GIZ Climate Governance Project Job Vacancy: Advisor on Climate Mitigation, Jakarta - Indonesian

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a German implementing organization which provides services worldwide in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. GIZ has a record of more than 20 years of involvement in the area of climate policy in Indonesia.

GIZ in cooperation with the Direktorat Jenderal Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim (DGCC) of KLHK is currently implementing “Strengthening Climate Governance of Indonesia for Implementing the Paris Agreement” (climate governance) project. The objective is to strengthen the climate change-relevant institutions of the Government of Indonesia in their climate governance capacities and supporting the further development of core elements of the Indonesian climate policy in order to prepare for a successful implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Working towards this aim, the project shall be implemented over approximately 3,5 years clustered into four work areas.

Those are:
  • Strengthening strategic capacity of key actors at national level (KLHK/DGCC and BAPPENAS)  
  • Strengthening inter-ministerial coordination
  • Support effective societal consultation and strengthening of Non-Party-Stakeholders
  • Support international exchange and communication (Externalization)
GIZ seeks a qualified Indonesian candidate for one position of Advisor on Climate Mitigation

  • Support the Senior Advisor to manage project activities in the area of climate mitigation;
  • Provide technical advice to KLHK/DGCC on climate mitigation area, particularly but not limited to implementation of National Determined Contribution (NDC);
  • Provide technical advice in relating NDC to other national development plan documents;
  • Provide technical advice to integrate national mitigation actions to Transparency Framework;
  • Provide technical advice on different elements of climate mitigation actions for example Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) to KLHK/DGCC in accordance with the project goals;
  • Liaison between the project and Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), relevant ministries, sub-national governments as well as other stakeholders such as private sector, civil society organizations, research institutions and media in the area of climate change mitigation;
  • Support the planning and implementation of all activities concerning climate change mitigation aspect in the climate governance project;
  • Provide advice to develop capacity building curricula and facilitate training activities in climate change mitigation aspect for DGCCC, other relevant ministries and sub-national governments in close collaboration with key implementing partners and other related international projects/programs;
  • Assist DGCCC in consultation with Non-Party Stakeholders and external communication to international expert community in the area of climate change mitigation;
  • Provide advice on the framework of innovation and knowledge management and communication of innovation to partners and important stakeholders in the area of climate change mitigation;
  • Assist Senior Advisor to integrate results and experiences to improve synergy on overall activities between the project „Climate Governance” and thematically related GIZ and IKI projects in Indonesia in the area of climate change mitigation;
  • Support liaison with other global GIZ projects on climate change mitigation and enabling Indonesian Government access to global experience and knowledge within those projects;
  • Assist the Senior Advisor in coordination with international climate change communities in the area of climate change mitigation;
  • Writing quarterly newsletter on climate mitigation related insights on Indonesia
  • Preparing events, workshops and conferences

