OXFAM is an International Non Governmental Organisation working across the world with a vision of just a world without poverty: a world in which people can influence decisions that affect their lives, enjoy their rights, and assume their responsibilities as full citizens of a world in which all human beings are valued and treated equally.
Calling for Consultant - Consultancy on Inequalities in Seafood Value Chains
Oxfam is undertaking a research on inequality in seafood value chains as part of its Unequal Portions campaign. The Uneven Portion campaign aims to highlight and address inequality in value chains. It understands that inequality of power in value chains, manifested in the unfair distributions of risks and benefits among different actors in supply chains - is a critical factor in poverty and food injustice.
The fisheries and seafood sector will be the focus of the first year of the UP campaign. The fisheries and seafood sector is major contributor to world trade and economy. Approximately 10% to 12% of the world’s population depends on fisheries and seafood production for their incomes and livelihoods The seafood economy, Marine Stewardship Council. In 2012, global exports of fish and seafood products were at USD 129 billion – more than the combined net export value of rice, coffee and sugar from developing countries. The seafood economy, Marine Stewardship Council Developing countries, most of which are net fish and seafood exporters, account for more than half of trade of this commodity group. Ibid However, the fishery and seafood’s sector’s impressive contribution to world trade and economy is not without costs.
Various reports documenting cases of exploitation of young boys and girls, slavery, deplorable working conditions and low wages especially for vulnerable migrant workers cast a dark shadow on the sector. These call attention to the issue of inequality in the fish and seafood supply chain as it indicates that the immense value generated by this multi-billion industry is clearly not benefiting its most vulnerable, yet most important stakeholders. Additionally, there are issues regarding the environmental sustainability of intensive fisheries and aquaculture operations. There are concerns that over fishing and the over-exploitation of developing countries’ natural resources will undermine its capacity to produce enough fish and seafood for present and future generations.
Objectives of the consultancy and research:
This consultancy is being commissioned to provide the background research for the UP Campaign on the fisheries and seafood sector. The consultant will undertake the research, including a case study, with the following objectives:
- Develop an understanding and analysis of inequalities in seafood value chains in Thailand/Indonesia/Vietnam/Philippines, particularly with respect to the following concerns:
- Distribution of cost and benefits among different actors/players across the value chain Gender-differentiated impacts of inequalities in value chains, as reflected in gender wage gaps, gender discrimination and other gender-specific labour issues
- Prevalence of slavery, poor labor conditions and migration-related issues in seafood value chains
- Environmental issues linked to the operation of seafood value chains and their impacts on inequality and sustainable development
- Inform campaign plans and identify national, regional and global advocacy and campaign targets - Provide a comprehensive overview of how seafood value chain in Thailand/Indonesia/Vietnam/Philippines operate and link with other countries in the region as well as in the global seafood supply chain; identify specific national players that can be targets for advocacy and campaigns;
- Provide bases for policy and program recommendations - Generate evidence, data and information that can serve as bases for developing policy recommendations aimed at addressing inequalities in the seafood value chain
Expected Outcome
- Narrative research report following the outline prescribed in Terms of Reference for the Inequality in Seafood Value Chains found in Annex 1, including a complete reference list.
- Submission of all information used in the research, including but not limited to data sets, documentation of interviews, among others.
Responsibilities of the Consultant
- Undertake the research, and submit the narrative research report, following the outline specified in the terms of reference found in Annex.
- Coordinate with Oxfam and the regional research team on the conduct of the study; provide regular updates on the status of the research.
- Participate in the national consultation and integrate the results from the consultation into the final paper.
Revise and finalize the narrative report in accordance with the comments and suggestions from Oxfam and the result of the national consultation. Submit to Oxfam the final paper and all relevant data sets.
Resume should be submitted electronically by Friday, 9 January 2017 at the latest tojakarta@oxfam.org.uk with Consultancy on Inequalities in Seafood Value Chains as the subject of your email.
Oxfam promotes equality and diversity
Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and suffering
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