Islamic Development Bank Job Consultant: Urban Sanitation Development Project - Indonesian

The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group is an international financial institution with 57 member countries. It was founded in 1975 with the purpose of fostering the economic development and social progress of member countries and Muslim communities individually as well as jointly, in accordance with the principles of Shari’ah, i.e., Islamic Law. The IDB Group activities in Indonesia are aligned under the Member Country Partnership Strategy (MCPS) 2016-2020. The MCPS is a strategy document that guides the operation of the IDB Group in its member countries over the medium term (3-5 years).
In December 2014, IDB Group established its Country Gateway Office (CGO) in Indonesia. The CGO facilitates and galvanizes the cooperation of IDB Group with all the stakeholders in Indonesia including the Government, private sector, academia, civil society, and development partners, and serves as a single access point for all the products and services offered by the IDB Group.
The IDB is planning to prepare a new project in the Urban Development Sector, through community driven sanitation development, hereafter referred to as the Project.
The main objective of the proposed project is to improve and promote community driven sanitation services within specified urban neighborhoods (Kelurahan) in selected Kabupaten/ Kota that will improve the health and livelihoods of communities, as well as to increase the public awareness about Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). The project will be implemented by the Directorate General of Human Settlements Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MOPWH).
In this context, an IDB team will hold several working sessions with the officials of the relevant Ministries and Departments in relation to preparing the concept and undertaking the appraisal/due diligence for this project. The Bank is now seeking the services of an individual Consultant who will assist in the preparation of the project proposal document and support the preparation of the project.
The proposed project is aligned with Government of Indonesia (GOI) medium-term development plan to grant whole population access to clean water and sanitation as well as eliminate all slum areas, by 2019 (100-0-100). The GOI intends to provide centralized wastewater infrastructure systems in 430 cities /districts (serving 33.9 million) and develop communal wastewater treatment in 227 cities/districts (serving 2.99 million).
The proposed project will improve access to basic infrastructure, specifically sanitation in urban areas, where access is generally limited across the nation. Studies indicate that access to improved sanitation facilities has increased from 35% in 2000 to 59% in 2012, and in urban areas about 71% have access to improved sanitation facilities.
The proposed project has been listed in the List of Medium-Term Planned External Loans or Daftar Rencana Pinjaman Luar Negeri Jangka Menengah (DRPLN-JM)/Blue Book 2015-2019.
The overall objective of the assignment is to contribute to the preparation and appraisal of the proposed project,
