Palladium Job Vacancy: Lead Technical Advisor SEAMEO - CECCEP Project, Subang - West Java, Indonesian

Project Overview and Role
TASS is a responsive, demand driven technical assistance facility funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), represented in Indonesia by the Australian Embassy in Jakarta. The goal of the TASS is to improve the effectiveness of policy and practice in the education sector through a systems strengthening , technical assistance (TA) program that operates on a response-to-demand basis. The TASS is expected to run from 16 January 2017 to 15 January 2020.

TASS will work with the two ministries responsible for education, the Ministry of Education and Culture and Ministry of Religious Affairs, as well as the National Development Planning Ministry (Bappenas). It is anticipated that TASS will support up to 36 activities, an average of 12 in each year of the program.

In 2016, MoEC through the DG for Early Childhood and Community Education (DG-ECCE) submitted a proposal and received approval from SEAMEO secretariat to establish a Centre for Early Childhood Care and Education and Parenting (CECCEP). The centre will be established in Subang, West Java, Indonesia.

A team of technical advisors will work in collaboration with MoEC and related Ministries/agencies in Indonesia (e.g. Ministry of Health, National Board for Population and Family Planning - BKKBN, Ministry of Social Affairs, and Ministry of Religious Affairs). As part of this team of Technical Advisors, we are now recruiting for a Lead Technical Advisor.

Full details on the role are included in the Terms of Reference (CLICK HERE)

The Lead Technical Advisor will lead the activity across both phases, directing the inputs of other technical advisors to deliver the activity?s outputs. He/she will provide overall guidance and strategic direction to all aspects of the activity, and manage and guide the inputs of all specialists and advisors to ensure the technical team?s work is appropriately targeted, efficient and effective, and outputs are delivered within expected timeframes and to a high standard.

The Lead Technical Advisor will also provide technical advice and recommendations to MoEC on establishing and growing the SEAMEO CECCEP Centre, including, amongst others, strategy and work planning, staffing, financing of activities, institutional linkages, and communications/advocacy. He/she will maintain an excellent working relationship with relevant ministries, DFAT, TASS team and other related stakeholders.

The Lead Technical Adviser should possess the following skills and experience:

  • A relevant post-graduated qualification, preferably at Doctoral level;
  • Extensive experience establishing or operating regional centres of excellence, or regional/international research centres, experience within ASEAN, UNESCO, SEAMEO will be an advantage;
  • 10- 15 years? experience in leading teams in program design/development/implementation in research and development or capacity building, preferably in the field of education but not essential;
  • Demonstrated ability to form and maintain relationships with government officials; established networks within the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture will be an advantage;
  • Experience in communicating designs/concepts to stakeholders (e.g. conducting focus group discussion, interviews);
  • Excellent writing skills in English, and extensive experience in delivering presentations in interesting (e.g. visual, engaging) formats;
  • A flexible and adaptive attitude and excellent team leadership, communication and inter-personal skills.
