GIZ - FORCLIME Project Job Vacancy: District Coordinator and Technical Advisor for Social Forestry - Malinau, North Kalimantan - Borneo

Indonesia holds some of the world’s most extensive and biologically diverse tropical forests. However, exploitative and unsustainable forest management practices, illegal logging and forest fires have severely depleted the forested area. Every year vast areas of natural forest fall victim to the expansion of plantations and mining. Deforestation and the degradation of forests are the cause of Indonesia’s excessive greenhouse gas emissions. The forestry sector therefore plays a key role in the country’s climate change mitigation efforts.

According to government statistics about 37 mio Indonesian people stay in almost 26.000 villages located either within or at the fringe of state forest areas. These local communities shall gain more benefits from the forests through implementation of social forestry (SF) schemes. At the same time the development of a green economy should be encouraged and sustainable supply chains for different forest commodities are promoted.

The GIZ intervention (Forests and Climate Change Programme, FORCLIME, 2009-2020) has the objective to improve the institutional and regulatory framework, necessary for public and private stakeholders to apply methods and services for sustainable forest management, nature conservation and greenhouse gas reduction. Thus, emissions from the forest sector shall be reduced and livelihoods of poor rural communities improved.

The programme consists of four components:
  • National and subnational regulatory framework: Advisory services on forestry and climate policy for the implementation of sustainable forest management and the reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. 
  • Development of Forest Management Units (FMU): Sustainable management and monitoring of forests and involvement of local communities in forest management (implementation of SF-schemes). 
  • Human Capacity Development in cooperation with MoEF training institutions: Practical, needs-based training courses to professionalize the work of the forestry authorities and support other stakeholders.
  • Support of Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve in Central Sulawesi: Biodiversity   conservation and protected areas management in order to ensure good governance.
We seek a qualified Indonesian candidate for:
District Coordinator and Technical Advisor for Social Forestry

The aim of the technical cooperation in Malinau district, North Kalimantan is to improve forest management and introduce Social Forestry approaches coordinated with district planning processes in order to
  • Ensure sustainable forest management
  • Help village communities understand SF and cooperative approaches in planning, implementing and monitoring of sustainable land use systems
  • Improve living conditions of rural communities by means of strengthening local, forest-based economy
  • Enhance biodiversity and reduce carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation
  • Facilitate close cooperation between district government, the FMU Malinau and local communities.
The District Coordinator and Technical Advisor performs the following tasks:

  • As one village in the district already was granted permission for the implementation of a Social Forestry scheme and others might follow these communities further shall be supported. This includes implementation and maintenance of successional agroforestry systems, production, processing and marketing of non-timber forest products (NTFP), development of eco-tourism as well as safeguarding and marketing of other environmental services.  Hence capacities of local farmers shall be strengthened collectively with district authorities, provincial forest service (FMU), non-governmental organizations (NGO, e.g. IPAMA, LP3M and WARSI), national park administration and other stakeholders. Since joint operation of local farmers and land users is of utmost relevance organizational development needs to be encouraged and further facilitated.
  • The GIZ FORCLIME district coordinator shall, in close cooperation with entities as mentioned, facilitate consultation, training and knowledge exchange in order to promote sound and sustainable management of natural resources. Doing so appropriate techniques shall be applied considering the economic, environmental and sociocultural conditions of the region.
Main tasks are:
  • Assist FMU and district authorities to support local communities with application for official approval of Social Forestry-schemes including planning, mapping and demarcation.
  • Assist communities in starting implementation of forest management activities after acknowledgement of SF-scheme. 
  • Support implementation and maintenance of technical management activities like successional agroforestry systems and production of NTFP in cooperation with appropriate partner institutions.
  • Promote ongoing integrated cocoa production in close cooperation with IPAMA extension staff and other non-governmental organizations.
  • Provide necessary technical and organizational support for business development and improve processing and marketing of forest products with relevant district authorities and other stakeholders.
  • Facilitate organizational development of community producer collectives and regional interest groups in order to enhance cooperation and joint business activities.
  • Support FMU in upscaling of proven Social Forestry concepts and assist in organization of knowledge exchange platforms.
Other duties/additional tasks
  • Performs other duties and tasks at the request of the superior
  • Contributes actively to a good working climate and team working within the project
Required qualifications, competences and experience
  • University degree and some years of work experience in forestry or agriculture 
  • Knowledge/practical experience in agriculture, forestry and related topics 
  • Experience in communication, public relations, social media
  • Good English skills (in speaking and writing) 
  • Experience in rural development, community work, organizational development and participatory methods
  • Experience in organizing and conducting training workshops
  • Willingness to work in remote areas
Professional experience
  • At least 5 years’ professional experience in a comparable position.
Other knowledge, additional competences
  • Very good knowledge in English 
  • Very good working knowledge of IT technologies (related software, phone, fax, email, the internet) and computer applications (e.g. MS Office)
  • Experience in the use of social media and internet
  • Good overview of forestry and climate change issues
  • Willingness to acquire new knowledge as required by the tasks to be performed – corresponding measures are agreed with the Principal Advisor
Duty Station: Malinau, North Kalimantan
Joining Date: a.s.a.p.
Direct Supervisor: Strategic Area Manager 2 (Development of Forest Management Units, Susainable orest Management)

Interested candidates should submit a motivation letter, CV, trainings attended and list of references (a must), addressed to The closing date to submit the application letter is on January 5th, 2019

Please indicate your application by putting the following code in the subject line: FORCLIME – DC

Please name your file as follow format:
[Your Complete Name]_[Motivation Letter/CV/Latest Education Certificate] (i.e: Nakula Sadewa _CV or Nakula Sadewa _Motivation Letter or Nakula Sadewa _Reference)

Only short-listed candidates will be notified
