Plan International Job Consultant: BLOOM Project - Flores and Lembata Area, Indonesian

Term of Reference
Adaptation of Choose A Future! & Workforce Preparedness Curriculum  
BLOOM (Better Life Options and Opportunities Model) Indonesia Project
Flores and Lembata Area

Plan International Indonesia is implementing BLOOM project and will address some of the major issues preventing adolescents and young people in Indonesia from shaping their own lives and choosing their own futures. The BLOOM project will build on Plan’s current programming in the NTT province and address some of the major issues preventing adolescents and young people from shaping their own lives and choosing their own futures. The combination of life skills and workforce preparedness seeking migration in order to find steady work, support their children, and attain an adequate standard of living.

Choose A Future! Modules:
  • Me, Myself
  • Values Identification
  • Goals and Plans
  • Feelings
  • Communication Skills
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Our Families
  • Community
  • The World of Work
  • Puberty
  • Reproduction
  • Health
  • Marriage: Partnership and Parenthood
  • Legal Rights
  • Our Environment
Supplement: Financial Literacy

BLOOM is a nonformal education program developed in 1987 that has been adapted and applied in more than fifteen countries. A curriculum, Choose A Future! (CAF!) lies at the heart of the BLOOM approach has 15 modules that expand youths’ knowledge of goal setting, career planning, rights and responsibilities, reproductive health, and other life skills that are not fully addressed in the formal school system.

In addition to the CAF! Curriculum, the project will build on current Plan resources including the new Workforce Preparedness curriculum. The workforce preparedness modules have been developed to help youth explore their job options and help them think through what kind of work they would like to do. The youth will learn and practice skills that will prepare them to seek and apply for jobs, and also help them be successful once they have secured decent work.

Ready for Work! Modules
  • Getting Ready for the Journey to Employment
  • Winning Skills and Attitudes
  • Self-Discovery - Matching your interests to careers
  • Jobs in the Community
  • Creating a Life Plan
  • The Savvy Job Search – where to find jobs – report outs of what groups found
  • Present Your Best Self!  Job interview dress and etiquette
  • Job Shadowing
  • Reporting on Job Shadowing
  • Apply Now!  How to read a job ad, and fill out a job application
  • Creating a CV and Cover Letter
  • What you need to know, do and say in an interview
  • Mock Interviews
  • Considering a Job Offer – Negotiation
  • It’s the Law – Labor Laws and Knowing Your Rights
  • Ethics in the Workplace
  • Facing Challenges at Work
An important differentiator of the BLOOM approach is how the curriculum is delivered by local teams of facilitators and supported by local Project Support Committees (PSC) comprised of local leaders, parents, and community volunteers who serve as mentors and advocates for youth development. BLOOM builds capacities and opportunities for youth as well as their communities.

For this project, we will use 90 percent of this existing material. Subject to validation and additional inputs from the PSC and community stakeholders including religious leaders, we will pare back sessions in the less critical modules (e.g. environmental stewardship) to dedicate more curricular hours and enhanced content to the modules focused on ASRH, and work preparedness competencies (focused on exploring traditional and non-traditional wage and self-employment) and other CAF! sessions where employment-relevant skills can be refined, inserted, or further emphasized.

As CAF curriculum has been adapted in more then fifteen countires, the curriculum will also be adapted in indonesia context, so does the workforce preparedness curriculum. These two curriculum will be adapted in three districts – Nagekeo, Sikka, and Lembata – in NTT Province as the working area of BLOOM Project in Indonesia.

Contextualization of CAF and Workforce Preparedness Curriculum is aimed at putting some terms, stories, norms, illustration, and other information related to SRH and lifeskills in CAF curriculum as well as the content of softskills in Workforce Preparedness curriculum into Indonesian local context.

Parts of the Choose A Future! curriculum were adapted to the Indonesian context for the 2015-2016 as pilot project in Sikka and Dompu. The full CAF! curriculum covers 15 modules (see text box), each with three to six sessions on specific topics with learning objectives and “experiential learning” interactive activities. A Financial Literacy supplement module was also developed with sessions covering earning money, budgeting, saving, borrowing, and microfinance. The curriculums adaptation is expected to be led by the youth as their input and voices should also be heard.

There will be a CAF curriculum and a Workforce Preparedness curriculum that have been adapted and contextualized to Indonesian context to be used in trainings in the each cycle of youth group in Nagekeo, Sikka, and Lembata.

Scope of Work (SOW)

The consultant will be responsible for the following SoW:
  • Intensive discussion and meeting with Plan Staff related to BLOOM Project to get common understanding on the content of the curriculum
  • Conduct meetings with government in this regards District Health Office (DHO), District Women Emporwent and Familiy Planning Agency (BPPKB), District Education Office (DEO), District Parish, District Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI), District Labor Office (DLO), and other related government stakeholders to disseminate the purpose of curriculum adaptation and to contextualize the curriculum in each district
  • Conduct meetings with Project Support Committees (PSCs), youth group, parents group, community leaders, community religious leaders, village leaders, sub-district leaders, schools (teachers, administrators) to disseminate the purpose of curriculum adaptation and to contextualize the curriculum in village level
  • Submit a report in Indonesian and English languages describing the process of the adaptation, the stakeholders interviewed and meet, the pieces of modules contextualized, the challenges and recommendations
  • Submit final curriculum of CAF and RFW after contextualization
The methodologies that will be used in this activity are FGD, Key Informant Interview (KII), and Indepth Interview.

This activity is expected to be started no later than 2nd week of May and ended by 4th week of June 2017

How to Apply
Plan is inviting individual or institution who has interest in to conduct this activity particularly the individual or institution located in Flores and Lembata area, NTT by sending Expression of Interest (EOI) using following proposal form: 
  • Background – describing why you are interested in
  • Objective – Explaining the objective of  curriculum adaptation
  • Methodologies Used
  • Implementation Design – Describing activity design, timeline, and budget detail 
Please send your EOI to Plan International Indonesia not later than 21 April 2017 to
