United States - Indonesia Society Job Vacancy: Program and Development Associate - USA

Job Opening: Program and Development Associate

The United States-Indonesia Society (USINDO) seeks a full-time Program and Development Associate. Start date between August 20 and September 5.

We are a small non-profit Non-Governmental Organization devoted to expanding mutual understanding between the United States and Indonesia. This position has key responsibilities for our organization’s operations and Washington programs.


Communicating with Members:
  • Prepare / send electronic daily news summary
  • Update website
  • Handle IT support and database management
  • Maintain / update invitation, response, donor, and mailing lists
  • Skill with Microsoft Word and using application links
  • Other general administrative tasks
Assisting with Programs:
  • Assist with producing open forums, events, other DC programs
  • Write first drafts of effective program event notices
  • Assist USINDO’s Summer Studies and other education programs,
  • Assist initiatives related to the US-Indonesia Council on
  • Religion and Pluralism, including proposal writing, time permitting,
  • Opportunities for growth and additional responsibility in programmatic areas commensurate with skills and experience of the candidate. 
  • Bachelor’s degree minimum.  Higher degree or experience also considered.
  • Familiarity with, or aptitude and interest in, operating data bases, donor and mailing lists, Microsoft Office, Excel and budgets, website updates (with assistance), posting links to applications.
  • Commitment to quality work
  • Clear communication
  • Commitment to the organization and its mission
  • Familiarity with Indonesia/Asia helpful but not required
  • Availability for one to two years
To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to David Merrill at dmerrill@usindo.org.Applicants are encouraged to apply by August 25, 2017. For inquiresplease call 202-232-1400. 

The United States-Indonesia Society's mission is enhancing the understanding of Indonesia and the United States in each other's country, and deepening the U.S.-Indonesia Strategic Partnership through strengthening governmental and non-governmental collaboration on issues in common. We implement our mission through public discussions in each country and long-term bi-national programs in the education, legislative, and other sectors. These include the U.S.-Indonesia Joint Council on Higher Education Partnership and the Indonesia-U.S. Council on Religion and Pluralism.
