The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. Its corporate objective is to improve people’s living conditions on a sustainable basis. GIZ has been working in Indonesia since 1975 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
In the context of the bilateral cooperation between the Government of Germany and the Government of Indonesia, the Social Protection Programme (SPP) assists the Government of Indonesia in the development of long-term strategies for a comprehensive system of Social Protection. The National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) is its main partner. The collaboration has been reinforced and strengthened during the German-Indonesian Government Negotiations in 2015. SPP has entered a new phase in July 2016 and is part of the priority area “Inclusive Growth”.
SPP aims at improving the framework conditions for the implementation of an integrated social protection system, contributing to the efforts of the Indonesian Government for a sustainable and inclusive economic growth. The programme works in the following intervention areas: (1) Social Assistance: capacity building for the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) / Unit Pengelolaan Program Keluarga Harapan (UPPKH) to establish adequate managerial structures and improve the extension of the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programme; (2) Social Health Protection: capacity building and technical support for Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional (DJSN) to strengthen its role in the implementation of the National Health Insurance in accordance to National Roadmap on Health and the establishment of the new social security carrier Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial I (BPJS I, Health); (3) Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities: support toBAPPENAS, MoSA and other stakeholders on the inclusion of persons with disabilities into social protection, vocational training systems and the labour market; (4) Financial Inclusion: advisory services and technical support to BAPPENAS and other stakeholders on the establishment of Postal Savings and electronic payment systems.
Indonesia introduced a national health insurance programme (known as JKN) in 2014, based on the National Social Security (SJSN) Law No. 40 which was passed in 2004. This law laid out the legal basis for the establishment of a nationwide health insurance as part of the National Social Security System in the country. Following the SJSN Law, the GOI subsequently enacted the so-called BPJS Law No. 24 in 2011. This required the integration of the various public health insurance schemes existing at that time into a single insurance system. The BPJS law also stipulated that a single health insurance carrier, namely BPJS Kesehatan, should be established to operate the JKN scheme from 2014 onwards.
The enactment of the BPJS Law has advanced significantly the role and function of the National Social Security Council (DJSN) as one of main stakeholders of the ongoing Social Security and Health reform. The Social Security Council (DJSN) has been took on the task of reform implementation, containing the three components of a.) formulating of policy recommendations (e.g. drafting of presidential decrees), b.) cross-sectoral coordination of stakeholders (e.g. ministries) involved in the reforms and c.) monitoring and evaluation of the reform implementation.
Hence, the reform process is laid out in the Road Map for the Implementation of Universal Coverage to Health in 2019 which was approved by the National Government and official acknowledgment as the ‘National Strategic Document’ through the Presidential Decree 74/2014. The Roadmap has been used by the GoI as the key instrument for realizing the JKN and steering the overall reform.
Social Protection Programme (SPP) implemented by GIZ has been at first supporting the design and is currently continuing the support for the implementation stage of JKN on various levels. SPP has been actively involved and facilitating the elaboration of the Roadmap and strengthening the key stakeholders in performing of activity to ensure the sustainability of the reform since 2010. The continuation of support for monitoring and evaluation of its implementation is in-line with the mandate of SPP in Indonesia.
In order to sustain, foster and enhance the present achievements of the Indonesian government in future,the stakeholders have voiced the demand for a continuous support of SPP in facilitating the process of implementation which focus to monitoring and evaluation of its National Health Insurance programme.
GIZ is seeking 1 (one) qualified Indonesian candidate for the following position: Social Health Insurance Advisor (Senior)
Responsibilities and Tasks
The SPP provides demand-oriented advisory and capacity development services for actors involved in the reform process. The Advisor for the Social Health Protection Component works at the national level and provides technical support to the reform implementation and monitoring of its reform comprehensively from design to the strategy. The endorsement of national health insurance programme (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional/JKN) has escalated the needs for monitoring the activities must be undertaken under the National Health Roadmap for ensuring it is successfully implemented.
The Advisor will serve as a national expert resource to DJSN and as a Social Health Insurance and Health Financing Advisor to SPP. S/he will provide policy, technical, analytical, and programmatic guidance to DJSN in ensuring the monitoring and evaluation role of its Council is performed. The expert will also assist SPP in advising the other GOI counterparts in the field of Social Health Insurance and Social Protection (as appropriate).
The Advisor will work closely with Principal Advisor/Team Leader of the Intervention Area “Social Health Protection (SHP)”. S/he will:
- Supporting the Principal Advisor/Team Leader of SHP to ensure the contribution of the GIZ in the social protection reform is legitimized by providing professional advice to partners and maintaining its communication;
- Assisting the National Social Security Council (NSSC) and its Secretariat in implementing the guideline for performing the monitoring and evaluation role of its institution, this will include, but not be limited to, designing and managing the implementation of specific studies, data analysis using existing data bases, and drafting policy briefs to inform and influence decision making;
- Assisting the SPP in advising and providing technical input for BPJS Kesehatan in reviewing of the following factors, but not limited to,
- macro policies for the Indonesian healthcare system, which influences the BPJS role as a social health insurance provider.
- the current conditions of healthcare services and medicine in Indonesia.
- Assisting SPP in providing the advisory and technical input to BPJS Kesehatan and key stakeholders in developing tailored approaches for the implementation of the “National Roadmap on Health”;
- Advising BAPPENAS and other key stakeholders in order to have clarification, identifying needs, developing concepts and strategies, and provides technical input with regard to the national implementation of National Health Insurance programme (JKN);
- Contributions to the planning, documentation, monitoring and evaluation of the results achieved by SPP in the current phase;
- Considering cross-cutting topics - such as poverty reduction, gender, inclusion of people with disabilities, vulnerable population groups – in designing of activity and policy advise to partner in implementing of its activity;
- Active and flexible cooperation with other development partners.
Required qualifications, skills, competences and experience
General requirements:
- Indonesian citizenship;
- PhD, in health economics, financing, or other related discipline with applicability to international health financing programs;
- Having extensive knowledge and vast experience on Social Health Insurance (design and implementation) in Indonesia;
- Mastery in Public Policy development, Social Sciences and Statistic;
- Fluency in written and spoken English.
Professional experience required:
- Minimum of 20 years of experience in national and international health financing and health system strengthening with demonstrated expertise in health insurance reform in Indonesia;
- Experience in advising the main stakeholders in the area of health protection/health system strengthening such as NSSC (DJSN), BPJS Kesehatan, and/or Ministry of Health;
- Demonstrated managerial skills in the policy development process in complex program environments with multiple implementing organizations – multi-stakeholder approaches;
- Demonstrated leadership skills in systems development and strategic planning;
- Demonstrated ability to develop and maintain sound working relationships with high-ranking stakeholders and/or dialogue partners from government, academia, and civil society at regional, national and international levels;
- Expertise and work experience on stakeholder facilitation and moderation;
- Proven qualification to provide high-quality advice and to draft documents in Bahasa Indonesia and English for a high-level audience;
- Ability to work effectively and independently/with minimum supervision and in an international working environment.
- Ability to conduct domestic region to the six (6) regions of focus implementation of National Roadmap.
Duty Station: Jakarta
Expected to Join: immediately, 23th of February 2017
Direct Supervisor: Principal Advisor
Interested candidates should submit a motivation letter, CV, trainings attended and list of references (a must), addressed to The closing date to submit the application letter is on 4thFebruary 2017
Please indicate your application by putting the following code in the subject line: SPP – SHIA.
Please name your file as follow format: [Your Complete Name]_[Motivation Letter/CV/Latest Education Certificate]
Only short-listed candidates will be notified