The Government of Indonesia is committed to accelerating the pace of poverty reduction and the President of Indonesia has declared that poverty reduction is among the highest development priorities of his administration. This commitment is reflected in Indonesia’s national medium‐term development plan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional, RPJMN (2015‐2019), with a target to reduce the poverty rate from 11% in 2014 to 7‐8% by 2019.
Indonesia’s achievements to reduce poverty have been significant: between 1999 and 2014, the poverty rate reduced from 23.4% to 11.0%. However, almost 30 million Indonesians continue to live below the poverty line, and around 99 million are either living in or vulnerable to falling back into poverty. Furthermore, inequality has risen significantly since the late 1990s which can threaten both economic growth and stability. Key policies for tackling poverty and inequality are investment in social protection and widening access to decent work. There is strong international evidence that well-designed social protection can enable people to access the labour market and participate in income generating activities, while also helping generate higher economic growth.
About the program
The Government of Australia is supporting the Government of Indonesia under a program called MAHKOTA - Menuju Masyarakat Indonesia Yang Kokoh Sejahtera (Towards a Strong and Prosperous Indonesian Society). MAHKOTA is a flexible facility administered by Cardno that is able to respond to Government of Indonesia priorities, provide top Indonesian and international expertise, and allow the Government of Indonesia to take risks with innovating policy. MAHKOTA’s goal is “a comprehensive and equitable social protection system for the whole of Indonesia by 2025.”
About the role
The Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Adviser will provide high quality technical inputs to MAHKOTA, TNP2K and other government stakeholders. This position will also integrate a commitment to gender equality, women’s empowerment and social inclusion into all aspects of the program’s work.
The Terms of Reference containing responsibilities and selection criteria for this position can be downloaded from CLICK HERE
This is a locally engaged position and a competitive salary package will be offered to the preferred candidate in line with local labour laws.
The position is open to Indonesian nationals and permanent residents with authority to live and work in Indonesia.
How to apply
To apply for this position please click the "APPLY" button found on the above link and attach your application with a letter of interest indicating how you meet the requirements of the job and your latest curriculum vitae.
Only applications with the complete document requirements will be considered for further processing.
Please quote the position title in your email subject line.
Applications close 5.00pm, Friday 19 January 2018, Indonesian Time.
Cardno is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to Child Protection in all fields. Any offer of employment will require criminal record checks.