U.S. Mission to ASEAN: Seeking Applications for YSEALI Seeds for the Future 2018

U.S. Mission to ASEAN: Seeking Applications for YSEALI Seeds for the Future 2018
Deadline: 6 August 2017
The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Mission to ASEAN (USASEAN) has announced an open competition for a cooperative agreement to develop and implement the 2018 Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Seeds for the Future small grants program.
The program will provide sub grants up to $15,000 to Southeast Asian youth from all ten member countries of the Association for Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
The Seeds for the Future program will allow YSEALI youth to implement public service projects that improve their communities by addressing one or more of the four core YSEALI themes: Civic Engagement, Economic Growth, Education, and Sustainable Development. Multilateral project proposal submissions, that involve more than one country, are encouraged.
Registered YSEALI members, aged 18-35, who are citizens of Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.  All participants must be proficient in written and spoken English.
Eligibility Criteria
American and foreign not-for-profit organizations are invited to submit a proposal that describes how each of the responsibilities listed on the website will be administered.
How to Apply
Applications must be submitted at the address given on the website.
For more information, please visit Grants . gov.
