Strength in Christian education, Spiritual nurture and networking, business and project management, strategic planning and deep understanding of transformational development ministry. Strength in communicating effectively with others in both verbal and written form is highly required/imperative.
Core Values (Leaders Proficiency Level 1)
We are Christian
Willingness to be open about their faith / discuss their spiritual life and respect others’ beliefs. e.g. participate in corporate spiritual life in an enthusiastic manner and respect for others’ opinions and religious beliefs
We are committed to the poor
Demonstrate community involvement and interest in issues of justice. Placing needs/interests of others before your own needs. Active participation in community groups, child sponsor
We value people
Be able to demonstrate good interpersonal skills and accept diversity in the workplace
We are stewards
Understands issues regarding conserving resources, i.e. financial, physical and can improve efficiencies in work practices
We are partners
Understand the international environment in which we operate together with other partners
We are responsive
Responsive to customer expectations in a timely and appropriate manner.
Can make decisions under pressure
Core Capabilities (Leaders Proficiency Level 1)
Achieving Quality Results and Service
- Clarifies the goals and purpose of work tasks
- Completes tasks in a timely, cost-effective way
- Responds promptly in a professional manner
- Stays committed to outcomes despite obstacles
- Clarifies the standards that need to be followed
- Demonstrates personal integrity and trustworthiness
- Pursues thoroughness and appropriate detail
- Communicates with integrity to different stakeholders
- Maximizes use of resources to meet standards
- Uses effective questions to gather relevant information
- Writes clearly and conveys intended meaning
- Listens actively, shows appropriate nonverbal behavior
- Presents appropriate information openly and willingly
- Asks key questions and gathers relevant information
- Sees relationship between cause, effects, and big picture
- Breaks down complex information into simple language
- Identifies gaps, trends, priorities and key issues
- Discusses major NGO’s with awareness
- Describes key aspects and issues of relief
- Describes key aspects and issues of development
- Describes key aspects and issues of advocacy
- Identifies trends and changes in humanitarian industry
- Lists key information sources that keep knowledge
- Understands WV core documents (vision, mission, core values, covenant of partnership and ministry policies)
- Represents World Vision as a child-focused organization
- Understands fundraising (including sponsorship), relief, development and advocacy issues including operational consequences
- Explains WV work in relation to issues of poverty, power, justice and peace
- Puts personal work into the wider WV context
Practicing Innovation and Change
- Proactively seeks opportunities to do things differently
- Finds fulfilment in work through creativity
- Demonstrates courage in the face of challenges
- Solves problems efficiently and effectively
- Cooperates with others in support of change
- Links personal mission and work to spirituality
- Affirms and explains the basic beliefs of the Christian faith
- Reflects Christ-like values in work and life
- Seeks spiritual growth for self and others
- Demonstrates a growing understanding of and respect for Christian diversity
- Respects and relates appropriately to people of other faiths
- Contributes to corporate spirituality
- Reflects on experiences to draw out learning
- Pursues learning both formally and informally
- Seeks feedback on performance and acts on it
- Takes risks and learns from failure
- Asks for help in solving problems
- Encourages and supports others to grow and develop
- Maintains balance in work, life and relationships (especially family and friendship relationships and support networks)
- Prioritizes many demands without losing focus
- Has realistic self awareness of abilities and development needs
- Successfully manages personal emotions and their effects
- Treats others with honor and respect
- Builds and maintains strong relationships
- Cooperates well with other team members
- Develops personal networks of effective relationships
- Respects and is sensitive to different groups
- Adapts style to new environments and cultures
- Appreciates and embraces differences
- Understands own preferences, culture and perspective
- Expresses own beliefs in culturally appropriate manner
- Seeks to understand and respect differing perspectives and viewpoints
- Takes a stand on behalf of issues and groups
- Interprets and presents information with influence and impact
- Uses different styles to impact different individuals or groups
- Please send your application to
- Closing Date: 31 December 2016