Hivos Southeast Asia is an International non-governmental organization guided by humanist values. It aims at structural poverty alleviation with a strong focus on civil society building and sustainable economic development. Hivos Southeast Asia provides financial support for local NGOs, is active in networking, lobbying and exchanging knowledge and expertise.
Title: Consultant for the Establishment of BUMD & BUMDesa under the framework of Sumba Iconic Island Program
Duty Station: Sumba, NTT
Duration: July to September 2018
Sumba Island has been chosen as the Iconic Island of 100% Renewable Energy based on a study conducted by Hivos together with Winrock (in 2010) with the consideration of the island’s low access to energy where electrification ratio on Sumba Island was only 24,55%, while the island is rich in renewable energy potential (water, bioenergy, wind and solar). In November 2012, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Norwegian Embassy in 2013 have also assumed a role in supporting the implementation of Sumba Iconic Island program. In 2015, the program also gained support from the Millennium Challenge Account – Indonesia (MCA-I) through the Green Prosperity program.
The implementation of SII program has a multi-actor approach, which encourages stakeholders in the renewable energy sector contribute to the development of renewable energy on Sumba Island. To support this program, various activities have been implemented, including the development of official documents of SII program-Blueprint, Roadmap, and RUPES (General Plan of Sumba Island Energy Supply)-the establishment of a task force at national and regional level, regular stakeholders meetings, i.e.: Coordination Meeting and National Plenary Meeting conducted two (2) times in each fiscal year, and Steering Committee Meeting for at least once every fiscal year.
There are so many off-grid installations that have been built on Sumba Island which funded by the state budget (APBN/APBD/DAK) or grant in most cases. However, not all installations are able to last long due to several factors like operational and maintenance issues, low level of local human resources’ capacity, lack of after-sales service in remote islands, or lack of business models for the off-grid system. Thus, it is deemed necessary to identify a suitable institutional model as an entity who has the responsibility not only on the operational and maintenance aspect of the installation but also for the sustainability of the infrastructure.
As recommended through several discussions with SII stakeholders, a District-owned enterprise (Badan Usaha Milik Daerah/BUMD) or a Village-owned enterprise (Badan Usaha Milik Desa/BUMDesa) could be an option as an institutional model for the management of renewable energy infrastructure to ensure the sustainability of decentralized/off-grid system in rural/remote communities on Sumba Island
The main objectives of this independent evaluation are:
Prepare for the establishment of:
- District-owned enterprise (Badan Usaha Milik Daerah/BUMD) as an institutional model for the management of renewable energy infrastructure on Sumba Island (on-grid and off-grid);
- Village-owned enterprise (Badan Usaha Milik Desa/BUMDesa) as institutional management model for the off-grid renewable energy installations in the community level.
For more detailed Term of Reference (ToR) information please click the following link: CLICK HERE
Submission date
Proposal will need to be submitted at the latest by 13th July 2018 at 5 pm West Indonesia time (WIB) in electronic format (.pdf) to:
Please put in the email subject:
Consultant SII BUMD/BUMDesa – (Name of Consultant/Consulting Firm)