Internship Opportunity at Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Indonesian based in Yogyakarta

Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) is one of Germany’s oldest and largest social welfare organisations with over 200 offices and a membership of 1.2 million. ASB Indonesia and the Philippines aims to build resilience through inclusive and risk aware development. ASB has been working in Indonesia, in partnership with the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, since 2006. In Indonesia ASB works directly with partners and communities, and in support of government, to empower and build resilience through an inclusive whole-of-community approach.

ASB Indonesia and the Philippines is open the opportunity for person with disability who wants to have internship experience at ASB. Initial period of this internship is for 3 months.

  • Person with disability
  • Indonesian National
  • Minimum high school graduate
  • Has passion in community development and humanitarian work
  • Willing to learn
  • Proficiency in working with MS. Office
Qualified applicants should send:
  • Application letter outlining your interest, availability, for example : only available from Monday to Thursday and your disability.
  • Curriculum vitae max: 2 pages clearly describing your relevant qualifications and experience
  • 2 referees’ contact details.
  • Email application should using subject line : IDN1701_IN_(applicant’s name)
Send your applications to Ms. Rosvita Walanda Sitorus at

NOTE: A failure to follow the above application format will result in applications being disregarded.

Only electronic applications accepted and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Human Resource Development
Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) Deutschland e.V 
JL. Kaliurang Km 10 
Nglaban RT04 / RW15 Sinduharjo 
Ngaglik Sleman 
Yogyakarta 55581 Indonesia
