IMA World Health Job Vacancy: National Nutrition Communication Campaign Jakarta, Indonesian

Please find various vacancy in IMA World Health.

National Nutrition Communication Campaign Jakarta, Indonesia 

Introduction - Through the Nat ional Nutrition Communications Campaign (NNCC), Millennium Challenge A ccount –Indonesia (MCA-I) is supporting the Ministry of  Health in Indonesia to raise a wareness of and promote behavior change to prevent and  reduce stunting.

This campaign  will focus in three districts: Ogan Kumiling Ilir (South  Sumatera), Landak (West  Kalimantan), and Kapuas (Central Kalimantan), while the mass media campaign will have national coverage. IMA World Health is the Implementer of NNCCis looking for professional person to fill in the position, please see the detailed TOR/SOW attached.

All applications will be treated in confidence.

Download the SOWs: CLICK HERE

Onlyshort-listed candidates will be notified and invited for interviews. Pleasesubmit your letter of application and detailed curriculum vitae in English by February 3,2017 and email to:

Thank you & Best Regard,

