Hivos Southeast Asia Job Consultant: Video and Photo Documentation for SII - Solar Service, Sumba Iconic Island - Indonesian

We are looking for an experienced and creative consultant for photo and video documentation that will capture the best practices of Sumba Iconic Island (SII) – Solar Service program implementation in various aspects.

The documentation of best practices will not only function as promotional material but will also be beneficial as product knowledge which will be disseminated to broaden public for dissemination and learning purposes.

Proposal Submission:
Proposal will need to be submitted at the latest by 29th September 2018 at 5 pm West Indonesia time (WIB) in electronic format (.pdf) to:

Please put in the email subject:
Consultant Video and Photo Documentation SII – Solar Service (Name of Consultant)

For more detailed Term of Reference (ToR) information please click the following link: CLICK HERE
