Palladium Job Vacancy: District Facilitator Based In Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara - Indonesian

INOVASI is a four-year (with the possibility of an extension for another four), AUD 49 million program. It will collaborate closely with the GOI at the district, provincial and national level to develop and implement action-oriented research and pilots to answer the broad question: What works to improve student learning outcomes in Indonesia? It will focus on three sub-topics of investigation: the quality of teaching in the classroom, the quality of support for teachers, and learning for all.

INOVASI is managed by Palladium on behalf of DFAT, and formally started on 18 January 2016 and began implementation in six districts in NTB in January 2017. In doing so, it will be guided by and work in partnership with MoEC and DFAT.

The District Facilitator is a member of the INOVASI team at the District Office. She/he is responsible for developing and maintaining strategic engagement at the district level and below. She/he will be proficient in coordinating and communicating with other INOVASI staff, district government and other key stakeholders. This position reports to the Deputy Provincial Coordinator.

Purpose of the Position: The District Facilitator (DF) will be based in the district and will focus on coordinating and supporting the operational and engagement aspects of the INOVASI program at the district, sub-district, cluster, school/madrasah and community levels.

For further information and how to apply for the position, please kindly visit: CLICK HERE

Thank you
INOVASI Recruitment Team
Ratu Plaza Office Tower 19th Floor,
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 9, Jakarta Pusat, 10270
