UNICEF Job Consultant: Advocacy Disability, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia


Support to Malaysia Country Office's (MCO) work on children with disabilities

The overall purpose of this role is to provide support to UNICEF Malaysia (MCO) to take forward the work on children with disabilities. Disability has been identified as a core area of work for the office in 2017.

Summary of Tasks

  • Support preparations for the launch of the Knowledge, attitudes and practice (KAP) survey and the "we are all fans film" and dialogue with different disability stakeholders.
  • Support preparations for sharing of the KAP findings and dialogue with stakeholders on the way forward in the 4 study areas (Sarawak, Sabah, Kelantan and Selangor (planning for the dialogue meetings and liaison with the respective state authorities.
  • Contribute to development of a package of advocacy/communication materials for different audiences.
  • Document MCO overall work on children with disabilities and assist Communications team to package it for use internally and externally as appropriate
  • Identify strategic potential programmatic and advocacy partners (academic institutions, CSOs and private sector)
  • Support Innovation lead in the selection/ training/orientation/mentorship of partners to build their capacity in design thinking for locally validated child focused innovation
  • Together with Innovation lead and programme team, support design lab in specific programme areas
  • Support documentation of on going good practices (partners) as may be identified for advocacy and scale up
  • In collaboration with the communication team support any campaigns related to children with disabilities
  • Support/arrange training of health, education, welfare/ child protection workers ,CBR personnel workers on childhood disability issues in selected areas
  • Lead process of developing a series of short position papers on disability in key areas
  • Provide technical support to programme colleagues on development of theory of change and other relevant documents
Candidate Profile

  • Advanced degree (masters) in social work and or other related social sciences
  • At least 5 years work experience in the field of disability, child protection and on programmes/projects aimed at inclusion
  • Expertise in policy analysis and formulation and project management
  • Knowledge and understanding of international human rights standards/conventions as regards children and people with disabilities
  • Strong communication skills
  • Strong networking and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to conceptualize and articulate ideas in a clear and concise form
  • Ability to provide high level technical advice and guidance for strategic advocacy, programming and capacity building in regard to children with disabilities
  • Knowledge of UNICEF's work in middle income countries, with focus on Equity and inclusion issues for vulnerable and marginalized children

Malaysia is a State party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (CRPD).Together, the 2 Conventions provide the international framework for the protection of rights of children with disabilities and ensuring that their needs are met.

The country has also made significant progress in regard to the policy and legal environment for persons with disability. In 2007, the national policy for persons with disabilities and national plan of action for persons with disabilities was adopted. In 2008, the persons with disabilities Act was passed and the country ratified the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in July 2010.

The 11th Malaysia Plan also stresses on Empowering Persons with Disabilities as a focus area under Enhancing Inclusiveness Towards and Equitable Society, one of the key thrusts for change. This also includes creating a physical friendly environment and expanding training and skills development to increase employability. However there is lack of systematic collection of data on disability, which remains a critical issue for planning and appropriate policy recommendations.

While there has been progress to improve the lives of children with disabilities, critical issues remain, including access to services, participation as well as social prejudices and discrimination.

Over the last 4 years, UNICEF has undertaken a number of initiatives regarding children with disabilities. These include:

  • Mapping Study on the Policies, Programmes, Interventions and Stakeholders for Children with disabilities in Malaysia.
  • Policy dialogue on children with disabilities in conjunction with the launch of the State of World's Children 2013.The day-long dialogue provided the space to identify constraints, opportunities and partnerships to move forward the agenda for children with disabilities.
  • A media workshop for editors and journalists for print, broadcast and online media to further facilitate understanding on the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and to encourage positive news and reporting on children with disabilities.
  • Disable 2 Enable campaign aimed at dispelling limitations and highlight talents and abilities of children with disabilities.
  • Supported the establishment of the Malaysian Partnership on Children with Disabilities (MPcwd) to rally a spectrum of stakeholders to address issues affecting children with disabilities
  • Developed the UNICEF Malaysia Inclusion Strategy to facilitate mainstreaming of disability in the new country programme 2016-2020
During the last 2 years, (2015-16) ,training was conducted for key disability stakeholders in Peninsula Malaysia as well as Sabah and Sarawak on disability mainstreaming and the fundamentals of creating an inclusive society.

Significant amount of time was spent on supporting the Malaysian partnership on children with disabilities. In particular, working with the partnership to implement identified activities, facilitate active communication among the partners through the face book group, facilitate exchange of resources between UNICEF and the partners and provide guidance to the partners on disability issues. Other activities included identifying key national and regional calendar of events that the partnership can link into for awareness creation and advocacy, supporting individual partners with their proposals for funding /collaboration with UNICEF and working with the partners on a communication schedule that included editing and pitching of media articles, as well as social media updates.

An important mile stone during this period has been the completion of the Knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) study which has widened understanding of community perceptions of children with disabilities and what drives stigma and discrimination of these children and their families. The study will be used to inform advocacy/ communication and programmatic responses.

In collaboration with Manchester United and UNICEF UK- a web film ("we are all fans") has also been completed. The film aims at promoting social inclusion and calls for a dignified and inclusive society free of discrimination and prejudices.

The purpose of this consultancy is to provide support to UNICEF Malaysia (MCO) to build on these gains and to take forward the work on children with disabilities. Disability has been identified as a core area of work for the office in 2017 (Flagship). This is based on the fact that there is a strong foundation to build on given the work that has been done over the last years. There is also an overall interest in the issue and the will to make a difference (CSOs, /private sector). In addition critical staff (education Specialist and C4D Chief) are now on board who will help to strengthen and broaden our programmatic and advocacy work. The KAP study just concluded provides the much needed information to look at strategic interventions, cross sectoral working and application of innovative approaches to bridge information and awareness gaps and to tackle attitudinal and physical barriers to inclusion.

Education - Advanced degree (masters) in social work and or other related social sciences
Work Experience - At least 5 years work experience in the field of disability, child protection, and on programmes/projects aimed at inclusion
Languages - Fluency in English and Bahasa
  • Expertise in policy analysis ,and formulation and project management
  • Knowledge and understanding of international human rights standards/conventions as regards children and people with disabilities
Remuneration for this consultancy will be guided by applicable market rates for the type, quality and volume of services required. Interested candidates should therefore include in their application the daily professional fees (RM) for the services to be provided.
Application Process
This is a consultancy and not a full time post in UNICEF MCO. All eligible individual National consultants are encouraged to apply.
Please email your cover letter, resume and completed UN P11 form to: mlya-hr@unicef.org (marked clearly in the subject line, support to UNICEF Malaysia (MCO) to take forward the work on children with disabilities no later than 23 January 2017
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons with disabilities, to apply.
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organization.
