Objective and Purpose of the Assignment
To support the Resident Mission in gender and development (GAD), in partnership with the government, development partners (DPs), the private sector and civil society organizations.
To assist in addressing ADB’s strategic objectives related to GAD; in promoting ADB and the Government’s policies, strategies, plans, and programs related to GAD; and in the design, preparation, and implementation of ADB loans, grants, and technical assistance (TA) projects and programs in these areas.
Scope of Work
The work of the Gender Specialist shall cover:
- Gender Mainstreaming at entry during Loan, Grant and TA Processing
- Loan/Grant and TA Administration, and GAP Implementation, Monitoring and Reporting
- Capacity Development in Gender and GAP implementation, monitoring and reporting
- Gender Mainstreaming in Policy and Planning
- Contribute to the creation of ADB knowledge products on GAD
Detailed Tasks and/or Expected Output
- Gender Mainstreaming at entry during Loan, Grant and TA Processing.
- Under close guidance and in consultation with the SERD Gender Anchor, develop and/or provide inputs to draft concept papers, initial poverty and social analysis (IPSA), project preparatory technical assistance (PPTA) reports, report and recommendation to the President (RRP), Gender Action Plans (GAPs), project administration manual (PAM), loan covenants and other project documents in accordance with ADB’s gender mainstreaming strategy to ensure quality-at-entry of gender mainstreaming.
- Participate during PPTA and fact-finding missions to guide the gender analysis, and prepare and finalize a good quality GAP for ADB projects and programs.
- Develop stand-alone gender specific loans/grants/TAs, if relevant, to enhance gender equality results in ADB operations.
- Loan/Grant and TA Administration, and GAP Implementation, Monitoring and Reporting.
- Regularly coordinate and provide technical advice and support to relevant Government staff in the executing and implementing agencies, and project gender consultants/focal points to ensure effective implementation of project GAPs. This includes, but not limited to, providing assistance in identifying constraints and challenges; in devising and supporting implementation of measures to address these; and when required, regular coaching and mentoring of project staff in implementation, monitoring and reporting.
- Participate in and support loan review missions, prioritizing project mid-term review (MTR) missions and regular or special review missions of projects requiring special attention in terms of gender mainstreaming (e.g., projects not doing well, flagship projects, etc.)
- As part of loan review missions, assist in the preparation of quality GAP monitoring reports and provide gender inputs to the Aide Memoire/Memorandum of Understanding, BTOR, Project Completion Reports and other relevant documents that will form part of the mission reports.
- Maintain records (country ADB gender mainstreamed (GM) projects database in line with the SERD Gender Anchor database) on GAP implementation and reporting for the country portfolio of GM projects, regularly sharing information and a clear overview report on the status of GAP implementation to the SERD Gender Anchor.
- Coordinate and follow-up with the executing/implementing agencies on the semi-annual submission of GAP monitoring reports and use the information gathered to update the database above.
- Administer ADB gender specific projects and TAs, including review of documents related to procurement, consulting services and disbursement, ensuring quality and timeliness of deliverables and client satisfaction.
- Prepare a range of key reports, management briefs, and other reports related to the assigned projects and/or the country portfolio of GM projects, in close collaboration with the supervisor for submission to the Gender Anchor, Country Director, or other concerned offices.
- Participate in quarterly portfolio reviews if needed and the annual program portfolio review mission to identify projects with significant gender components.
- Capacity Development in Gender and GAP implementation, monitoring and reporting.
- Identify GAD capacity needs of implementing and executing agencies, project gender consultants, gender focal points and project staff, resident mission staff, and other stakeholders, in the context of ADB’s gender mainstreaming strategy, and coordinate appropriate capacity-building activities to respond to these needs.
- Provide hands-on GAD training, including coaching and mentoring sessions, to PIU staff and project gender consultants in the context of specific ABD-financed projects.
- In consultation and cooperation with ADB’s Gender Team in the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department (SDCC), and SERD Gender Anchor, conduct gender capacity building workshops for resident mission staff and executing agencies, especially for those involved with project implementation.
- Design and conduct gender sensitization seminars for the country’s policy and planning agencies.
- Gender Mainstreaming in Policy and Planning.
- Under close guidance and in consultation with the SERD Gender Anchor, assist in the formulation and implementation of Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), and in preparing its annual updates by: (i) updating the Country Gender Assessment and Country Gender Strategies when needed; and (ii) providing GAD inputs in the formulation of the CPS documents, the country operations business plan, and relevant sector road-maps.
- Monitor key policy reforms on relevant GAD aspects of ADB Operations.
- Support the Country Director and Team Leader for Country Programs, ADB’s HQ missions and Resident Mission staff on critical policy reform initiative by providing GAD inputs where relevant, including preparing background and issue papers on GAD and/or sectoral policy reforms if needed.
- Contribute to the creation of ADB knowledge products on GAD.
- Develop and prepare case studies/stories of good practices in gender mainstreaming in project design and implementation, and of good gender outcomes from actual in-country experiences, for use to showcase ADB’s work, and guide future gender mainstreaming design of ADB projects.
- Develop and/or contribute to the development of gender-related knowledge products, including blogs or online newsletters, background and issue papers, and research on emerging sectors/issues, based on experiences in implementation and results of ADB projects in the country.
- Gender Focal Point.
- Coordinate ADB's in-country GAD activities, and liaise and coordinate with ADB-HQ and regional departments on relevant GAD activities.
- Facilitate communication between ADB and executing and implementing agencies on GAD matters.
- Strengthen collaboration in GAD with governments, national women’s machineries, intergovernmental and aid agencies, research institutions, civil society, DPs and other stakeholders in the country; participate in in-country interagency arrangements on GAD; and explore potential areas of collaboration.
- Maintain a database of GAD experts and consultants in-country, and of local women’s organizations and networks and their programs and institutional capacities.
- Participate in relevant meetings and events to represent ADB-RM as gender focal point.

Minimum Qualification Requirements
- University or postgraduate degree, preferably in GAD or a relevant area to social development and GAD (specialization in gender studies would be an advantage);
- At least 5 years relevant professional experience in GAD. Experience in mainstreaming gender in different sectors (e.g. education, infrastructure and agriculture) would be beneficial;
- Experience working with multilateral or bilateral development agencies;
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to liaise and work effectively with international and national colleagues, Government officials and non-government organizations;
- Fluency in spoken and written English and solid computer skills;