USIP - SSTC Job Vacancy: Coordinator of NCT - SSC Secretariat, Jakarta - Indonesian

Job Title: Coordinator of NCT - SSC Secretariat
Duty Station: NCT-SSTC Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bappenas, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of State Secretariat
Duration: February – July 2018 (6 months)
Project: US-Indonesia Partnership for South-South and Triangular Cooperation

To enhance its capacity for conducting the South-South Cooperation (SSC) programs and activities, Government of Indonesia (GOI) has established the National Coordination Team of SSC (NCT-SSC) which is consist of four major ministries engaged in the management of Indonesia’s SSC.  Since its establishment, NCT-SSC has worked closely with USAID in various manners including: studies for formulating standard operational procedures and guidelines, designing country partnership strategy of Indonesia’s SSC for Timor-Leste, trainings in the area of report writing and journalism.

At the moment, GOI is undergoing the process of establishing a single agency for SSC as mandated by the national development plan (RPJMN).  The single agency is designed to integrate all the current functions of NCT-SSC and will responsible for the Indonesia’s SSC management.  NCT-SSC as well as the inter-ministerial committee is making every effort for launching this new institution within the year 2018.

Under such dynamic circumstances, coordination among the NCT SSC members becomes very crucial.  Considering the inadequate number of human resource within the NCT to carry out the coordinating function, the NCT has established the NCT SSC Secretariat which mainly responsible for coordinating the NCT SSC activities through better flow of information between the NCT members and stakeholders, liaising and providing administrative and substantive assistances to the NCT members. There are 4 personnel employed in the Secretariat, i.e. Coordinator, Liaison Officer (LO) for Working Group (WG) 1, 2 and 3.

As the position of Coordinator has been vacant since January 2018, we are conducting a process of selection to fill in the position. Details on the vacant position are elaborated below.

  • NCT Coordinator:
    • To support the organizing of the NCT-SSC work plan.
    • To recap mandate and master plan of the NCT-SSC program in the context of national and international SSC.
    • To support NCT-SSC to examining the current formal management system and organizational structure of NCT-SS C and Secretariat.
  • To deliver: 
    • Documented (booklet or presentation, etc.) achievements, lessons learnt and performance gaps regarding NCT-SSC’s internal coordination  and cooperation mechanisms (including organizational structure, processes and procedures);
    • Documented (booklet or presentation, etc.) achievements, lessons learnt and performance gaps regarding NCT-SSC’s external coordination and cooperation mechanisms including implementation procedures for South-South and Triangular Cooperation projects;
    • Identifying and categorizing of external NCT-SSC partners on strategic and operational level, national and international (e.g. civil society, academia, private sector, public sector, line ministries, centers of excellence, etc.);
    • A comprehensive short-term and medium-term capacity development program with practicable activities and support interventions to bridge the institutional and operational capacity needs at Secretariat and NCT-SSC level identified in the assessment;
    • Debriefing event for relevant parties;
    • Final report, including executive summary
General Assignment
  • Support the implementation of project activities focusing on achievement of the following results:
    • Work with Working Groups and Project Principal Advisor/National Advisor of USIP-1 in supporting the development and implementation of SSC between the Government of Indonesia and related partners;Prepare and submit activity progress report for Working Groups on a monthly basis and, or by requested, prepare other reports and briefs as required by the Working Groups;Liaise with and act as the link between a variety of stakeholders, specifically the Working Group, partners, experts, civil society and the academic community to ensure that the project achieves the output;
    • Provide information and feedback for stakeholders, specifically from internal NCT-SSC to Working Group and vice versa and to other Working Groups and stakeholders;
    • Support the Working Groups in organizing meetings involving related stakeholders to support the development cooperation agenda, facilitate meeting, and implementing activities, including planning, monitoring and evaluation;
    • Support the Working Groups and Project Principal Advisor/National Advisor of USIP-1 in drafting/ revision of Terms of References (TOR) for specific activities, participation in consultant and evaluation team selection as well as technical support and feedback on the project implementation of Working Group;
    • Prepare and consolidate the procurement plan and implementation for the project in accordance with Government regulation and USAID rules.
  • Support facilitation and knowledge sharing in the area of SSC project, focusing on achievement of following results:
    • Support the design and establishment of information system of SSC projects specifically on the Working Group activities;
    • Generates new ideas and approaches, researches best practices and proposes new, more effective ways of doing things;
    • Support the documentation and systematic filing system of key documents in hard and soft copies according to audit requirement.
  • Assist any duties relevant for the NCT-SSC requested by Head of Technical Team of NCT-SSC and/or Chair and Co–Chair of Working Group
  • Bachelor or Master Degree in international Relations, Political Science, Law, Social Science, Management, Development Studies, Public Policy or relevant discipline;
  • At least five (5) years of experiences in International Development Cooperation (IDC) in developing countries working with governmental and international organizations;
  • Thorough knowledge of and experiences with laws, policies and regulations concerning IDC and SSC, nationally and internationally;
  • At least five (5) years of working experiences with organizational development and institutional change concepts;
  • At least five (5) years of experiences in developing capacity development strategies;
  • At least five (5) years of experiences in carrying out capacity assessments;
  • At least five (5) years of experiences in project/program management;
  • Deep understanding of formal and informal procedures, structures and administration of Government of Indonesia;
  • Proficient in data collection/analysis, report/publication writing and results presentation;
  • Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and English (written and oral communication);
  • Excellent interpersonal and negotiation skills and ability to liaise and communicate effectively in the Government context;
  • Previous professional experience abroad, e.g. Europe, US and/or Asia is an asset.
Please send your cover letter and resume (incl. salary history and expected salary) to by February 9th, 2018 with the subject "VACANCY - Coordinator of NCT - SSC Secretariat"
