OXFAM International Job Consultant: Facilitator for Economic Justice Learning Workshop - Indonesian

OXFAM is an International Non Governmental Organisation working across the world with a vision of just a world without poverty: a world in which people can influence decisions that affect their lives, enjoy their rights, and assume their responsibilities as full citizens of a world in which all human beings are valued and treated equally.

Vision for Indonesia
We envision an Indonesia where women are equal citizens and everyone can enjoy their rights even in times of shocks and disaster.

Calling for Consultant - Facilitator for Economic Justice Learning Workshop (Economic Justice Program)

Oxfam in Indonesia believes in a world without poverty and Oxfam can have a meaningful impact in Indonesia when we link up with strategic allies that are capable to empower poor women and men and their organizations become front runners in overcoming poverty, vulnerability and inequality. Oxfam Indonesia and its partners are part of a global movement that is capable of creating lasting solutions for poverty and inequality. Women and girls are at the heart of all we do and Oxfam strategically supports them. 

Many works also had been done by Oxfam in Indonesia and partners with great achievements within diverse experiences. Partner works not only succeed on the local level by organizing peasants, and fisher folks in order to secure community livelihood as well as promote local food, but also successfully to influence food policy at national level. In addition, work in the labor sector is also showing great results.

By 2020, we need to change how we work, especially on how to make sure our influence more effectively. We will strengthen our ability to influence greater change, and share knowledge, evidence and expertise within and beyond Oxfam. This is in line with Oxfam vision which is becoming a knowledge based organization in the international development sector.

The Economic Justice (EJ) team, as one of Oxfam in Indonesia program, would like to capture these experiences, achievements and learning in four days EJ Learning Workshop in Bogor, on 6-8 of February 2017.

The workshop will be conducted on two parallel sessions, project learning in specifically and EJ program in generally. There are some specific projects to be leant namely (1) Rights to Food; (2) FAIR; (3) GRAISEA; (3) GROW Campaign; (4) Labor Rights; and (5) SGDs. After the specific learning, the workshop is continuing on plenary to discuss whole issues as EJ united.

This workshop is expected to help Oxfam in Indonesia and in particular EJ team to achieving a giant leap toward Oxfam in Indonesia transformation as a knowledge based organization in the international development sector.

In order to achieve the expectation, Oxfam in Indonesia would like to find persons (a team) as consultant to facilitate the learning workshop and to develop solid report document report.

  • A lessons learned from Oxfam and partners’ works that can be documented and recorded
  • Proper space among Oxfam in Indonesia, partners and strategic networks on knowledge exchange for improving their program strategy and performance as well as  for personal development
  • Inputs and recommendation for Oxfam in Indonesia transformation in line to the Oxfam vision 2020.

  • Evidences of achievements and lesson learned from Oxfam and partners’ works. Success and unsuccessful stories can be collected and documented as part of learning and knowledge management.
  • Mutual dialogue among Oxfam in Indonesia, partners and strategic networks.
  • Documented inputs for Oxfam and particular EJ strategy and framework, new idea in partnership building and program development between EJ and partners.

Responsibility of the consultant(s)
  • Develop a methodology and tools for the learning workshop.
  • Organization of team.
  • Review relevant documents.
  • Facilitating workshop process.
  • Data collection.
  • Draft report  preparation and submission  to Oxfam for feedback.
  • Finalization of the report.
 Consultant(s) Requirements
  • The learning workshop will be led by experienced facilitator(s) with strong skill on workshop facilitation and extensive knowledge on influencing and socio-economic issues.
  • Overall, the facilitators (team) should have knowledge, experience and competencies in:
  • Significant experiences in learning concepts and approaches;
  • Minimum 5 years of development work in socio-economic development;
  • Good understanding of rights based approach and gender;
  • Have good facilitation skill, especially in doing consultation;
  • Strong analytical skill and quantitative and qualitative data collection;
  • Good communication skill;
  • Demonstrated writing skills in both English and Indonesian;

The terms Condition

  • The eligible person/organisation has to submit the technical proposal which may consists of methodology, tools, detail budget, time line, reporting and CV of key personnel or  organizational profile.
  • Assigned person/organisation will submit a work plan with guideline before start the work and take approval from Oxfam.
  • During this learning period the concern person/organisation will take suggestion/ feedback from Oxfam.
  • he agreed cost will be paid to the selected person/organisation in 2 instalments. Agreed percentage from total budget after signing the consultant agreement and after submission of final report approved by Oxfam.
  • The organization will submit all the soft copy of report and raw data.

Workshop Participants
The workshop will be participated by all EJ partner organization in Indonesia, EJ team members, potential donors, relevant embassy representatives, relevant government representatives and other strategic partner of EJ and/or Oxfam in Indonesia.

Date and venue
The forum will be implemented in 6-8 February, 2017 in Bogor, Indonesia.

Proposal and/or team resumes should be submitted electronically by Friday, 20 January 2017 at the latest to jakarta@oxfam.org.uk with Facilitator for Economic Justice Learning Workshopas the subject of your email.

Oxfam promotes equality and diversity

Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and suffering
Oxfam GB is a member of Oxfam International and a company limited by guarantee registered in England No. 612172.
Registered office: Oxfam House, John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY.
A registered charity in England and Wales (no 202918) and Scotland (SC 039042)
