UNAIDS Job Vacancy: Project Coordinator on Fast Track to end AIDS by 2030, Jakarta - Indonesian

UNAIDS Vacancy: Project Coordinator on Fast Track to end AIDS by 2030

As a signatory to the SDGs, Indonesia has made a national commitment to achieving the SDGs which include the commitment to End AIDS by 2030. UNAIDS’s Fast Track approach was launched as a strategy for accelerating the response, and ensuring achievement of the SDGs. The Fast Track approach sets ambitious targets for 2020: 90% of people living with HIV know their HIV status; 90% of people who know their HIV-positive status are on treatment; 90% of people on treatment have suppressed viral loads; and Zero discrimination.

In the last four years, Indonesia has fittingly launched polices that are designed to massively accelerate and expand access to HIV prevention, testing and treatment services for key populations and pregnant women, among others, and implement high-impact interventions in prioritised geographies. Three cities are implementing city-led responses under the ASEAN Cities Getting to Zero initiative, and the Governor of Jakarta has signed the Paris Declaration, a global commitment to Fast Track local responses in order to generate national and global impact.

Through UNAIDS Country Office Indonesia, MAC AIDS Foundation has generously provided a financial grant in support of Jakarta Fast Track City to end AIDS by 2030. The grant will be implemented in collaboration with partners already working in DKI Jakarta with the aim to showcase city leadership, demonstrate evidence-based planning, promote best practices & horizontal learning, encourage innovation in service delivery, and strengthen the management and sustainability of the local AIDS response.

Scope of Work
The scope of work of this post is to undertake and coordinate the grant implementation in DKI Jakarta with the following focus:  
  • 1) Support DKI Jakarta to demonstrate Leadership on Fast Track City to End AIDS, especially in the effort to advocate other city/district/province to adopt Fast Track their AIDS responses. 
  • 2) Support Evidence-based programming on Jakarta Fast Track City to End AIDS – ensuring development of evidence based work plans by each of the five municipalities in DKI Jakarta. 
  • 3) Support strengthening management of AIDS response in DKI Jakarta, especially in supporting the five Jakarta municipalities to monitor progress, identify bottlenecks and convene stakeholders to resolve on-going problems 
  • 4) Work collaboratively with partners to identify technical assistance needs and support the coordination of technical assistance provision especially to strengthen cascade of prevention and treatment program in DKI Jakarta, including for community-based interventions  
  • 5) Promote innovative approaches to strengthen cascade from prevention to treatment, including support of expansion of innovative interventions such as real time monitoring, case management apps, community based screening and social media outreach to KAP
  • 6) Support the development of sustainability plan for the Fast Track Response to Ending AIDS in Jakarta
Selection Criteria
Graduate qualifications in social sciences, health, public health or related field.

Skills, Competencies:
  • Excellent inter-personal and communication skills.
  • Excellent planning and analytical writing skills.
  • Minimum of 10 years’ experience in HIV programme implementation and coordination in Indonesia
  • Preferably with demonstrated working experience in city level response to HIV, particularly in DKI Jakarta
  • Command of written and spoken English and Indonesian

CONTRACT DURATION: The initial contract will be for 8 months (with a possibility of an extension). Only Indonesian citizens may apply.

HOW TO APPLY: Please send letter of interest with CV attached to anggrainid @ unaids . org with the title of the position in the subject line of your email.

Only shortlisted candidate will be contacted.