Management and Coordination:
  • Prepare concept, strategy and work plan in the area of climate change mitigation for Climate Governance Project in closed coordination with project counterparts in DGCCC;
  • Support Senior Advisor in defining prioritization of project activities in climate change mitigation area and conduct consultation with relevant project counterparts;
  • Actualize and monitor the planning continuously together with counterparts in climate change mitigation area;
  • Facilitate synchronization between the planning and budgeting system in the climate change mitigation area;
  • Compiles the relevant information for relevant activities and assignments in climate change mitigation area;
  • Conduct climate change mitigation activities in cooperation with the partners, both as regards the organizational preparation and implementation of the activities to ensure the achievement of project objectives, outputs and outcomes;
  • Prepare ToRs for technical consultant works in climate change mitigation area;
  • Support Senior Advisor to supervise technical consultants and interns in climate change mitigation area for supporting project implementation;
  • Set up project monitoring system for climate change mitigation area;
  • Conduct a continuous project monitoring and evaluation in climate change mitigation area;
  • Coordinate preparation of project progress reports in climate change mitigation area;
  • Ensure timely reporting to the Senior Advisor and counterparts in climate change mitigation area;
  • Represent the project to external parties in case of the absence of Principal Advisor and Senior Advisor in climate change mitigation area;
  • Evaluate results of activities in climate change mitigation area and give input/feed-back for better implementation;
  • Uses GIZ’s Capacity Works to manage the projects 
Professional Advisory Services:
  • Advises partner institution(s) on order clarification, identifying needs, developing concepts and strategies, and provides technical input related to climate change mitigation;
  • Participates in identifying needs for external support and advice, works on policy recommendations and develops a strategic approach in climate change mitigation area;
  • Contributes to preparing and implementing the coordination process, joint project/ program activities;
  • Support Senior Advisor to formulate terms of references and selects and supervises third parties in the course of carrying out project/program activities, including performance evaluation;
  • Deals with the design, preparation, and implementation of workshops, seminars and other events on issues related to climate governance particularly in climate change mitigation aspect;
  • Participate in facilitation and moderation when dealing with multi-stakeholders dialogues;
  • Assist Senior Advisor to contribute as resource person for capacity building program in climate change mitigation if necessary;
  • Support the development of quality assurance measures and suggests necessary changes, improvements and initiatives;
  • Assist Senior Advisor to monitor project progress and the activities, reviews reports and documents on the progress of joint programs, identifies bottlenecks and recommends alternative management options to the principal advisor;
  • Responsible for seeing that the services provided by the project are aligned with the partner’s needs.
Networking and Cooperation:
  • Ensure cooperation, regular contact and dialogue with partners, relevant organizations, non-governmental agencies and individuals with other related projects to improve and maintain good working relationships in the area of climate change mitigation;
  • Facilitate access for partners to relevant climate change institutions (national or international) to support the amelioration of climate governance in Indonesia particularly in climate change mitigation area;
  • Travels (abroad) or in the region, in accordance with project requirements
  • Support Senior Advisor in smooth partner relations.
  • Communicate and channel local interest and aspirations and exchange ideas and information for the benefit of the program

Knowledge Management:
  • Compile information about the various national and international Public and private approaches related to the development of various climate change mitigation actions;
  • Develop strategies and technical concept including guidelines, manual, and procedure for different climate change mitigation actions, which are ready to be applied.
  • Prepare report and presentation material.
  • Contribute to the other related reports required by the program Director and GIZ Head Office;
  • Assists with research activities and studies on political issues, which benefit to project implementation and joint programs.
Required qualifications, competences and experience

Formal Education
  • Bachelor/B.S. or Masters/MSc in an area that is related to the project/programme objectives, with a focus on a relevant field
Professional experience
  • 5 - 7 years’ professional experience
Other knowledge, additional competences
  • Very good working knowledge of ITC technologies (related software, phone, fax, email, the internet) and computer applications (e.g. MS Office);
  • Fluent written and oral knowledge of English; German knowledge would be an advantage
  • Focused, proactive and positive working attitude
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a fast-paced office environment, both independently and as part of a global team
  • Excellent interpersonal communication skills, including the ability to encourage collaboration with other programs, international offices, and partners
  • Aware of social and intercultural sensitivities, flexible and possess a sense of diplomacy
  • Adaptable to rapidly changing priorities and able to manage multiple deadlines and deliver high quality work products
  • Willingness to up-skill as required by the tasks to be performed – corresponding measures are agreed with management.
  • Experience in events preparation, coordination and organization
  • Experience in Communication work

Duty Station: Jakarta
Joining Date: January 2019
Direct Supervisor: Senior Advisor of Climate Governance project

Please submit your motivation letter and comprehensive resume (including latest photograph and list of references) to by November 12th, 2018 with subject line Climate Governance – Advisor CM.

Please name your file as follow format:
[Your Complete Name]_[Motivation Letter/CV/Latest Education Certificate] (i.e: Nakula Sadewa_CV or Nakula Sadewa_Motivation Letter or Nakula Sadewa_Reference)

Only short-listed candidates will be notified
