We are trying to find the best possible candidates to make team stronger.
Community based pilot project for urban climate
Program Summary
The Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund (UCCRTF) aims to scale up urban climate change resilience (UCCR) especially for the urban poor across 25 secondary cities in Asia, prioritizing seven of ADB’s developing member countries (DMCs), namely Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines and Viet Nam. The UCCRTF takes an urban systems-centered approach that supports climate change integration into city planning, project development and implementation, operations and knowledge sharing and capacity building, to reduce the risks of increasing urbanization and climate change on urban populations, particularly the poor.
Sub-Project 3 aims to contribute to UCCRTF’s overall goal that cities in selected DMCs, especially the poor and vulnerable residents, are more resilient to the direct and indirect impacts of climate change. The outcome is that vulnerable communities in selected UCCRTF supported cities are made more resilient to the impacts of climate change and the outputs are that community resilience plans are prepared, at least 20 community-led projects are implemented, and mechanisms are established to sustain the community-led projects after the project period.
Community Resilience Officer - Community based pilot project for urban climate change resilience
Community resilience officer will be responsible to advice, technical assistance and guidance to the implementation of community based resilience project. S/he will also be responsible in overseeing meaningful community engagement, ensuring capacity building and ability of the community in preparing resilience strategy, prioritizing resilience project, and its implementation. S/he will be expected to be able to provide guidance and lead strategy development to ensure sustainability of the community resilience project with focus on ensuring that the community-led projects are integrated into government planning processes and can continue beyond UCCRTF support.
This position is depends on proposal funding.
- 10+ years’ experience in climate change adaptation, DRR, and/or urban resilience;
- Experience in working together with local community, including building capacity and ownership;
- Ability to design training and facilitation materials;
- Proven track record to manage and work with multiple stakeholders, including government, private sector, and donor agencies;
- Experience in networking and project implementation, and documentation related to Indonesian climate change issues, and Indonesian government climate change initiatives and actors;
- Experience in managing budget and reporting is essential;
- Familiarity with development of city government planning is essential.
- Fluency in English verbal and written communication is mandatory.
Engineer - Community based pilot project for urban climate change resilience
Engineer will be responsible to provide advice, technical assistance, guidance, and overseeing the design and implementation of community resilience infrastructure project in the program area. This person will work closely with local/city project team, communities, and government for the identification of design, strategy, and implementation especially in upgrading community areas, which comply with ADB safe guard. The engineer will need to have sufficient experience in implementing community resilience infrastructure projects ranging from water management project such as rainwater harvesting, community water supply, community based flood management, to urban biodiversity, ecosystem, health resilience project, solid waste management, and renewable energy. In addition, the engineer will contribute to the monitoring and quality assurance of community-based resilience project.
This position is depends on funding proposal.
- 10+ years’ experience in supervising community level infrastructure project;
- 6+ years’ experience in working with development sector including to work with local government and NGOs;
- Have Knowledge and experience working with community based infrastructure project that is inclusive and sustainable;
- Knowledge and experience in issues related to climate change resilience is an advantage, with experience working with multi-stakeholders and countries;
- Proven track record to manage and work with multiple stakeholders, including government, private sector, and donor agencies;
- Fluency in English verbal and written communication is mandatory.
Monitoring and Evaluation Expert - Community based pilot project for urban climate change resilience
The M&E Expert will be responsible for the development of a M&E and Learning strategy in close collaboration with program teams. S/he will help program teams to develop and implement systems improvements. The M&E Expert will identify capacity building needs and training resources and will conduct direct staff training as necessary to ensure team members can apply M&E best practices. S/he will serve as a resource for program staff, advising them on program design, developing and implementing program M&E plans and systems, gathering and analyzing of baseline and end line data, providing guidance and support with assessments and impact evaluations and facilitating and articulating improved learning within the program.
This position is depends on funding proposal.
- At least 7 years relevant professional experience in urban climate change resilience, climate change adaptation or DRR;
- At least 5 years’ experience working in M&E for non-governmental organizations working in international relief and development;
- Demonstrated expertise and experience in M&E, including the development and use of log-frames, indicators, M&E plans and systems;
- Possess skills in qualitative and quantitative M&E methodologies and techniques;
- Experience in developing and implementing baseline studies and evaluations;
- Significant experience in training and capacity building;
- Experience with M&E systems of various donors, including USAID, ADB, AusAid and EC;
- Strong knowledge of computer programs typically used for data management, analysis and reporting (e.g., Excel, Access, SPSS/STATA or others);
- Fluency in English verbal and written communication is mandatory.
Please send your CV with position applied on the email subject to: hrd@id.mercycorps.org
Vacancy will be closed 4 June 2017 and only short listed candidates will be contacted for interview.
We look forward to hearing from those who are interested in taking this opportunity to grow and develop with us.
Thanks you,
Human Resources Department
Mercy Corps Indonesia