Plan International is a humanitarian and child rights organization with no affiliations to a certain religion, government, or political interest. For more than 75 years, Plan has been making its contributions in assisting children who live under poverty and violence by collaborating with society, organizations, and governments.
In Indonesia, Plan has been present since 1969, under the MoU with the Government of Indonesia. Plan works in terms of dealing with different issues on child poverty existing in Indonesia in such sectors as education, health, protection, participation, economic development, water and sanitation, disaster risk management, and child-centered community development (CCCD).
From 2009 to 2011, Plan International Indonesia had initiated an approach to overcome the issue of violence against children through a 2-year project named Community Based Child Protection (CBCP), which was developed in Rembang District, Surabaya Municipality, and Timor Tengah Selatan District. The output of this CBCP approach is a mechanism of child protection based on the community, which is named Kelompok Perlindungan Anak Desa (abbrev. KPAD, en. Village Child Protection Group). After the completion of CBCP project, this approach was then replicated internally within Plan International Indonesia in 9 Unit Program areas (Kebumen, Grobogan, Rembang, Dompu, Soe, Kefamenanu, Sikka Lembata, and Nagekeo). CBCP is now utilized as an approach in child protection projects, such as Down to Zero and Yes I Do!, which were designed in order to build a system of child marriage prevention and child commercial sexual exploitation in the 22 villages and kelurahans of 4 districts (Lombok Barat, Lombok Tengah, Sukabumi, Rembang) and 3 municipalities (Surabaya, Jakarta Utara, and Jakarta Timur).
The KPAD is a collaborative working group set up at the village/kelurahan level, involving all elements that have concerns in child protection, including the government, civil organizations, community leaders, children groups, and other elements involved under a mutual agreement. Each KPAD in each village may have different structures. However, in general the existing structure is built to implement the main functions of KPAD, namely: preventing violence against children, receiving and responding reports of violence against children, referring cases of violence against children within the referral system existing at the sub-district and/or district levels, and conducting advocacies at least at the village level to promote the provision of policy, budget, and program supports for child protection.
In the Plan International Indonesia’s 2018-2022 Country Strategy provisionally proposed, the approach applied by Plan International Indonesia in the context of child protection is through CBCPM, as mentioned in the Decide and Thrive Program. To provide inputs to the implementation of CS 4, it is thus important to acknowledge the effectiveness of KPAD through an evaluation of its effectiveness.
For a broader interest, the result of this evaluation will also be used to contribute to the support of the 2016-2020 National Strategy on the Abolishment of Violence Against Children (Stranas KPTA).
The objectives of this KPAD evaluation are:
- To assess the effectiveness of KPAD in preventing violence against children and taking actions about cases of violence against children
- To measure the participation of children/teenagers group through KPAD in preventing and reporting violence against children
- To collect/document lessons from KPAD in relation to its success, failure, and challenge.
Evaluation questions:
Aspect of institution
- Organizational/management structure
- Functionality of the executive team members
- Composition of male and female executive team members
- Involvement of male and female children in the executive team
- Legality of the institution
- The existing administrative system (minute of meetings, case documentation, socialization activity documentation, consultation documentation, guest book)
- Work documents (vision, mission, work programs, case handling scheme, list of organizations to refer cases to, and list of contact persons)
- Reporting system (finance (e.g. having received the fund from the Village) and performance reports)
- Has the KPAD improved the community’s awareness of the various forms of violence against children?
- Has the KPAD prevented violence against children through early detection and intervention?
- Has the KPAD contributed to timely reporting and referring the case of alleged violence against children to the relevant child protection service?
- Has the children/teenagers group been involved in the activity of improving the awareness of child protection?
- Has the children/teenagers group been involved to escalate and report child protection issues?
- Has the children/teenagers group been involved in organizing a collective action to prevent or respond to child protection issues?
- Relationship with the KPAD forum at district level
- Relationship with P2TP2A (Integrated Service Center for Women and Children Empowerment)
- Relationship with other organization having concerns in the issue of violence against children
- Formal legal support
- Budget or other resources support from the government
- Number of people participating in KPAD socialization/campaign (segregated)
- Number of people consulting with KPAD
- Number of cases reported to KPAD
- Community’s budget or material or asset support to KPAD
Phase 1. The evaluation of KPAD effectiveness will be conducted through a quantitative study, by means of censusing all KPADs in the 9 Districts where Plan International Indonesia works in the CSP 3 period (2013-2017).
The census will be organized by mobilizing the youth of each district as enumerators and by using POI Mapper as the tool.
Phase 2. The preliminary analysis of the quantitative study results will be used as a consideration to hold a deeper study through qualitative data collection, meaning to dig more deeply the factors of “why” some KPADs function well in preventing violence against children while some others do not.
The main respondents to engage in this evaluation are:
- KPAD executive teams
- Children/teenagers groups
- Village/kelurahan governments
- Village/kelurahan communities
Phases of the KPAD effectiveness survey process:
Research sites:
- Developing the survey questionnaire – by Plan
- Recruiting the survey coordinator – by Plan
- Digitalizing the survey questionnaire by using POI Mapper – by Plan
- Recruiting young people as the survey enumerators and training them to use the digital questionnaire – by selected consultant in coordination with Plan
- Data collection, including payment for local enumerators – the selected consultant
- Data analysis – the selected consultant
- Identifying knowledge gaps for further assessment through qualitative method – the selected consultant and Plan
Research sites:
1. TTS, 2.TTU 3. Lembata, 4. Sikka 5. Nagekeo 6. Rembang 7. Grobogan 8. Kebumen 9. Dompu 10 . Lombok Barat 11. Lombok Tengah 12. Surabaya
The survey will be organized within March-June 2017
Proposed Budget
Applicants are expected to propose budget for consultant’s fee and operational cost in managing data collection for this study. Development of the tools and reporting are Plan’s responsibility.
Ethical and Child Protection Statement
Coordinator survey, enumerator and Plan International staff have to adhere to Plan International Child Protection Policy. The survey team must follow Ethical Principles for involving human subjects in a research and obtain written/verbal consent from the human subjects. Permission from parents/guardians must be sought if children-under-18 are involved as subjects. Signed informed consent of each child and his/her parents needs to be acquired after explaining the purpose of the study and its usage. Training on this will be part of the training provided for the survey team.
Selection of consultant
Consultant will be asked to submit application, by 28 February, and should be submitted to Ajun Kamdhani, Recruitment Specialist - HR Department, at and cc Sulistiono, Evaluation, Research and KM Specialist – MER & Dissemination Department, at
Proposals must have the following sections:
Proposals are due by February 28, 2017, and should be submitted electronically to the above email address
- Consultant qualifications to perform the kind of services requested in this ToR, including any past experience with similar roles
- Response to the requested scope of services and timeline
- Proposed budget that includes consultants’ fees and any costs incurred during this study
- Curriculum vitae of consultant with contact details (maximum 3 pages per consultant);
- References that can attest to consultant (s) ability to carry out work similar to that sought in this ToR is preferable
Proposals are due by February 28, 2017, and should be submitted electronically to the above email address