Program Background
Cardno Emerging Markets supports the implementation of the Australia–Indonesia Partnership for Justice II. AIPJ II is a five year program which aims to support co-operation between Australian and Indonesian institutions and civil society organisations in order to contribute to the overall goal of:
Strong and accessible justice and security institutions that enhance respect for enforceable rights and rules-based governance systems, over time contributing to stability and prosperity in Indonesia and the region.
The Partnership focuses on five pillars:
- Transparency, accountability and anti-corruption
- Countering transnational crime and security strengthening
- Promoting religious tolerance and countering radicalization
- Prison reform
- Gender equality and disability rights

Another key aspect of the role will be supporting reporting on all aspects of the AIPJ II grants portfolio, including performance and income reporting. The Senior Grants & Contracts Officer will report to and support the Operations Manager in the procurement, contracting and expenditure monitoring for the implementation of project activities.
The detailed description on this role can be found HERE
Applications close 5.00pm, Friday, 31 March 2017, Indonesian Time.
Cardno is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to Child Protection in all fields. Any offer of employment will require criminal record checks.