Global Green Growth Institute Job Vacancy: Peatland Development Advisor - Central Kalimantan, Indonesian

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to support and promote strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. It is headquartered in Seoul and has operations in 28 countries. Indonesia is a founding member of GGGI. Since 2013, the Government of Indonesia (GoI), under the leadership of the Ministry for National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), has been working with GGGI to develop strategies and approaches for green growth.

The Peatland Development Advisor (’the Advisor’) will promote and build a broad base of support for a province-wide, peatland restoration and development program in Central Kalimantan that is technically and financially sound; consistent with relevant laws, regulations and policies; socially inclusive; comprehensive in its scope, and of high quality. The program in Central Kalimantan will also serve as a model for other provinces to emulate.

The Advisor will:
  • Identify and engage with key partners and stakeholders in government, the private sector, academia, civil society, and communications media.
  • Provide expert advice and assistance to government counterparts.
  • Build and support partnerships around a jurisdictional platform for REDD+.
  • Develop and lead a communication and outreach campaign in support of the province-wide, peatland restoration and development program in Central Kalimantan and its replicability in other provinces.
  • Contribute to resource mobilization for GGGI’s programming related to peatlands.
The Advisor will manage a complex program, with multiple activities and work streams, including budget supervision, program design and development, resource mobilization, policy advice, partnership development, project monitoring and evaluation. He or she will coordinate inputs of various program staff, including Output-Leads and supervise a number of GGGI staff and consultants.


The Advisor will have four principal responsibilities:
  • Support and facilitate the design, preparation, adoption, and roll-out of a jurisdictional coordination mechanism to enable and support a consistent, province-wide program of peatland hydrological restoration, reforestation, development and protection in Central Kalimantan.
  • Support and facilitate GGGI’s national government partners through a systematic program of communication and outreach aimed at replicating and supporting similar jurisdictional approaches in other provinces.
  • Engage directly with partners and stakeholders, in Central Kalimantan and elsewhere, who are either currently implementing peatland projects or who could otherwise contribute to the objectives of the jurisdictional approach to REDD+.
  • Promote implementation and upscaling of business-based and community-based approaches for peatland restoration, sustainable development and protection, including resource mobilisation.
  • Furthermore, the Advisor will have the following responsibilities as a staff-member of the GGGI Indonesia Country Program:
The Advisor will build relationships with sub-national and national counterparts, as well as with donors, to create a network of collaboration in support of the peatland development program. He or she will also advise GGGI management on effective approaches to build engagement and create further networks of collaboration nationally and internationally.

The Advisor will:
  • Engage with local, national, and international partners from government, private sector and civil society on issues related to GGGI’s activities.
  • Monitor developments and responses to GGGI’s engagement efforts.
  • Advise management on opportunities to improve outreach and promote program awareness.
The Advisor will organize and direct the execution of activities and work streams consistent with program objectives, ensuring and strengthening GGGI’s reputation for quality design and reliable delivery.

The Advisor will:
  • Identify opportunities for engagement and make effective use of media to improve program awareness.
  • Coordinate communications campaigns with programming and funding cycles.
  • Contribute to funding proposals and other resourcing efforts in support of the country program.
  • The Advisor will be based in Jakarta or Palangka Raya, with frequent travel between the two cities and within Central Kalimantan. He or she will report to the Country Representative and work in close collaboration with the GGGI Central Kalimantan Provincial Representative. The Advisor will coordinate closely with the Jakarta-based Forest and Land-use Output-Lead, the Forest and Land-use Investment Specialist, and the Communications Specialist as well as with GGGI staff based in Central Kalimantan.
The primary government counterparts for the work will be provincial government agencies in Central Kalimantan - especially the Governor’s office, the Forestry Service (Dinas Kehutanan), the Environment Service (Dinas Lingkungan Hidup), and the Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA); and at national level the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MOEF), the National Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), the Ministry of Finance (MOF) and the Peatland Restoration Agency (BRG). The newly formed KPH Center, established under the provincial Forestry Service to support and coordinate among forest management units (KPH) is expected to play a key role as part of jurisdictional upscaling of REDD+ in Central Kalimantan. 

The job is expected to entail a substantial amount of travel, including frequent visits to district capitals and field locations within Central Kalimantan and South Kalimantan, other domestic travel within Indonesia, and occasional international travel.

  • Post-graduate education (or equivalent professional experience) in environmental policy, environmental communications, natural resource management, nature conservation, or a related field;
  • At least 15 years of relevant professional experience in Indonesia, including at least 10 years experience in designing or leading environmental or development projects;
  • In-depth knowledge of issues related to tropical peatlands and climate change, including an understanding of REDD+ in Indonesia, and an extensive network of relevant professional contacts;
  • Proven capacity to present analytical work in clear and compelling reports with operational, actionable, recommendations;
  • Strong skills in diplomacy and spoken and written communication in Indonesian and English, with experience in environmental communications and outreach; 
  • Strong organizational and analytical skills;
  • Experience in working for an international environmental or development organization;
  • Experience in forest-based business development or other private-sector engagement would be an advantage;
  • Experience in community-based conservation or development projects would be an advantage;
  • Experience in developing funding proposals for international donors would be an advantage;
  • Experience in Central Kalimantan would be an advantage.
Details of the position and to apply, please click this following link: CLICK HERE

Deadline: 20 November 2018
