Raja Ampat Research and Conservation Centre Open Vacation Based In Kri Island - Papua

The Yayasan RARCC is a not-for-profit organization operating from Kri Island, in Raja Ampat.

We are looking for a Christian fresh graduate nurse who is willing to learn more about dentistry or nurse that specialist for dental. He/she should also be able to accomplish other tasks not related to health because we are a small organization with several projects to serve the local people. English and Bahasa Indonesian are required.

The candidates also need to have a love for people, good interpersonal skills, be skilled in the office (Word and Excel), fast learner, and have the passion to serve the Lord.

This would be a paid, full-time position. 

Hours: Full-time 8AM-5PM Sunday-Friday, Saturdays exempt.

Please send your C.V., picture and cover letter to: admin.assistant@stichting-rarcc.org
