USIP - SSTC Job Vacancy: Liaison Officer for Working Group 1 NCT - SSC, Indonesian

Job Title: Liaison Officer for Working Group 1 NCT-SSC (LO 1)
Duty Station: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other NCT-SSC Member Ministries (Bappenas, Kementerian Keuangan and Kementerian Sekretaris Negara)
Initial Duration: May-December 2017
Project: US-Indonesia Partnership for South-South and Triangular Cooperation
As the only one G20 member amongst Southeast Asian countries, Indonesia plays a more and more important role in international society. In this context, the Government of Indonesia (GOI) is making the best effort to share its own development experience and knowledge with other Southern partner countries through South-South Cooperation (SSC). This policy direction is clearly presented in the current RPJMN 2014-2019, and a high priority is put on expanding its SSC.
With aiming at enhancement of its capacity ofSouth-South Cooperation (SSC) implementation,Government of Indonesia (GOI) has organized National Coordination Team of SSC (NCT-SSC) which is composed of the four major ministries engaged in management of Indonesia’s SSC.  Since its establishment, NCT-SSC has worked closely with USAID under United States of America - Indonesia Partnership for South-South Triangular Cooperation (USIP - SSTC) program in various manners including studies for formulating standard operational procedures and guidelines, designing country partnership strategy of Indonesia’s SSC for Timor-Leste, workshop on report writing and workshop on strengthening academic paper on financial resources.
In the meantime, GOI decided to newly establish a single agency as prescribed in the RPJMN, which will integrate the functions of NCT-SSC and totally be responsible for Indonesia’s SSC management.  NCT-SSC as well as the inter-ministerial committee are making every effort for launching this new institution as immediately as possible, hopefully within the year 2018.
In such a dynamic environment surrounding Indonesia’s SSC, where NCT-SSC has to increase its capacity for better SSC on one hand and the preparation for the single agency is proceeding on the other hand, GOI is being faced with a lot of challenges.
Under these circumstances, GOI and USIP-SSTC would like toassign 1 (one) person as Liaison Officer (LO) for Working Group 1 of NCT-SSC under the Secretariat Team of NCT-SSC. The Secretariat Team will have the tasks to manage the Secretariat in SSC’s areas such as related to planning, implementing, reporting and coordinating with related stakeholders.
  • Support the planning of the project activities focusing on achievement of the following results:
    • Assist the Working Group 1 on capturing demand and supply management issues in the preparation of annual work plan related to NCT-SSC activities;
    • Work with the Working Group 1 to ensure quality, relevance and timelines of project work plans of NCT-SSC specifically on capturing demand and supply management.
  • Support the implementation of project activities focusing on achievement of the following results:
    • Work with Working Group 1 and Project Principal Advisor/National Advisor of USIP-1 in supporting the development and implementation of SSC between the Government of Indonesia and related partners;
    • Prepare and submit activity progress report for Working Group 1 on a monthly basis and, or by requested, prepare other reports and briefs as required by the Working Group 1;
    • Liaise with and act as the link between a variety of stakeholders, specifically the Working Group 1, partners, experts, civil society and the academic community to ensure that the project achieves the output;
    • Provide information and feedback for stakeholders, specifically from internal NCT-SSC to Working Group 1 and vice versa and to other Working Groups and stakeholders;
    • Support the Working Group 1 in organizing meetings involving related stakeholders to support the development cooperation agenda, facilitate meeting, and implementing activities, including planning, monitoring and evaluation;
    • Support the Working Group 1 and Project Principal Advisor/National Advisor of USIP-1 in drafting/ revision of Terms of References (TOR) for specific activities, participation in consultant and evaluation team selection as well as technical support and feedback on the project implementation of Working Group 1;
    • Prepare and consolidate the procurement plan and implementation for the project in accordance with Government regulation and USAID rules.
  • Support facilitation and knowledge sharing in the area of SSC project, focusing on achievement of following results:
    • Support the design and establishment of information system of SSC projects specifically on the Working Group 1 activities;
    • Generates new ideas and approaches, researches best practices and proposes new, more effective ways of doing things; and
    • Support the documentation and systematic filing system of key documents in hard and soft copies according to audit requirement.
  • Assist any duties relevant for the NCT-SSC requested by Head of Technical Team of NCT-SSC and/or Chair and Co–Chair of Working Group 1.
  • Chair and Co – Chair of Working Group 1 NCT-SSC
  • Senior Development Adviser USIP-SSTC               
  • Coordinator of Secretariat Team NCT-SSC
  • Corporate Competencies:
    • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the GoI – USAID’s values and ethical standards;
    • Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of GoI and USAID;
    • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
    • Treats all people fairly without favoritism.
  • Functional Competencies: Knowledge Management and Learning:
    • Promotes a knowledge sharing and learning culture in the office;
    • Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more practice areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills.
  • Development and Operational Effectiveness:
    • Ability apply conceptual models in support of formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes and projects;
    • Good knowledge of the results management guide and toolkit;
    • Strong coordinating and knowledgeable of the substantial aspects specifically on planning and programming works plan as well as knowledge sharing of South–South and Triangular Cooperation;
    • Ability to lead implementation of new systems (business idea), and affect staff behavioral/ attitudinal change.
  • Management and Leadership
    • Focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
    • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude, always in control even under pressure;
    • Demonstrates strong liaison skills with multi stakeholders;
    • Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills;
    • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities.
  • Degree in International Relations, Political Science, Law, Social Science, Management, Development Studies, or relevant degree.
  • Minimum 3 years working experience in project management;
  • Experienced in working with Government and international Organisations (in particular with Bappenas, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of State Secretariat and/ or USAID);
  • Have experience in bilateral and multilateral development cooperation would be an advantage;
  • Have excellent project reporting and writing skills, both in Bahasa and English;
  • Demonstrates strong coordinating skills, and understanding of the substantial issues of development cooperation, south–south and triangular cooperation, and administrative aspects of project management, particularly in the issues of planning and programming works plan.
  • Proficiency in English and Bahasa language, spoken and written.
  • Please send your cover letter with expected salary and resume (CV) to by April 21st, 2017
  • Please put the Job Title: LO 1 in the email subject.
