Terms of Reference
Marketing Specialist Consultancy
Established in 1984 in the UK, Islamic Relief is an international NGO seeking to promote sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities in over 30 countries through relief and development activities. We aim to help the needy regardless of race, religion or gender. The main sectors we are involved in are: Education and Vocational Training; Health and Nutrition; Water and Sanitation; Income Generation; Emergency Relief; Disaster Preparedness and Orphans Support.
The IR programme in Indonesia was established in 2003 with one project office catering for development activities in Banten province. Since end 2004, IR expanded its project to humanitarian activites in areas affected by disasters such as Aceh province hit by earthquake triggering tsunami in 2005, Yogyakarta province by earthquake in 2006, West Sumatra province by earthquake in 2009. Based on the request from the government through a signed Memorandum Understanding with Ministry of Home Affairs in 2015, IR’s work in development activities has been focused in two poor provinces, namely NTB (the 4th poorest) and Aceh (the 7th poorest) province among 34 provinces in Indonesia.
Context of this Consultancy
The Mushroom Cultivation project is part of sustainbale livelihood activities aiming at increasing income of poor people especially the female headed households in order to lift them up from poverty trap. The mushroom cultivation activities has been introduced to poor communities in Lombok Barat district since 2014 focusing on producing the mushroom, market it, and process it into various processed product such as crispy, ice cream, satay, etc. The product of mushroom is directly sold to local market through middlemen who are picking the product on the site and sell it to the market. The amount of harvested mushroom is still not meeting with the local market demand, so that the price of mushroom in NTB compared to the national market is relatively higher. The farmers enjoy the situation as they can control the production cycle and the marketing channel is available.
Starting from October 2016, current project is supporting additonal 150 poor households to get involved in mushroom cultivatiin business. Due to good prices of mushroom and relative ease to manage its cultivation, it is expected that mushroom business will be booming and market will be flooded by mushroom in the near future. Thus, there is a need for market innovation in order to sell the commodity in national and international market to improve the profitability of the business for the entrepreneurs for their better living.
The objective of this concultancy is to strengthen the farmer groups’ ability to increase the value add and quality of the mushroom marketing in term of more developed and various products, better pricing, better targeting of customer and segmentation, and ready promotion means including for nartional and international market target.
The outcomes sought for this consultancy from the marketing specialist are:
- Value add of mushroom products that meet with national and/or international market are enjoyed by the farmer groups;
- Higher income received by the farmer mushroom groups generated from mushroom business;
- Customer loyalty to purchase mushroom from the supported farmers is established from national and international market that can be shown from the long contract generation
- Means of product promotion is functional including online marketing channel.
The outputs to achieve the outcomes as of the following:
- Marketing strategy to increase value add of mushroom product is developed and drafted
- Different derivative product and packaging of mushroom that meet national/international standard is produced
- Certificate of fulfillment for national/international marketing standard is produced
- Online mushroom marketing channel in two languages (Indonesian and English) is developed and functional
- A long contract from local, national, and/or international buyers to purchase 50% of the mushroom product with good price is signed
- A national and/or international exhibition is organised and pariticipated by the farmers’ group to establish long term market linkages.
The consultant is requested to propose the activities to achieve the outputs and outcomes
The timing for the consultancy is expected throughout the project cycle and will start from May to October 2017 (with posibility of contract extension for staffs).
Specification for the consultant
- Individual or institution
- Experience in setting up and implementation of marketing strategy
- Having vast knowledge and marketing network in local, national, and international level
- Having experience and ability to set up and develop promotion strategy using offline and online media
- Having vast knowledge of national and international marketing standard
- University degree of ecomomy or social background or related field in Master or Bachelor's degree in the relevant studies
- Proven years of marketing agribusiness products, related experience in an NGO or a commercial environment
- Prefarable in mushroom background
- Proven experience of analysing, internal control, effective coordination in marketing scope, work experience in multicultural environments;
- Good management skill
- Good writing and communication skill
- Excellent knowledge of computer operation (Windows, Excel, Power Point)
- At least 5 years experience for Master Degree or 10 years experience for Bachelor Degree in marketing and business
- At least two years experience in the community approach
- Strong interest in development work with respect for confidentiality and commitment to Islamic Relief overall aims and objectives, including gender, equality and equal opportunities in all aspects of Islamic Relief’s work
- All Islamic Relief team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work while actively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field project
- Please send only your application letter and CV to the email address: hrislamic@islamic-relief.or.id
- Applications submit directly to Islamic Relief Indonesia Office will not be considered. Women are strongly encouraged to apply for this position.
- Only short-listed candidates will be contacted