Kartika Soekarno Foundation (KSF) is founded in 1998 (when Southeast Asian economic occured crisis) to support local health and education initiatives in good governance, community participation and building local capacity to improve the quality and coverage of health and education services for the districts community.
Since 2004, KSF has collaborated with local government district and private sectors to revitalize 255 community health centers (called Posyandu) in 7 districts; Solok (West Sumatra), Central Jakarta (DKI Jakarta), Kebumen (Central Java), Blitar (East Java) and Gianyar (Bali). Now supported by Embassy of Royal Norwegian, KSF work closely with Sumba Barat Government District has been revitalizing another 12 Posyandus.
Job Details
KSF is currently seeking:
Position: Local Project Officer – Posyandu Revitalization
Reporting to: Program Manager
Based in: West Sumba, Indonesian
Duration: until 30 July 2017
The scheduled completion date for the Project is July 2017. The contract will be awarded for a 6-months period.
Key Responsibilities
The local project officer will work under the supervision of the Executive Director and shall report to the Revitalization Posyandu Program Manager. General duties and responsibilities of the local project officer are:
- Assist the Program Manager in organizing workshops, meeting and conferences (agenda, invitation, minutes, list of participants, etc) in project area;
- Support the regular liaison with the project beneficiary and all other implementation partners;
- Maintain regular co-ordination among the local facilitators;
- Responsibility for e.g. regional travel, logistical questions, obtaining supplies etc, and overall administrative support (e.g. daily communication, translation, etc);
- Provide assistance in the management of the local budget (drafting cover sheets, assistance to the Program Manager for the preparation of the parcel containing all the expenses, budget documents and time sheets, making copies of the documents etc);
- Undertaking frequent field visit to observe ongoing programs on project sites;
- Facilitating and supporting the process of interaction between the involved communities and the concerned district and sub-district government officials; and
- Give technical assistance to the community during the implementation process.

Skills and Qualifications
- University degree, preferably in the area of Health, Nutrition, or Social Science
- Have the same work experiences
- Sound project management expertise
- Proven ability to work in intercultural condition
- Fluency in English (if applicable)
- Excellent negotiation, networking, communication, and reporting