USAID SEA Project Job Vacancy: Sustainable Fishery Development Policy Specialist - Jakarta, Indonesian

Title: Sustainable Fishery Development Policy Specialist

Reports to: Deputy Chief of Party

Coordinate with: Advisors of USAID SEA Project

Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

The USAID Sustainable Ecosystems Advanced (SEA) Project is a five-year contract that supports the Government of Indonesia to conserve biological diversity and improve the governance of marine resources at local, district, provincial and national levels. By using an ecosystem-based approach to management and engaging key stakeholders, the SEA Project will 1) enhance conservation and sustainable use of marine resources by reforming fisheries management and promoting marine protected areas to enhance fisheries productivity, food and nutrition security, and sustainable livelihoods within the target area; and 2) strengthen the leadership role and capacity of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and local governments to promote conservation and sustainable fishing. The SEA Project is implemented by Tetra Tech and a consortium of partners that includes Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Coral Triangle Center (CTC) and WWF-Indonesia (WWF). The SEA Project will run from March 2016 through March 2021.

The SEA Project is predicated on an ecosystem approach to fisheries and marine resources management, which implies that it will integrate across sectors and assist in the development of plans and implementation actions that address biophysical, governance and socio-economic concerns.  To accomplish this vision of ecosystem approach and integration, it will need to formulate a consistent level of baseline information for project areas so that actions and longer-term plans will truly address the underlying issues and threats to the geographic areas of focus.  Such an approach will also provide a model for other areas in Indonesia and a systematic means of scaling up coastal and marine resource management by local districts, provinces and the national government.

The SEA Project will implement activities in the three provinces —West Papua, North Maluku, and Maluku Provinces—that lie within Indonesia’s Fishery Management Area (FMA)-715. This FMA was chosen to be the site of the SEA Project because of the area’s high marine biodiversity, status as a national priority area for fisheries, the presence of small island provinces/districts, high rates of extreme poverty and high vulnerability to climate change. The project will also operate at a national scale to support specific activities of the Ministry of Marine Affaires and Fisheries.

Background and Role in SEA Project
At the end of five years, the SEA project is expected to improve the conservation and management of Indonesia’s marine biodiversity through improved capacity and practical application of marine conservation and sustainable fisheries management. High-level results that must be achieved by the completion of the project are:

  • At least six million hectares in the target WPP or sub-WPP under improved fisheries management as a result of USG assistance, measured through the MMAF EAFM and MPA Effectiveness Index scores or other approved national or international standards, disaggregated by national, provincial and district jurisdiction, and by whether within or outside MPAs.
  • At least six policies, laws, regulations, and/or operational protocols in support of marine conservation and sustainable fisheries management created, strengthened, promulgated, and/or enforced at all levels.
  • Key drivers and highest-rated pressures to marine biodiversity show a declining trend in the target areas.
In the light of this mandate, the SEA Project is expected to improve fisheries management and sustainability of fishery resources in Indonesia, and in particular in FMA 715.

Fisheries is a market-driven sector of the food industry. Fisheries products of Indonesia are consumed in Indonesia and also exported to other countries. The opportunity of Indonesia to increase its export of sustainable fishery products is indicated by the stagnation of world fisheries production. Indonesia takes this opportunity to accelerate its economic development in the near future in order to improve the Indonesian economy since the economy in rural areas does not develop without guidance and assistance. The President of the Republic of Indonesia has issued the Presidential Instruction to four Coordinating Ministers, 12 Ministers, Governors, Regents, Mayors and other State Officials to accelerate the development of the national fisheries industry (The Presidential Instruction no. 7 of year 2016 on the Acceleration of National Fisheries Industry Development). To implement the Presidential Instruction, MMAF has requested the SEA Project to support in the preparation of draft policy on the Acceleration of Sustainable National Fisheries Industry Development, particularly for the Indonesia’s priority outer islands. Focusing on Morotai Island as part of Indonesia’s priority outer islands, this is an opportunity for the SEA Project to support Indonesia to sustain its fishery resources by taking into account the limit of fishing industry to grow in the Acceleration of National Fisheries Industry Development.

To follow-up the request of the MMAF, The SEA Project is recruiting the Sustainable Fisheries Development Policy Specialist (SFDPS) to assist MMAF in the preparation of draft policy on the Acceleration of National Fishery Industry Development. The assignment will be conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia, with travel to project areas in FMA 715 or other areas as required.

Job Summary
Under direct supervision of Deputy Chief of Party and regular consultation with Senior Fisheries Advisor, and to a lesser extent with Sustainable Fisheries Advisors, Governance Advisor, as well as Biodiversity Advisor, the SFD Policy Specialist is responsible to carry out the following:

  • Desk study and field work for profiling fishing and fish processsing industries in Indonesia;
  • Facilitation of Focus groups discussions (FGD) with relevant MMAF units and relevant stakeholders to identify and prioritize issues, and opportunity and challenge in the development of national fishery industries, in particular in Indonesia’s priority outer islands;
  • Preparation of a draft policy on the Acceleration of National Fisheries Industry Development consolidating result from desk study, field work and FGD, with a focus on Morotai Island as part of Indonesia’s priority outer islands;
  • Facilitation in a workshop with relevant MMAF units and relevant stakeholders to present results of the fisheries profiling and the draft policy on the Acceleration of National Fisheries Industry Development, with a focus on Morotai Island as part of Indonesia’s priority outer islands;
  • Finalization of the draft policy on the Acceleration of National Fisheries Industry Development.
Tasks and Deliverables
The SFDPS will complete the following deliverables:

  • Monthly updates, in a format prescribed by SEA;
  • Day-by-day activity records (time sheets);
  • Detailed reports and insights on any trips, workshops and/or meetings involving the Policy Specialist during the work plan period;
  • Copies of any presentations prepared under SEA;
  • Draft policy on the Acceleration of Sustainable National Fisheries Industry Development, with a focus on Morotai Island, North Maluku.
The Policy Specialist will provide all written outputs as Microsoft Word documents, and as ready-to-print PDFs.


Education and Work Experince:
Advance degree (prefereably Master Degree) in public policy with at the minimum of 7 years experience in fisheries policy facilitation

Required Skills:

  • Proven policy analytical and research skills
  • Proven skills to facilitate policy dialogue and to bring stakeholders to achieve consensus in a complex policy decision forum
  • Proven skills to develop policy paper and policy brief
  • Proven initiative, creativity, and problem solving skills
  • Bahasa Indonesia and English fluency (oral and written) required.


  • Able to work under pressure and tight deadlines
  • High degree of adaptability to varied working environments and good interpersonal and teamwork
For this assignment the Policy Specialist will report to the DCOP

Post of Assignment
The assignment will be conducted in Indonesia, based in the SEA Project office in Jakarta. This assignment may require occasional travel to field locations within Indonesia.

Time Frame and Level of Effort
The period of this assignment will begin on or about January 15, 2016 and be completed on or about March 15, 2017 (2 months). The level of effort will be 40 days.

When you are interested on the above position and consider that you possess the necessary qualification, please submit your job application consisting of updated curriculum vitae, this work and/or this organization to

Please fill the ‘subject’ column of the e-mail in this format “GIS Assistant” _(name of candidate).

Deadline January 15, 2017

No correspondence, only short-listed candidates will be notified
