USAID - IUWASH Project Job Vacancy: DKI Coordinator - Jakarta, Indonesian

The USAID Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 'Penyehatan Lingkungan Untuk Semua' (IUWASH PLUS) program is a five-year initiative to assist Government of Indonesia in increasing access to improved water supply and sanitation services as well as improving key hygiene behaviors among urban poor and vulnerable population. Implemented by DAI Global LLC, IUWASH PLUS works with governmental agencies, private sector, NGOs, communities and others to achieve the following "high level" results:
An increase of one million people in urban areas with access to improved water supply services of which at least 500,000 are from the poorest 40% of the population; and
An increase of 500,000 people in urban areas with access to safely managed sanitation and all of whom are from the poorest 40% of the population.

To ensure that improvements in access to WASH services are sustained, IUWASH PLUS is guided by a development hypothesis that focuses on strengthening service delivery systems so they can more effectively reach the poorest and most vulnerable segments of the population. In order to achieve this at scale, IUWASH PLUS undertakes activities through four interrelated components, including: 1) Improving household WASH services; 2) Strengthening city WASH institutional performance; 3) Strengthening the WASH financing environment; and 4) Advancing national WASH advocacy, coordination and communication.

To achieve these outcomes IUWASH-PLUS need high caliber candidate to fill the position of:

DKI Coordinator based in Jakarta (Job Code: DKIC-JKT)

The primary objective of the DKI Coordinator position is to coordinate IUWASH PLUS efforts to improve access to piped water services and sanitation services for DKI Jakarta Province, with special emphasis on the poorest 40% of the population of DKI Jakarta. Main local counterparts are PAM JAYA, AETRA, Palyja, PD-PAL Jaya and Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta.

In close coordination with the Regional Team for West Java and DKI , Component Leads, the tasks and responsibilities of the DKI Coordinator will include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Coordinate and supervise implementation of Master Meter Program at DKI Jaya including coordinating efforts amongst all parties involved in Master meter program at DKI (Pam Jaya, AETRA, Palyja, donors, IUWASH, private sector parties), monitoring and supervising the preparation and implementation of the program including advising on problem solving rise to relevant parties prepare and manage subcontract with local vendors, subcontracts etc prepare monthly reports and other reports related to the preparation, implementation and collaboration of the program, include preparation of success stories/ lessons learned, etc
  • Support agreed other Technical Assistance programs with PAM Jaya
Coordinate improved septage management program in DKI with PD PAL

  • To develop and maintain close collaboration with PD PAL and other relevant institutions to prepare and implement regular desludging program supported by IUWASH PLUS
  • Support IUWASH Specialist team (LTTA, STTA, PO, etc) to work together with PD PAL to conduct activities related to the regular desludging program, such as workshops, trainings, household survey’s / sensus, promotion campaign, financial analysis, etc
  • Support technical reviews and training of Septage Treatment Plants (IPLT)
  • Record and prepare the necessary reports including success stories/ lessons learned.
  • Collaborate with these agencies in preparation and implementation of workshops, conferences and other dissemination events, lessons learned.

  • Input in the IUWASH biweekly, quarterly, annual reports and workplans especially regading activities planned and/or implemented in / around DKI  Jakarta
  • When requested, provide article highlighting IUWASH achievements in access improvement on water supply and sanitation in / around DKI Jakarta
  • Coordinate data input for IUWASH PMP, specifically for tasks related to urban water supply and sanitation in DKI
  • Occasional Technical Reports and Publications, related to IUWASH work in urban water supply, and sanitation training programs conducted, and/or other emerging issues.
Minimum General Qualifications:

  • Holding Bachelor degree in Environmental Engineering or Civil Engineering;
  • At least 7 year of experience working in Water and Sanitation Services, preferably familiar in WASH sector in Jakarta region;
  • Strong conceptual and facilitation skill, project/program development, and presentational skill;
  • Good leadership and professionalism working collaboratively with various partners in the WASH sector;
  • Good communication skill and experience working with multi stakeholder; government, including PD. PAL, PAM JAYA and other related government units; and
  • Strong computer skill and in providing presentational materials in small or large meetings/events.
Expected Start Date: Available immediately

Interested applicants are invited to send a complete application with 3 references before May 10, 2017. Please write the job CODE in the subject line of the email. We regret that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of all applications and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
